Pies with mayonnaise and sour cream - gently! We prepare bulk and closed pies with mayonnaise and sour cream with different fillings


Homemade pies with mayonnaise and sour cream. There are a lot of recipes and each one is good in its own way. The point of adding sour cream is to smooth out the effect of mayonnaise a little, the pies in this case are more rich. If you mean adding these components to the filling, then you should not guess - this is done in order to enhance its juiciness. In such a simple way, you can turn even minced meat from a rough boiled beef liver into a tender filler, and as for the other fillings, they will also win.

Recipes for pies with mayonnaise and sour cream - the general principles of homemade baking

For homemade cakes in the form of pies with mayonnaise and sour cream, there are plenty of recipes. Basically, these products are added to the dough to add tenderness and muffin to it, but often they prepare juicy meat or fish fillings with them.

Sour cream. Product selection is based primarily on quality and freshness. If sour cream needs to be added to the dough, you can take a stale product, but only fresh sour cream is suitable for the filling. Sour-milk product must be high-quality and natural, without additives that extend the shelf life. It is worth considering its fat content - it is undesirable to cook the dough on a high-calorie product. Ideally, 20% sour cream is suitable for it, but you can take 15%.

Mayonnaise. You need to approach his selection, as well as sour cream. It is undesirable to use an excessively fatty product in any case. The dough may not work, and the filling will be too high in calories.

The dough for pies on mayonnaise with sour cream can be both steep and rare, it all depends on the specific recipe. When preparing it, it is necessary to strictly observe the kneading rules and the recommended temperature conditions. The proportions of the products should also not be violated, you can only change the proportions of sour cream and mayonnaise, but be sure to keep their total number.

Bulk pie with mayonnaise and sour cream: a recipe with canned fish filling


a glass of sour cream and mayonnaise;

six full spoons of flour;

a spoonful of dry soda;

three eggs;

large boiled potato;

a small bunch of young onions (feathers);

can of saury in oil.

Cooking method:

We measure the flour according to the recipe, sift it into a dry bowl. Add and mix well the ripper, use a whisk for greater uniformity.

In a separate bowl we combine mayonnaise with the whole portion of sour cream. Pour the loose eggs, half a spoonful of salt, beat well.

Pour a third of the flour mixture into the liquid base. Mix thoroughly until smooth. Add the rest of the flour and mix everything well again, break the lumps with a light whipping. We give the finished test to stand up to a quarter of an hour.

Cooking the filling. We spread the fish from the can, gently break the pieces, remove the ridges, knead the pulp with a fork. On a coarse grater we rub potatoes. Add mashed fish and finely chopped onions to it. We remove large spices from the oil remaining in the jar, pour it over the fish and stir the stuffing well. We take the sample and, if necessary, add salt.

Finely rub the bottom and walls of the mold with vegetable oil. Sprinkle it with flour and turn it over to remove its excess. We put a little more than half the dough into the form, carefully lay out the fish filling on it and fill it with the rest of the dough.

We stand the fish cake in the oven, before checking for readiness, 45 minutes.

Canadian closed pie with mayonnaise and sour cream: a recipe with turkey filling


butter, high-fat oil - 175 gr.;


half a glass of sour cream;

125 gr. mayonnaise;

wheat flour - 375 gr.

To the filling:

turkey fillet - 700 gr.;

250 gr boiled ham;

a bunch of dill;

30 gr peeled pistachios;

one carrot;

half a glass of chicken stock;

dry wine, white - a little more than half a glass;

four boiled eggs;

a spoon of "fast" gelatin, in granules.

Cooking method:

Cut the butter and put it in a bowl. Sifting through a sieve, add flour to it. Chop until small crumbs are obtained. We break the egg, salt a little, knead the homogeneous, not sticky to the palms, dough. We collect it in a ball, put it in a bag and put it away for half an hour in the cold.

Grind the turkey into minced meat. Add to it the ham, chopped into small cubes and chopped dill. Finely chop the pistachios, spread to the minced meat. Salt a little, without excess pepper. Add mayonnaise with sour cream and mix everything thoroughly.

Cut the carrots into thin short sticks. Fry until soft in vegetable oil.

Separate about a third from the chilled dough and roll out most of it into a layer with a thickness of at least 7 mm. We cover the dough with a greased form so that it also lines the sides.

Distributing in a uniform layer, spread a third of the stuffing on the dough. We lay the halves of eggs on it, with the convex side up. We spread carrots and minced meat on them.

Roll out the rest of the dough. We cover the filling with this layer, and, pinching tightly along the edges, fasten with the lower layer. In the center we make a small hole.

Lubricate the surface of the cake with whipped yolk and place in the oven. We bake at 175 degrees, the cooking time is half an hour.

While the cake is baking, prepare the filling. Pour gelatin with cool water, as soon as the granules swell, decant the excess water, and dissolve the gelatin in a hot broth. Add wine, stir well and let cool a little.

We get the pie, cool a little and pour the gelatinous mass through the hole. Cool until the gelatin layer thickens.

Express pie with mayonnaise and sour cream: recipe with chicken and raw potatoes


fat sour cream - 80 gr.;

exactly 320 gr. flour;

perfect eggs - 2 pcs.;

separately one yolk;

soda - a third of a spoon;

70 gr. mayonnaise.

To the filling:

chicken legs - 300 gr.;

three small potatoes;

250 gr low-fat cottage cheese;

two small onions;

three tablespoons of highly refined, lean oil.

Cooking method:

Wash the legs, dry, carefully remove the skin, cut the meat from the bones. Cut the fillet into small pieces.

Finely chop the onion, pass it until transparent in vegetable oil. Having cooled, we spread to the chicken, here also three large potatoes. Add a little pepper, slightly salt and mix well all the components of the meat filling.

In a bowl, with mayonnaise and sour cream, pour eggs, add soda and beat well. Pouring portioned flour, slowly knead the dough. Divide it in two and roll it thinly.

The bottom and walls of a small form are rubbed with vegetable oil. We spread one of the layers of dough, slightly wind it on the sides. We distribute the filling as evenly as possible, close it with a second layer and tightly pinch the seams.

Beat the yolk, grease the pie on top of it. Bake at 200 degrees, about half an hour.

Pie with mayonnaise and sour cream: a recipe for cabbage charlotte


a pound of juicy white chick;

150 gr. mayonnaise;

a spoon of fine salt;

four tablespoons of flour;

sour cream, fat content not lower than 20% - 100 g .;

spoon, without a hill, sugar;

4 chicken eggs;

a small bag of factory baking powder.

Cooking method:

Thinly chop the cabbage, trim the strips a bit, they should not turn out long. We spread the cabbage straws in a bowl, slightly add salt and crush them with our hands to become softer.

Beat eggs with mayonnaise and sour cream. Add sugar, ripper and salt, whisk again. Add the sifted flour and, slowly stirring, prepare a rare homogeneous dough. It is allowed to beat slightly if the lumps of flour cannot be stirred.

We rub the bottom and walls of a deep form into a thin layer with oil and spread cabbage into it. Pour dough on top, level out our future pie.

Bake, placed in a hot oven, remove after 40 minutes. We confirm the readiness of the product using the "dry match" method.

Meat pie with mayonnaise and sour cream: a quick baking recipe


"Poshekhonsky" or "Kostroma" cheese - 100 gr.;

75 gr. thin sour cream;

large eggs - three pieces;

250 gr white, high-grade flour;

homemade mayonnaise, or purchased "European" - 3 tablespoons;

soda - 1/2 tsp;

a spoon of vinegar.

For filling:

mixed low-fat mincemeat - 250 gr.;

medium onion;

50 gr non-aromatic oil;

any spices (optional);

200 gr. fresh medium-sized champignons.

Cooking method:

We spread all the products intended for the test on the table in advance. Warm up at room temperature for at least an hour.

Pour three eggs into a wide bowl, beat, bringing to homogeneity, and grate cheese to them coarsely. Add mayonnaise, sour cream and sifted flour twice. Having quenched soda with vinegar, pour the mixture and mix. There should be no lumps in the test.

Cooking the filling. In a frying pan heated with oil, put small slices of onion. While stirring, we pass on low heat for five minutes. Add finely chopped mushrooms, continue cooking until lightly browned. We spread the minced meat to the mushrooms and fry, kneading the lumps, for seven minutes. At the end, season the filling with pepper, add salt to taste, transfer to a bowl and cool well.

Rub the deep form with oil. For reliability, you can sprinkle the oil layer with flour or small semolina. Pour two-thirds of the dough into the container, spread the filling evenly on top. Fill the second part of the dough and place the form in the oven.

We bake a meat pie with mushrooms at 200 degrees, about half an hour.

Berry pie with mayonnaise and sour cream: a recipe for sweet pastries


a glass of sugar;

120 gr. flour;

a third of a glass of dry starch;

three eggs;

half a cup of 20% sour cream and low-fat mayonnaise;

fine salt - an incomplete spoon;

half a teaspoon of soda;

table, 9%, vinegar - 1.5 tsp.

To the filling:

a pound of fresh berries of raspberries, currants, cherries or blueberries;

100 gr. sugar

two tablespoons of starch.

Cooking method:

Pour the eggs into the sugar poured into the bowl, add salt and rub it thoroughly - a white mass should be obtained. We spread sour cream and mayonnaise in it, stir until smooth.

Sifting flour, combine it with starch. Then, in small portions, we introduce the mixture into the liquid mass and mix thoroughly. At the end, we add the slaked soda in vinegar.

Pour half the dough into a well-oiled, sprinkled with small semolina form. Place it in the hot oven for ten minutes.

During this time, you can prepare the filling. We wash the berries, we recline in a colander. Strain all the water, put in a bowl and mix with sugar and starch.

When the dough in the form is baked halfway - it will set well, but will not yet brown, put the berry filling on it. Carefully level it over the entire surface and fill in all the dough that you have left.

We put the pie back into the oven, bake until the top is browned, about a quarter of an hour. We check readiness with a dry splinter - it is enough to pierce only the top layer of the pie.

Tips for recipes for pies with mayonnaise and sour cream and useful tips for cooking them

Before adding flour, be sure to pass it through a sieve several times. This will enrich it with air, and the baking will be more magnificent.

If you need to add a quick-ripper to the dough, sift it with flour, so it will disperse more evenly.

The melted butter, before mixing with the rest of the components, need to cool well. Introduced hot, it will ruin the baking, which will turn out to be heavy and non-porous.

Be sure to lubricate the molds well with oil, this will facilitate the removal of the finished product. For reliability, a layer of oil can be slightly crushed with flour or sprinkled with small semolina.


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