Grape variety Talisman - photos, specifications, features of planting and care. How to decorate your site with a beautiful and sweet Talisman


Grapes "Talisman" is not without reason known to gardeners as one of the most productive varieties. Most people, it attracts with its refreshing, pleasant taste, large size berries. Usually in early September, the crop is already ripening, this variety is developing rapidly, it can give the first clusters at the age of two years after planting.

At the Talisman exclusively female inflorescences are formed. For this reason, to obtain berries nearby it is necessary to plant a grape variety with male flowers. Due to its high yield and characteristics, it is used to create many grape varieties. The Talisman grape variety is perfectly adapted to various climatic conditions, which led to its spread in the northern regions of the country.

Characteristics of the variety Talisman

This grape is one of the most popular and widespread varieties of those that are intended for cultivation in household plots. The table variety of this variety, in addition to being well resistant to diseases and withstanding low temperatures, brings ripe berries in just 125-135 days. The brushes of this variety are of medium density, but in some years they can grow friable. Usually, a ripe bunch of conical shape weighs about 800 grams.

This variety is not afraid of cold summers and long rains, it brings a good harvest in any year. The shoots mature perfectly, and approximately 80-90% begins to bear fruit the next year. On each lash you can leave 1-2 brushes, if there are more, then the extra ones need to be cut off, otherwise the plant will not have enough strength to fully ripen them. When pruning, it is optimal to leave 26-32 eyes on the lashes of each bush. Grapes bloom for about 2 weeks, if there is no wind, the ovaries are perfectly pollinated.

At the Talisman grape variety large berries are formed in clusters, the mass of each of them reaches 12-16 g. and the size is about 3.5 × 3 cm. Good care significantly increases the yield of the bush, clusters with large berries are formed on it. The flesh of the berries is tasty, ripe fruits appear unobtrusive pronounced muscat smell. Sugars accumulate 17-23%, the acidity of the juice is not more than 6-8 g / l.

Grape growers like this variety for their large brushes, each of them reaches 1 kilogram, there are practically no small berries. Bunches of medium density, berries with a greenish tint. The peel is thin, almost not felt, this is one of the sweetest varieties, children love it. Brushes for a long time, not crumbling, hang on the vine, and withstand transportation well.

Pros and Cons of Talisman Grape Varieties

It is not for nothing that gardeners love this grape, it has many advantages and few disadvantages:

• High productivity every year;

• Large berries and bunches;

• Delicious grapes with full ripeness;

• Long shelf life without loss of taste and presentation;

• Does not lose positive characteristics during long-term transportation;

• Cuttings root perfectly, which simplifies the propagation of the variety;

• It can withstand low temperatures (tolerates temperature drops to minus 25 degrees);

• Slightly damaged by most grape diseases.

In this variety, it is bad that exclusively female inflorescences are formed. If bushes with male flowers do not grow nearby, then ovaries do not form on the Talisman grapes. For pollination of inflorescences in manual mode, puffs are used. On the lashes you need to break off the extra inflorescences, this variety forms too much ovary. But the plant does not have enough strength for all the clusters to grow and mature, for this reason it is necessary to take care of removing the extra inflorescences, it is enough to leave 2-3 clusters on the lashes.

The growing season reaches 135 days, for this reason this grape can be attributed to early-medium grades. His clusters can be removed already in the first ten days of September, and his hands hang without deterioration until the first frost.

Planting Talisman grapes

The Talisman grape variety develops well and bears fruit in places where the sun shines well. For this reason, you need to choose a site for it, lit by the rays of the sun all day, and near which tall plants do not grow, it will be fine if you plant it on the south side of the summer cottage.

This plant does not tolerate drafts, and the cold wind blows from the north, this should be taken into account when choosing a suitable place for grapes. To protect the plantings from them, it is good to plant bushes behind the building or outbuildings that will stop gusts of wind.

The terrain where the bush will be planted is also important, low sections are not suitable for this, because the cold air lingers there, delaying the development of clusters and provoking the appearance of diseases. It is good to plant plants on a small hill. Under the bushes should be fertile, well-permeable moisture soil, these qualities are in the black soil. The roots of grapes penetrate to great depths, for this reason you need to make sure that the soil water is located deep. The optimal level is at least 2.5 meters deep.

Plants are planted with pre-prepared planting pits, dimensions 0.6x0.6 meters. Due to the strong growth of the bushes, they need to be placed bushes at a distance of 4m from each other. The free space will enable the roots and lashes of grapes to develop well, which will significantly increase productivity.

Grape Propagation Talisman

Grapes are propagated by layering, previously grown seedlings or cuttings. Seedlings have an advantage in development; they will grow the vegetative mass much faster and bring a normal crop. Grapes are planted, both in spring and in autumn. If a grape seedling is planted in the spring, it will adapt over the summer period and gain strength for the winter. But landing at this time, can only be done before the buds open, which means no later than the first decade of April. But at this time in some regions freezing is still possible, and the seedling may freeze. Planting seedlings in the fall, it is necessary at the end of October, after planting, they need to be well covered to protect from winter frosts.

Grapes "Talisman" are planted, like other varieties, it is necessary to dig up the soil in advance and make fertilizers in it. Pits for seedlings are dug and prepared in advance, create a drainage layer and harvest pegs for garter lashes.

This grape variety responds well to top dressing with mineral compounds. To increase productivity, it needs to be fed with superphosphate and potassium salt. Preventive treatments reduce the possibility of plant infection with fungal infections and major pests.

Cuttings cut from vines of this variety are perfectly rooted and in a short time get used to new conditions. According to experienced gardeners, it is better to plant cuttings of this grape on old stocks. Although the Talisman grape variety can withstand low temperatures, it belongs to the category of cover grape varieties and it needs protection in the winter.

The variety, in addition to a good harvest of bunches, is able to become a decoration of personal territory. Its lashes look great on acres, try to make your vineyard better and more attractive with this variety.


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