Hair has become brittle: will treatment at home help? Brittle hair: treatment at home in many ways


Beautiful hair is a parameter that allows you to determine the level of human health. Split and brittle curls are an alarm.

The problem must be eliminated not only from the inside, but also from the outside. Home remedies are much better than store analogues due to the lack of chemical components.

The causes of brittle hair

Expensive curl care products are not a guarantee that your hair will not break.

Many factors influence the occurrence of a problem:

• use of a hair dryer, curling iron, styler, etc .;

• washing your hair with high temperature water;

• comb with metal and plastic teeth;

• frequent use of fixative agents;

• crushing hairpins and rubber bands;

• coloring and perm.

Often, hair begins to break due to problems with the intestines, hormones, etc. Bad habits also affect the condition of curls. Sometimes the cause of fragility is improperly selected care products. After finding a problem, you can try changing shampoo and balm after consulting with your pharmacist.

Treatment of brittle hair at home: diet

For healthy hair, you can not do without proper balanced nutrition. It is necessary to give preference to food with a large amount of protein. In the diet, you need to add more foods enriched with vitamins of groups A, E and B.

You need to eat as many fruits and vegetables as possible. Hair health depends on the daily consumption of meat, eggs and dairy products. Several times a week you need to pamper yourself with fish and other seafood. Do not ignore cereals. A couple of slices of whole grain bread and 50 grams of brown rice are enough to satisfy the daily norm.

Brittle hair at home is treated and cleansing the body of toxins. It is necessary to refuse harmful products: fast food, sweets, soda, etc. Smoked and fried foods also negatively affect the condition of the hair, destroying them from the inside. Strong drinks - tea and coffee dehydrate the body and exacerbate the problem. It is recommended to drink plain water, fruit drinks or fruit drinks in an amount of at least 1.5 liters per day.

Nuts and seeds improve the hair structure. They contain healthy zinc, copper and silicon. The last element is in excess in kohlrabi, radish and celery. Eating salads with bright vegetables will save you from the problem of brittle hair. Beta-carotene from carrots is converted in the body to vitamin A, which builds building blocks to strengthen curls.

Treatment of brittle hair at home: the best masks

Mask of olive oil, avocado and banana


• olive oil - 20 ml;

• avocado oil - 40 ml;

• banana - 1 pc.;

• yolk - 2 pcs.

The oils are combined and heated in a water bath to a temperature of 70 ° C. Banana is kneaded to a state of gruel. It is mixed with yolks and butter. The mask is applied to the hair. The head is sealed with a film and wrapped with a towel. It is advisable to keep the product on your hair all night. In the morning, the curls are washed with water and rinsed with a decoction of dry chamomile.

Sea buckthorn oil mask


• sunflower oil - 3 tbsp. l .;

• sea buckthorn oil - 1 tbsp. l

The components are heated in a water bath to the optimum temperature and applied to the hair. A plastic cap and a towel are put on his head. The exposure time is 2 hours. For severely damaged hair, the duration of the procedure is increased and the mask is left overnight. In the morning, wash your hair with shampoo.

Mask with cottage cheese, cream and honey


• village cottage cheese - 50 g;

• fat cream - 25 ml;

• bee honey - 2 tbsp. l .;

• yolk - 2-3 pcs.;

• Mandarin essential oil - 2 drops.

All ingredients except oil are placed in one dish, where they are thoroughly mixed and whipped with a blender. Mandarin oil is added to the homogeneous mass. The mixture is placed in a water bath and heated to 50 ° C. First, half the mask is applied to the roots of curls and aged 10 minutes. The rest is distributed to the rest of the hair. After that, a hat and a towel are put on. For five minutes, the head warms up with a hairdryer, turned on at low power. At the end of the procedure, the hair is washed with baby shampoo without additives.

The treatment of brittle hair at home: shampoos

It is easier to cure brittle hair at home if you replace a regular shampoo for washing your hair with a home-made product. It, in combination with masks, will nourish and heal curls.

Shampoo with vodka and lavender oil


• vodka - 0.5 cups;

• water - 0.25 cups;

• yolk - 2 pcs.;

• lavender oil - 2-3 drops;

• ammonia - 1 tsp.

The alcoholic beverage is diluted with water and mixed with other ingredients. The finished shampoo is distributed over the curls and left for 20 minutes. It is washed off with running warm water. If the aroma of ammonia is not washed, then you can additionally rinse ringlets with water and lemon juice. From washing with such a shampoo, the hair will become flowing and alive.

Shampoo with Castilian Soap and Aloe Vera


• liquid Castilian soap - 60 ml;

• aloe vera juice - 60 ml;

• aromatic oil with a favorite smell - 2 drops;

• sunflower oil - 2 tsp;

• liquid glycerin - 1 tsp.

The components are placed in one dish and mixed. Ready shampoo is poured into a glass or plastic container. The volume is approximately 250 ml. The amount is enough for a week. Before each washing and treatment of brittle hair at home, the product must be shaken.

Gelatin Shampoo


• edible gelatin - 1 tbsp. l .;

• warm water - 80 ml;

• apple vinegar - 5 ml;

• Neroli essential oil - a few drops.

Gelatin is soluble in water. Vinegar is added to the mixture and set aside for an hour. At the end of time, the gelatin solution is thoroughly mixed and filtered through a sieve. Oil is added to the mass and the shampoo is ready. It is applied to curls, the head is gently massaged, after which the composition is left for 10 minutes. Hair is washed well with water.

The treatment of brittle hair at home: other means

Care for problem curls should be comprehensive. There are many ways to do this easily at home.

Nutritious cream


• lanolin - 2 tbsp. l .;

• glycerin - 1 tsp;

• castor oil - 3 tbsp. l .;

• peach oil - 1 tsp;

• over-melted pork fat - 1 tbsp. l .;

• apple vinegar - 1 tsp;

• shampoo that does not contain SLS - 1 tsp;

• water - 100 ml.

The first five components are stacked in a glass bowl and melted in a water bath. To the creamy mass add vinegar and shampoo with continuous stirring. After achieving uniformity, hot water is poured into the mixture and does not cease to interfere. The finished cream is transferred to a jar and stored on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator.

Apply cream to brittle hair washed and towel-dried. Home treatment is carried out in two tablespoons at a time. To improve the effect, you can add one egg to them. The composition is evenly distributed throughout the hair and insulated. The exposure time is 30 minutes. After the hair is washed with shampoo and balm. It is recommended to rinse the curls with mint infusion. It will make hair fragrant, shiny and silky.

Aroma combing

It nourishes brittle hair well by applying a few drops of essential oil to the brush before combing. The best effect is exerted by plant-based products - ylang-ylang, geranium, orange, sandalwood and rosewood.

Vitamin Care

Pharmacy vitamins in liquid form can be added to shampoos and balms or used for evening rubbing into the scalp. For these purposes, you need to purchase vitamins of groups E, B and A in capsules.

The treatment of brittle hair at home: prevention

Healthy curls are the result of diligent comprehensive care. After successful treatment of brittle curls, you need to constantly maintain their condition so as not to return to recovery measures again. Prevention of the recurrence of the problem will be:

1. Choosing the right brush.

2. Gentle combing.

3. The use of hair care products.

4. Masks once a week.

5. Protection of hair from wind from the sun, snow, wind and rain.

6. Periodic visits to the salon.

7. Monthly cutting tips.

It is easy and even pleasant to treat brittle curls at home, since most of the components are not only useful, but also tasty and fragrant. The effect of the use of folk recipes is not worse, but even better than from salon procedures.


Watch the video: SUPER EASY Treatment For Dry, Brittle Lackluster Hair!!! (July 2024).