How to make a dandelion from foamiran: a master class with a photo. Do-it-yourself dandelions from foamiran - it's easy!


Not enough flowers at home? Do you want something sunny? Make yourself a sunny flower of foamiran. To do this, you need a little magic, a little skill and a bit of desire.

How to make a dandelion from foamiran

For this we need:

1. Chinese foamiran yellow and light green (in any case, any other foamiran may be suitable)

2. Hot glue (second also will be suitable)

3. Toothpick or orange stick

4. Scissors

5. The wire

6. Tape tape (floristic tape)

7. Iron

Step 1. Cut off a strip of yellow foamiran of 1.5 - 2 centimeters. The longer the strip, the more magnificent the dandelion will be. For a bud, you need a strip of 5 centimeters, and for an opened flower, 20-25 centimeters.

Step 2. Using scissors, you need to make a fringe from a strip. For this, thin parallel strips should be cut without cutting to the edge. The thinner the strips, the more natural and beautiful the flower will be.

Step 3. If the color is not bright enough or you want more shades, then you can paint the fringe using pastel. You need to wet a cotton swab (or take a damp cloth) and rub it against the chalk, after which, using smooth movements along the workpiece, “tint” it.

Step 4. To make the petals of the flower more real they need to be processed on the iron. It should be without steam. Once the iron is hot enough, you need to attach a strip to the iron and wait until the strip begins to lag behind the iron. While the fringe is warm, you need to rub it between your palms. So that it is a little folded in some places.

Step 5. Now you need to take the wire, it should be quite rigid. If its density is not enough, then twist it several times. Wrap the wire with floral tape, pulling it tightly. Next, you should expand the workpiece so that the strips stick out from you. Spread one of the edges with glue and attach the wire. It is necessary to wrap and constantly glue, do not spare the glue! (Note that the fringe sticks out, not in)

Step 6. Using a stencil, cut out a cruciform sepal from green foamiran. (they should be wide enough (0.7-1 centimeters) and about 1.5 centimeters long, there should be notches at the ends of the sepals.) This will be the sepals for the bud

Step 7. A fluffy dandelion needs another sepal. From a green foamiran we cut out a circle. We make denticles along the edge.

Step 8. To make the flower seem real, use the pastel to tint the edges with swamp green chalk. You can also add blue and brown. (Toning in different places) - optional

Step 9. What is characteristic of all flowers is leaves. And the dandelion has leaves. We cut out an elongated sheet with a height of 15 centimeters, and make denticles of different heights along the edge.

Step 10. On the iron should process all the workpieces. A cruciform sepal should be attached to the iron (until it begins to lag behind the hot iron), then you need to press down with your finger in the middle until all parts of the sepal rise. A round sepal just needs to be put on some spherical object (or also pressed down in the middle). A simple sheet should be pulled out, folded in half and bent from the bend by an arc.

Step 11. Using glue, you need to glue the cruciform sepals to the buds (short strips), round to lush dandelions, and glue a leaf to each pedicel.


1. When working with foamiran, do not stretch it too much. Some foamiran stretches well, and some not very. But don't overdo it. Need to draw on its quality.

2. In order not to get burned while working with the iron, you can hold it with a stick or tweezers.

3. For tinting, it is better to use oil pastels. Its quality is more "waxy", another pastel crumbles.

4. In addition to pastels, you can use acrylic paints (but only after the iron, otherwise it will end)

5. If you overexpose the foamiran on the iron, it will curl up and greatly decrease.

6. Only white foamiran and any materials for tinting are available.

7. You can use a candle or a lighter to heat the foamiran, the main thing is not to overexpose, so as not to gum the material.

8. Bulks can be used to shape the foamiran.

9. To make a bulka, you need to attach a bead to a long skewer (they can be of different sizes)

10. Dandelions can be used not only as an interior decor, but also as a decoration. You can make a brooch, a hairpin, decorate an elastic band, stick it to a hairpin, make a rim or a wreath and so on ...

11. Also they can be used as a decor for a notebook, album, decorative elements are very necessary in scrapbooking.

12. An interesting solution would be to paste over a mug with dandelions, which will be a great gift.

13. As well as a memorable gift, you can give a magnet decorated with dandelions.

14. Of these, you can make a panel or picture, complementing it with any decorative elements.

15. No smart wrapping paper? It is easy to decorate it yourself! Take cheap craft paper, pack a gift. Glue a few dandelions on top. This will be a pleasant surprise for the recipient.

Such flowers can be a great decoration in the kitchen, in the hallway, in the bedroom or in the guest room. But for this they must be turned into a composition, to create an image. "Cut this uncut diamond."

How to make a composition of dandelions

We will need:

1. A small jar (a glass from under toothpicks will do)

2. Sisal (or any other material imitating grass)

3. Dandelions

4. Decorative small apple

5. Hot glue (universal glue also works, second glue will not work)

6. Ruler

7. Foamiran

8. Scissors

9. Gypsum (building)

10. Water

11. A piece of foam

Step 1 Mix the gypsum and water in a proportion of 2 (gypsum) to 1 (water). Pour into the prepared jar not completely (2 centimeters to the edge)

Step 2 Measure the height of your jar and mark it on the foamiran. After that, you need to wrap the jar with foamiran to find out the length of the strip. Choose the color of foamiran to your taste and color (for example: the color of the room, the color of dandelions that are available, and so on ...).

Step 3 Cut the strip to the appropriate size. And cut a thin strip of 1-1.5 centimeters wide, and long equal to a wide strip.

Step 4 Glue the jar with foamiran and glue a thin strip along the upper edge.

In the absence of the right vessel, you can purchase a ready-made plastic or ceramic pot. In the future, it can be decorated with ribbon or lace.

Step 5 Trim the foam cans by volume. And stick it inside.

Step 6 Now you need to imitate the grass. The easiest way is to fluff up the sisal and stick to the foam. But! If for objective reasons you do not have it, then there are two more options. First: stick velvet paper. Second: finely chop the green foamiran, cover the foam with glue (leaving holes for the flowers) and sprinkle with green “powder”

Step 7 Glue dandelions into the prepared holes.

Step 8 Add a decorative ornament, in this case an apple. You can also glue a ladybug or butterfly.

So in a short time you can create a universal decor that will add a warm atmosphere and a drop of sunshine to your home. Not for nothing, dandelion is considered a sunny flower. Do it! Do it! Dream!
