Is it possible to eat a watermelon with seeds: facts that not everyone knows about. Useful and harmful properties: is it possible to eat a watermelon with seeds?


Watermelons are loved by both children and adults for their sweetness and freshness. However, most people spit bones in the process of eating, believing that they cause their body some harm. In fact, they do it completely in vain, since the bones have many useful properties, and they have no less advantages than flesh.

Let's try to figure out whether it is possible to eat a watermelon with seeds, and what benefit or harm can be derived from this?

Is it possible to eat a watermelon with stones: general information

Most often, after eating a delicious watermelon slice, we throw the crusts along with the seeds into the bin. As it turned out, it was completely in vain, because we ourselves are getting rid of the most useful and most valuable product that could help our body in the fight against a large number of ailments.

Watermelon bones - this is what we, after eating the berry itself, pay the least attention, trying to get rid of them as soon as possible and trying not to bite. Often in such cases the question arises: is it possible to bite them or swallow them at all, do the seeds carry any kind of threat to the human body? Indeed, sometimes this, albeit by accident, still happens. Many since early childhood recall how adults told them that it was impossible to swallow seeds, because then they would "grow a watermelon in their stomach."

In fact, this is far from true, nothing bad will happen to a person if he suddenly swallows several watermelon seeds, and even vice versa - it will bring considerable benefits to his body! Do not believe? Now we will convince you of this!

What is the taste of watermelon seeds? It is partly similar to the sunflower "brothers", but peanuts would be a better option.

Since ancient times, the seeds of watermelon have traditionally been used in the cuisines of the Middle East and Asia, they are quite popular in some African countries, namely in Sudan, Egypt and Nigeria. They learned to make flour and butter from them. But their main purpose still remains a snack, eating them without a shell. Also quite common option is their drying and roasting. In the end, you can get a product with a lot of nutrients, which can become a worthy alternative to the usual harmful chips or salty sticks.

Most people still believe that watermelon seeds should not be consumed, if only for the reason that they can cause inflammation of the appendix. This stereotype was inspired by him since childhood, and still all people try to spit out all the bones, despite the fact that it is not very convenient. In fact, this stereotype has long been refuted by medicine, but most people still believe in it. Of course, in theory, seeds can cause appendicitis, but the probability of this fact is so low that you should not even focus on this.

Is it possible to eat a watermelon with stones: benefits

As we mentioned above, the bones of this delicious berry have many useful properties. We offer to understand in more detail, why are they so useful?

1. Several dried 1/3 watermelon seeds are composed of protein, which allows them to have a large number of amino acids in their composition, which, in turn, play a crucial role in the growth and development of muscle tissue. In addition, they take part in the synthesis of the energy necessary for the body. The most useful amino acid present in the seeds is arginine. It is very important for good heart function, helps in regulating blood pressure and reduces the risk of heart ischemia several times.

2. Tryptophan, glutamic acid and lysine also play an important role among the amino acids that are present in watermelon seeds. 100 g of product contains about 30 g of protein, which equates to 60% of the required daily allowance for the human body.

3. Watermelon seeds contain a large amount of fat, namely in 100 g of the product - 51 g. Among them, Omega-6, which is able to reduce high blood pressure, should play a special role.

4. At the same time, the seeds are distinguished by a high content of B vitamins, which play a large role in the transformation of food consumed by a person into the energy necessary for him. 100 g of the product contains 3.8 mg of niacin, which is 19 days old. Niacin is of great value because it has a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract, has a significant effect on the health of the skin.

5. Also of great importance in the benefits of these seeds is the rich mineral composition. 100 g of the product contains 556 mg of magnesium, which is 139% of the daily value. Magnesium plays an important role in regulating blood pressure, promotes the absorption of carbon and reduces the level of sugar in the blood.

6. Other useful trace elements are present in varying amounts in this product, such as potassium, copper, zinc, phosphorus, manganese, and iron.

7. Of great importance is the presence of dietary fiber in the seeds, which has a positive effect on the digestive system.

Is it possible to eat a watermelon with stones: harm

In addition to many positive qualities and advantages in the use of watermelon seeds, you can find some minor minuses. Yes, eating seeds is no doubt beneficial. But not everyone.

For example, citrulline is present in the product. This amino acid, when decomposed in the human body, promotes the release of ammonia, which cannot be called a useful substance. Ammonia is unlikely to cause a lot of problems to a healthy person and will probably leave the body with urine. But in the event that a person has a kidney or bladder disorder, citrulline can harm the body.

For this reason, people who have kidney problems or who suffer from citrullineemia, the use of watermelon seeds is highly undesirable. The same applies to pregnant women, nursing mothers and children up to three years.


Watch the video: If You Open a Watermelon and See This, Throw It Out! (June 2024).