How to use dandelion for weight loss, will it help? Infusions, decoctions and salads from dandelions for weight loss: useful recipes


Strong stems of dandelions - the first sign of spring. When yellow hats are replaced by downy hats, summer comes.

And spring, and summer, and even autumn dandelions can be used for weight loss. Thanks to the recipes of traditional medicine, you can lose from 4-5 kg ​​of excess weight.

Useful properties of dandelion for weight loss

Obesity is a serious medical problem. Therefore, do not rely on the fact that just using dandelion will reduce weight, naively. But if you take yourself seriously, connect a diet, sports, movement, then dandelion decoctions and infusions will facilitate the path to harmony.

The secret is that the products from the leaves and roots of this plant have important properties in losing weight:

• they stimulate the work of the gallbladder, improving digestive processes;

• possess diuretic properties;

• accelerate metabolism;

• normalize the intestines, eliminating constipation and toxins;

• restore acid-base balance;

• tone up the whole body, switching it to normal operation.

Dandelions contain many useful substances for the body: vitamins, minerals, acids, enzymes, antioxidants. Decoctions of the plant help to remove excess water from the body, that is, they fight swelling - one of the main reasons for gaining excess weight and the development of cellulite.

In addition, decoctions of the roots have a pronounced healing property: they break down "bad" cholesterol well and lower blood sugar. For diabetics, this is a healthy way to normalize sugar levels, making it easier to lose weight.

It is important that for some diseases it is forbidden to use dandelions fresh or in the form of decoctions, infusions. You can harm your health if you have the following ailments:

• acute and chronic gastrointestinal diseases;

• chronic diarrhea;

• stones in the bile ducts.

You can not lose weight with allergic reactions to dandelions. It is strictly forbidden to lose weight during pregnancy, as well as during breastfeeding.

Dandelion leaf extract for weight loss

The leaves and roots of dandelions help to reduce weight. Leaves can be used both dried and fresh. It’s easiest to assemble them yourself. It is recommended to do this in spring or early summer, while the plant is still young. The collection is carried out away from sources polluting the environment: away from highways, cities, industrial production.

Dandelion infusion for weight loss is prepared according to a simple recipe.


• twenty grams of dry leaves;

• forty grams of fresh leaves;

• two hundred milliliters of boiling water.

Cooking method:

Wash fresh leaves with cold water. Put the raw materials in a thick-walled dish, pour cool boiling water. Cover the dishes and insulate with a towel. The infusion should stand for at least twelve hours. Then strain it, drink the resulting amount of healing fluid throughout the day in five doses.

Slimming Dandelion Root

A lot of recipes for weight loss are created using dandelion root. This is due to the fact that it is in the underground part of the plant that bitter substances are concentrated that stimulate the flow of bile and normalize the digestive processes, which also reduce sugar.

Raw materials need to be harvested in the fall, during the peak concentration of nutrients. The plant is dug up, the roots are separated, they are washed, the dirt is cleaned. For the preparation of broths use fresh and dried roots.

Here are some of the most popular recipes for dandelion roots for weight loss.

Infusion on the root of dandelion

Fold two tablespoons of dried raw materials or fresh roots into dishes that retain heat well. Previously, the root needs to be cut smaller. Brew a glass of boiling water (250 ml), cover, leave for twenty minutes. Then strain and drink half an hour before meals for a third of a glass.

Dandelion root broth

Ten grams of dried root pour a glass of boiling water, put on a slow fire and simmer for five minutes under the lid. Allow to cool, strain and drink 1/3 cup each meal.

A more concentrated broth is prepared according to another system. Put forty grams of finely chopped dried or fresh root in a saucepan, pour 250 ml of boiling water. Simmer for ten minutes, then wrap and insist for five hours. Drink a filtered drink in the same way: a third of a glass three times a day before meals.

Why do I need to drink a decoction on an empty stomach or before eating? Because in this case, the drink stimulates bile secretion, removes excess fluid from the body. In addition, a mild laxative effect helps to regularly cleanse the intestines, which is also very good for losing weight.

Slimming Dandelion Salad

Fresh dandelion leaves are a great base for making tasty, healthy salads. Moreover, there are a lot of options for this dish, for every taste. To deprive the leaves of characteristic bitterness, dissolve a tablespoon of salt in a liter of cold water and dip dandelion greens in this solution. Salt will draw out bitterness, and you will get wonderful salad greens.

You can cook salads from dandelions for weight loss, not only from the leaves, but also from the flowers of the plant. These should be very young heads.

Vitaminka Salad

Cut a bunch of young dandelion leaves - about sixty grams. Add thirty half of this amount of green onion - thirty grams. Cut a medium-sized cucumber, large bell pepper, five to six radishes. Add a tablespoon of fresh chopped tarragon or cilantro. Mix the ingredients, salt to taste.

Squeeze two boats of lemon juice from the lemon. Combine it with the same amount of any vegetable oil, such as olive, pumpkin or sunflower. Season the salad.

Beetroot salad with beets

Cook or steam medium beets, cool and cut into small cubes or straws. Wash a handful of young dandelion flowers, dry, slightly crush with the tip of a knife, and then finely chop. Chop three slices of garlic with a knife. Combine all ingredients, mix, salt. Season with natural yogurt.

This dandelion salad for weight loss contributes not only to weight loss. At the same time, the dish helps to clean the bile ducts, reduces appetite.

Salad "Radish Balsamico"

Peel the onion, cut into rings, pickle: pour 1 tbsp. l table vinegar, 1 tbsp. l water, add a pinch of salt and sugar, mix, let stand for 10 minutes. Cut a handful of young dandelion flowers. Peel fresh green radish and grate. Squeeze the juice. Combine all the ingredients, season with vegetable oil and balsamic vinegar.

Dandelion Spinach Salad

Boil fresh spinach for 10 minutes, chop. Take a bunch of parsley, arugula, dill, dandelion leaves, 5-6 feathers of green onions, chop. Season with lemon juice and salt, pepper to taste.

Salad with sorrel and dandelions

Wash the leaves of the sorrel with cold water, chop. Add a bunch of coltsfoot, a handful of dandelion leaves. Add chopped fresh cucumber. Mix everything, salt, season with light cream or yogurt.

Salad with Eggs and Dandelions

Cut a pound of young dandelion leaves, a bunch of green garlic, five hard-boiled eggs. Season with salt, two tablespoons of fresh lemon juice, olive oil, pepper to taste.

Slimming dandelions are an affordable, enjoyable, and very beneficial way to lose weight. At the same time, you can heal the body, saturate it with vitamins and minerals, increase immunity and regulate the work of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and kidneys.


Watch the video: What to do with Dandelion & #1 Deadly Mistake to Avoid! (July 2024).