DIY summer costume for a boy: what creative can you come up with? How to create a summer costume for a boy: master class


In almost all kindergartens, seasons are arranged, and summer is no exception. Every mom wants to make a summer costume for the boy with his own hands, so that it is unique. We will give you some ideas for the unique image of your little son.

If in the near future you have to visit the summer carnival, you must definitely make a summer costume for the boy with your own hands, so that he becomes the star of the matinee.

For the holiday of summer, you can come up with many colorful costumes, starting with bugs and ending with summer berries. For all people, summer is associated with bright colors of fabric that are useful for tailoring a suit.

What summer costume for a boy can mom sew with her own hands, without seamstress skills? We will consider the top three unique and sophisticated costumes

DIY costume for a boy - “soldier bug”

● To sew a dress, we need:

● two plastic bottle caps with a wide neck;

● fabric in white, black and red;

● knitted hat with black woolen thread;

● 30 cm wire;

● two large foam balls;

● black paint;

● one cardboard sheet of red color;

● adhesive tape with a double-sided base;

● needle, thread, scissors and knife.

Sewing process:

1. We take foam balls and carefully cut them a little less than half. The resulting balls are painted in black, so that the middle, the so-called “pupil”, remains white. Dry and glue to the main ones. So we got the eyes.

2. We cut the wire into two equal parts and paint it in black. We will get two antennae of 15 cm each. Glue red buboes to the ends, in size they should be 5 times smaller than the eyes.

3. From the red cardboard we cut out the mouth of our bug. only your imagination is already working here.

4. We sew or glue all received elements to a hat.

So the head of a beetle soldier turned out.

5. We take white and black fabric and cut out the wings of a drop-shaped form. The length of the wings is selected in accordance with the growth of the child. Fold them face to face and sew. The wings are sewn to the collar of the jacket.

6. On the outside of the wings we sew in strips of wave-like shape, having prepared them in advance from red fabric.

We put on the child all the attributes we get a unique “soldier bug”

DIY summer costume for a boy “Merry watermelon”

Watermelon is a juicy and tasty berry that, like nothing else, reminds us of warm summer days. This costume will highlight your child among other kids with more traditional outfits.

Today, you can buy a suit in any online store, but it is better if mom sews a summer suit for her son with her own hands. It will be more pleasant for the kid to dress his mother’s suit.

So, we start sewing.

For a full-fledged costume, we need a jumpsuit and a beret. For sewing, light green and dark green crepe satin are better. Also, you can not do without scarlet chiffon and a narrow white satin ribbon. Do not forget to prepare black cardboard and a long zipper.

To start, we sew overalls. We do not provide exact sizes, as each baby is individual. Therefore, measure your child yourself and make a pattern. To pattern, you need to measure:

● waist circumference;

● hip circumference;

● girth of arms and legs.

You can do something else - take any jumpsuit that your child wears, attach to the fabric a light green color and outline it.

So that the suit is not frayed, then make an additional allowance. When we attach the legs and sleeves to the elastic, our “watermelon” will become chubby.

In the sides and sleeves of the suit we insert scarlet chiffon inserts. We connect the joints with the main material with a white satin ribbon. After that, we sew dark green stripes on the light green fabric. Sew them vertically to the floor. Thus, we will give our costume a more natural look.

At the neck we place a large collar. It should look like a watermelon slice. For splendor, it is necessary to insert an elastic band throughout the cut. On the back, the lobule will fasten on a snake.

From black cardboard we cut out watermelon stones. It is advisable if they are of different sizes. To make them look natural, open them with colorless varnish. We fix them on scarlet fabric with ordinary PVA glue.

On the head of our “watermelon” will be taken from the scarlet satin. You can decorate with a dark green watermelon strip.

Here's a suit we get

All guests of the matinee will not pass by your baby.

DIY summer costume for a boy - “Good bumblebee”

The costume consists of a yellow-black jumpsuit, wings and a headdress with a mustache.

If you can not find the finished black fabric in a yellow strip, then you can do it yourself. To do this, take the black fabric and wash on it wide stripes of yellow fabric. The ideal width of the strips is 3-4 cm, not forgetting the allowances for the seams, 10 ml on each side.

You can take the yellow fabric and draw black stripes with black gouache. To prevent the paint from dripping and rinsing off, add a couple of drops of PVA glue.

We cut out overalls, or rather its parts.

The drawing shows the lines along which it is necessary to stitch a simple elastic band, only in the stretched position. Thus we will give our bumblebee a natural body. Then we:

● grind the side seams of the overalls and overcast;

● grind middle seams and overcast;

● grind stepping seams and overcast.

● We bend the upper sections of the overalls at such a distance so that the elastic can be stretched;

● we pass an elastic band in the upper part of overalls;

● bend the jumpsuit at the bottom.

On the back middle seam, we set up Velcro - Velcro. It is better to adjust with a continuous strip so that the jumpsuit does not unfasten at a crucial moment.

From black fabric we make two straps. Choose the length for your child, and the width is approximately 6-7 cm. We fold the strips face inward and grind along the edge. Do not forget to leave a hole to turn out the finished strap. At the end, the straps are well ironed and sewn to the back. The straps on the front will be fastened with large buttons. It is better to choose buttons according to the color of the overalls so that they do not stand out much from the main suit.

For the manufacture of wings, we need a wire and a translucent fabric in the form of a capron, chiffon or organza.

You can make wings on an independent pattern by connecting your imagination. Then, according to the finished pattern, bend the wire. On the same pattern, cut out a translucent fabric, adding one centimeter on each side for seams.

In the center of the wings we set up two strips of Velcro. To decorate the wings, you can use various beads, beads, glass beads or simply paint with paints.

The antennae are made of cardboard. To do this, cut a strip of cardboard, the width of which is 3-4 cm, and the length is 10-13 cm, depending on the volume of your child’s head, do not forget about two centimeters for allowance.

We connect the resulting cardboard strip into a ring and glue it. We pass two antennae symmetrically to the head and fix it well.

The antennae can be wrapped with corrugated black paper or painted with black paint. We bend the antennae and now our “Good Bumblebee” is ready.

If your baby will go on holiday in one of the above costumes, then, believe me, he will not be left without attention of other children, parents and carers.


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