Smoothing masks for facial skin and conditions for their effectiveness. Components and recipes for homemade facial smoothing masks


Masks that smooth the skin of the face can be prepared using affordable, natural products: in this way you will get a quality product with proven components. You can choose the optimal composition for various skin types and choose the composition at your discretion.

How to cook and use smoothing masks

Smoothing homemade masks work effectively in several directions:

· Level the upper layer of the epidermis;

· Moisturize and nourish the skin, relieve swelling;

· Improve blood microcirculation and capillary supply of oxygen, nutrients;

· Tighten the oval of the face, if you complement the application of the mask with massage movements.

For the preparation of smoothing masks, various components are used that moisturize and nourish the skin:

Vitamin supplements - retinol (vitamin A), tocopherol (vitamin E);

· Components for the base (petrolatum, glycerin);

· Base and essential vegetable oils;

· Dairy and sour-milk products (cream, sour cream, kefir, cottage cheese, butter);

· Beekeeping products;

· chicken eggs;

· Cereals, flakes;



· Greens, vegetables and fruits in the form of mashed potatoes or fresh juices;

· Herbal remedies, herbal decoctions;

· Various spices;

Baking soda;

Table or sea salt.

For preparation, usually 2-3 components are used in an amount sufficient for one application to the face and neck. Oily indelible masks are also applied to the neckline, where you need to care for thin and delicate skin. You can conduct an intensive anti-aging course of 5-7 days, if you use specific components (eggs, starch, gelatin, soda, salt, spices). Or use as a daily care product if you use fat-containing components that you can’t rinse off (for example, leave the mask with vegetable oil for 10-15 minutes until completely absorbed and then apply makeup).

Before applying a smoothing mask on the skin, it is necessary to thoroughly clean and dry the face. The mask is applied for a certain time, but no longer than 25-30 minutes, washed off with gentle massage movements with room temperature water. After this, it is recommended not to use immediately the usual care products and decorative cosmetics, let the skin "breathe" for at least half an hour while the metabolic processes and the absorption of nutrients continue.

Smoothing Face Mask Recipes

Glycerin mask with fruits

Take any fruits or seasonal berries (strawberries, bananas, fresh apples, not frozen). Grate or knead with a fork, add 1/2 tablespoon of glycerin to 1 tablespoon of fruit pulp, apply to prepared face skin. Action time up to 20 minutes, rinse without stretching the skin.

Gelatin Mask with Vitamins

Take 1 tablespoon of gelatin, pour 100 ml of water, and after half an hour heat in a "water bath", stirring to dissolve gelatin crystals so that there are no lumps left. Add one capsule of vitamin A and E (from the pharmacy). Wash in 10-15 minutes.

Mask with starch, egg white and parsley juice

1 spoonful of starch, 1 egg white, half a spoonful of fresh parsley juice, beat the protein and add all the parts, apply for about 15 minutes. The combination of starch and protein has an excellent effect on the skin, such a composition tightens the contour, but when dried, the mask gives a disturbing sensation of an extraneous film on the face. For getting used to it, you can first apply a mask for 5-6 minutes, gradually increasing the interval so that by the end of the weekly course the mask is on the skin for up to 15 minutes.

Mask with starch, sour cream and carrot juice

1 teaspoon of starch, 1 teaspoon of sour cream, 1 teaspoon of fresh carrot juice, mix starch and sour cream to a homogeneous consistency, add carrot juice, apply on face for up to 20 minutes. A smoothing mask with starch noticeably tightens the skin, but it should be used in a course no longer than one week, since carrot juice can slightly pigment the skin.

Mask with cream, lemon juice and salt

1 tablespoon cream of normal fat content, 1 tablespoon of finely ground table salt or sea salt, 3-4 drops of fresh lemon juice, mix cream and salt, add lemon juice. The exposure time of the mask is 10-15 minutes, clean carefully, without rubbing the skin. The mask perfectly cleanses and strengthens the skin, eliminates dark spots, tones the muscle layer and smoothes expression lines.

Refreshing mask with kefir and honey

Kefir - 2 tablespoons (home-made), honey - 1 spoon, mix until the honey is completely dissolved, hold on the skin for 10-15 minutes and wash with water. Kefir moisturizes, smoothes the skin, honey contains active substances and has a mild cleansing effect.

Curd mask with oatmeal

1 spoon of sea buckthorn oil, 1 spoon of cottage cheese, 1 spoon of boiled oatmeal (buckwheat, rice). Combine and thoroughly knead all components to a uniform state, evenly distribute on the face, carefully rinse after 10-15 minutes. If you use dry flakes, then the mask can be used as a peeling, rinse with smooth massage movements. The mask intensely saturates the skin and gently cleanses the surface layer.

Mask with mustard powder and turmeric

1 tablespoon of linseed oil, 1/2 spoon of mustard powder, 1/2 spoon of turmeric, combine all parts, apply for 10-15 minutes. A mask with mustard shows a pronounced warming result. Mustard seeds contain sinigrin glycoside, nitrogenous substances and pectins, carboxylic acids, and essential oils that activate metabolic processes.

Mask with tomato pulp and red pepper

1 teaspoon of olive oil, 1 teaspoon of tomato pulp (grind in a blender or grater), red pepper on the tip of a spoon, keep on face for up to 15 minutes. If you feel restless, immediately rinse off. The mask moisturizes the skin and saturates with vitamins, pepper has a warming effect, enhances the flow of capillary blood. The muscles warm up, congestion is removed and all metabolic processes are activated.

Mask with pumpkin and rice porridge

Boil rice groats without oil and salt, grate fresh pumpkin, take 1 spoon of porridge and 1 spoon of pumpkin pulp, after 20 minutes rinse with warm water or rice broth. The mask has a beneficial effect on the skin, it becomes velvety and supple.

Mask with potatoes and linseed flour

Grate raw potatoes on a fine grater, take 1 spoon of potato gruel, 1 spoon of flax flour and 1 spoon of any vegetable oil, stir until smooth. After 10-15 minutes, rinse in the usual way with room temperature water. The mask cleans and tightens pores, smoothes the skin, you can add buckwheat flour, which also contains many useful minerals and dietary fiber.

Mask with cosmetic oil and flax seeds

1 spoonful of flax seeds pour 0.5 cups of water and cook after boiling over low heat for about 15 minutes, cool, strain. Take any cosmetic oil (sea buckthorn, rosehip, from wheat germ), mix 1 spoon of broth and 1 spoon of oil, apply on face, you can not rinse. The mask has a noticeable anti-aging property and with regular use eliminates edema, swelling and vascular spots. The broth can be stored in a closed container (on the refrigerator door) for up to 3 days.

Mask with cucumbers and herbs

Express agent for rejuvenating skin of aging skin, grate cucumber, finely chop greens or chop in a blender (basil, parsley, dill, sorrel and any other). Mix 1 tablespoon of cucumbers and herbs, if the skin is dry, you can add half a tablespoon of vegetable oil, soak for 15 minutes, rinse carefully with water.

Fruit mask for tired skin

This vitamin cocktail literally transforms the condition of your skin, makes it smooth and soft. You need to take 1 spoonful of chopped pulp of pineapple, orange and kiwi, hold for 15 minutes. After washing off, you should refrain from applying basic and decorative cosmetics for half an hour. The mask contains deep penetrating fruit acids, therefore it is recommended for an intensive course for several days.

Contraindications to the use of smoothing masks

It is better to postpone the preparation and use of homemade rejuvenation recipes if the skin has inflamed rashes and traumatic injuries. It is also necessary to carefully monitor the reaction of the skin to various components: if there is a burning sensation, redness, in no case can not be tolerated, you must immediately wash off the cosmetic product and stop further use. It is not recommended to store ready-made masks, since crushed products very quickly lose their beneficial properties.


Watch the video: 6 FACIAL MASKS TO SAVE YOUR SKIN (July 2024).