Fast way to lose weight: an effective diet in chicken broth. Features and sample menu of chicken broth diet


Chicken stock has long been considered a dietary dish. He has a lot of attractive properties that help maintain health. It is actively used in the period of rehabilitation and recovery after complex operations.

Currently, chicken stock has entered the menu of many diets; even a special nutrition system has been created on this healthy dish, which allows you to lose extra pounds.

About the benefits of chicken stock

Chicken broth contains essential amino acids for the body, mineral salts that are easily absorbed by humans, B vitamins, which are involved in metabolic processes, regulate fat metabolism. It allows you to relieve inflammation and reduce temperature, chicken broth is an excellent helper for colds and flu.

This dish is used for diseases of the stomach, it reduces blood viscosity, resists blood clots, and is beneficial for the cardiovascular system. The range of its actions includes: strengthening bones, teeth, reducing fatigue, strengthening immunity, healing wounds.

Chicken broth is a very satisfying dish, while the calorie content in it is minimal - about 30 kilocalories per 100 grams of the finished product. This is the perfect dish for dieters. This diet was invented for people who love chicken stock and are not ready to give up liquid hot dishes for weight loss.

Rules for cooking chicken stock

All qualities that are attributed to this tasty and healthy dish depend on the preparation. First you need to choose the chicken from which the cooking will take place.

Naturally, purchased broiler chickens are not suitable here. Under industrial conditions they are “stuffed” with all sorts of antibiotics and hormones, since these birds are susceptible to colds.

A good option for cooking broth - laying hens. But the ideal way to make a healthy and tasty broth is to take poultry. Some advise purchasing chickens that are not raised commercially.

These birds have a very thick feather, and the meat is different from other hens, it is very tender and tasty. The meat of black hens is distinguished by the fact that it contains a special protein that allows you to more rapidly lose kilograms.

Methods of cooking healing broth:

• take a small chicken, pour 5 liters of hungry water;

• for the broth you will need two chicken breasts and 3 liters of water.

The principle of preparation of the broth is the same: bring to a boil, carefully remove the resulting foam. Reduce the heat to a minimum so that the broth does not boil, but slowly languish under the lid. Cooking time - 1.5-2 hours, depending on how much chicken is cooked.

Half an hour before the end of cooking, add the celery root, carrot and onion (you can whole), greens to the broth. In five minutes you can throw a bay leaf. Filter the prepared broth, and the meat can be used to prepare other dishes for households. The dish should be transparent and fragrant.

Attention! It is worth noting that the whole chicken broth turns out to be more high-calorie, so its use should be somewhat limited. It is preferable to cook broth from chicken breasts.

Regarding salt, opinions differ. Someone believes that salt chicken should not be salted, because salt retains water in the body and interferes with the process of losing weight. Others are of the opinion that unsalted broth is not only not so tasty, but also loses its beneficial properties.

Chicken broth diet options

Fasting day. During the fasting day, it is assumed that no other food should be present in the diet. That is, the menu is only chicken broth. Ready broth is divided into 5 parts, each of which is used in 2.5-3 hours. It lasts only a day, and then you can start regular food again.

• This diet option is often used by women involved in fitness. She reminds more fasting days. Sticking to this option is not worth more than 2 days. All other products during this period should be discarded. You can supplement your diet only with clean water, and its quantity is not limited.

• This chicken broth diet lasts one week. For seven days, meals include a certain amount of broth. At least 5 glasses of this liquid should be consumed per day. Diet allows you to throw off up to 10 extra pounds per week! But at the same time it is quite heavy. Weight after a diet will be quickly restored if it is not right to exit. Therefore, the main recommendations relate to this particular period.

Principles of Nutrition and Diet

• The main principle of the chicken broth diet is the rule: no salt! The use of seasonings containing this element is also prohibited.

• Consume green tea during this period without adding sugar. You can drink it in unlimited quantities, as it also has a good effect on metabolic processes.

• Do not give up physical activity during the diet on chicken stock. They will more effectively lose weight.

• At the end of this diet, salt and fat intake should be gradually increased. This is important so as not to lose weight again.

• To maintain the result obtained, such discharge days can be carried out once a week.

• Every day can "carry" up to 1 kilogram of excess weight. But you can’t stick to such a diet for more than 7 days.

Chicken Broth Diet Menu

For the day you need to prepare 1-1.5 liters of chicken broth.

5 times a day, 1 glass of this liquid is used.

Attention! The broth should be hot, clear and unsalted!

During the day, you can drink in unlimited quantities of clean water and unsweetened green tea. Drink water and tea only separately from the broth: half an hour before or at least an hour and a half after.

All other foods during the maintenance of the diet are prohibited. This is especially true for alcoholic beverages.

Tip! Since the diet is very strict and difficult, in the case of severe hunger, you can afford a few diet breads or croutons for lunch.

How to get out of the seven-day broth diet

Exit from the diet should be gradual. The body becomes accustomed to liquid food, therefore, solid food should not be administered immediately. Returning to the previous diet takes at least a week. It is desirable to continue to use at least one glass of broth per day.

In the period of exit from the diet, you can additionally lose up to 4 kilograms.

"Output" menu.

The first day. Spread 4-5 cups of chicken stock evenly for a day. In between you can eat stewed cabbage - 1 serving of 200 grams, the protein of one egg.

Second day. 3-4 cups of chicken broth, a portion of stewed cabbage. At lunch, you can eat 100 grams of buckwheat or rice porridge on the water.

Third day. 2-3 cups of chicken broth, boiled egg white, a portion of stewed cabbage, buckwheat or rice porridge. You can eat an orange or an apple.

Day four. Combine a glass of broth for lunch with porridge, and stewed cabbage for dinner. As a snack you can use an orange.

Fifth day. A glass of broth. Braised cabbage can be combined with fresh vegetables, in the form of a salad. Always refill them with linseed oil. Snack - a glass of low-fat natural yogurt, orange.

The sixth day. Egg, fresh and steamed vegetables, boiled egg, buckwheat or rice. You can add a piece of boiled chicken or lean fish, but not more than 200 grams.

Seventh day. Dried fruits are added to the previous menu.

Chicken Broth Diet

This type of diet is lighter than previous ones. The fact is that the food on it is not limited to broth. Its duration may be different. But the essence is the same: there is a slower, but sure weight loss.

The chicken diet menu assumes that the body receives at least 1200 calories per day. There are other products on the menu. Mandatory component of the diet - boiled chicken. On this diet, you can eat vegetables in boiled, stewed and fresh form, fruits (apples, oranges, once a week - pineapple), cereal porridge on water (buckwheat or rice), fresh juices.

It is allowed to drink raw water, unsweetened green tea. The diet lasts 7 days. At the same time, weight reduction during this period can reach 5-6 kilograms.

Start period

It represents fasting days that are held in a row. In total, you need to spend 3 days, the chicken breast is divided into 5 parts, steamed with lemon juice. The interval between meals should be at least 2 hours.

The main part of the diet

During this period, the chicken breast is necessarily on the menu, but at the same time it is supplemented with other products, so that the caloric value is observed.

Sample menu

• Breakfast. A piece of chicken fillet, a portion of vegetable salad, seasoned with vegetable oil.

• Second breakfast. A piece of chicken, one apple.

• Lunch. Chicken breast, two tablespoons of buckwheat or rice.

• An afternoon snack. Chicken slice, vegetable puree.

• Dinner. A glass of chicken stock with a slice of breast, a vegetable salad.

The recommendation of experts: while maintaining nutrition on a chicken diet, it is not recommended to lean on cereals. The ration should be based on chicken and broth. It is advisable to drink water in unlimited quantities a day, tea - no more than 2 cups a day.

If you follow this diet for two weeks, you can diversify the diet, and replace the chicken once a week with boiled lean fish, and add natural yogurt, low-fat cottage cheese, boiled eggs and tomatoes to the diet during the second week.

Disadvantages of chicken broth diet

This option of food belongs to monodiets. This is a great option to quickly lose weight. But, unfortunately, it is not for everyone. Not every person can adhere to such a strict framework in the diet.

In addition, this option is not characterized by long-term effectiveness, the result is kept very short. In order not to get a return of the previous parameters, you should definitely limit your diet for at least one more week.

This diet, like any mono-diet, stands out with a very meager menu. Especially its strict version - in one chicken broth. Therefore, to maintain health, it would be nice to introduce a complex of vitamins.

Not everyone can strictly follow all the rules of the diet. Judging by the reviews, many of this version of losing weight somewhat "improve." At the same time, the result also remains amazing, and the diet itself no longer seems so impracticable.

For example, the menu may contain seafood (shrimp), red fish, dairy products with low fat content (cottage cheese, kefir). Some introduce citrus fruits (tangerines, grapefruits) and pineapples into the diet.

And if you add to this everyday training, or at least walks in the fresh air, its effectiveness will increase significantly.
