What is tan drink - its benefits and features of consumption. Can there be harm from the drink tan and who is recommended to drink it


The pleasant salty-sour-milk taste of tan has been known since ancient times and there is too much truth in the legends about its beneficial properties to leave the tan unattended.

Indications for its use cover almost all spheres of health that concern a modern person, and the restrictions for treating with tan are the most minimal.

The fermented milk benefits of the tan drink - its features and differences from similar products

The original recipe requires the use of buffalo or camel milk as a raw material for the preparation of tan, but today industrial tan is increasingly produced from cow's, goat's and sheep's milk.

The product closest to Tan is Ayran, with which it is often confused, although there are plenty of differences:

• buffalo or camel milk can be raw material only for Tan;

• katyk or suzma (products like yogurt from boiled milk) serve as a classic leaven for ayran, and matsoni (made from boiled milk) for tan;

• the taste of Ayran Bole is soft, and in the tan, saltiness is clearly felt;

• due to salinity, tan is rarely sweetened, not served with fruit, but often supplemented with fresh aromatic herbs or grated cucumber;

• the consistency of the tan is always liquid, drinkable and uniform, with a small content of clots.

As for the preparation of tana at home, there are two opposite sides.

According to the simplest recipes, to obtain it, it is enough to salt, season with herbs and dilute kefir or yogurt with cold plain or sparkling water, taking 1 part of water in 2 parts of “tan”. Naturally, this has nothing to do with the real tan. To get closer to the original, it is necessary to ferment fresh milk with the addition of salt and pure water.

Tang industrial production is ready to eat as is, it is not required to breed it with water.

Tan can be used in cooking no worse than any other dairy product - for okroshka, sauces, marinating meat or fish, kneading dough.

Depending on the type of milk taken as the basis for tan, individual indicators of its properties also change, but all the same, each time in any variation of this drink, characteristic features inherent in it are found.

How are the composition and benefits of tan

100 ml of the drink contains only about 24 kcal, which, coupled with its properties, stimulate metabolism, dull the feeling of hunger, and gently cleanse the body of toxins and normalize the gastrointestinal tract, which allows tan to be classified as a product recommended for dietary and fasting foods days.

Traditional medicine ascribes the benefit of the drink to Tan almost magical - to rejuvenate and prolong the years of life. And according to the latest scientific research, there is some truth in this, correlating with some elements of its composition.

lactic acid (lactate) necessary for all chemical reactions taking place in the human body. In particular, for the activity of the central nervous system, metabolism and muscle function;

• along with eggs, cheeses and other dairy products, Tan belongs to the protein products of the first category (for comparison - meat, fish and soybeans belong to the second). The belonging of a product to a higher category is determined by its biological value and degree of digestibility;

vitamin D can help when changing a person’s biorhythms, as in the cases, for example, with changing time zones during a trip, the need to work on a night shift or an owl to go up according to the schedule of a lark;

vitamin k neutralizes the effects of toxic plant substances that can enter the body even with great care - just eat, say, a spoiled apple, unripe cherries or a tomato fertilized with nitrates. Despite the fact that a deficiency of this vitamin is a rare phenomenon, its supply will not be unnecessary, especially with an unbalanced diet or taking antibiotics;

mineral complex in tan affects the healthy beauty of hair and nails, giving both the one and the other strength and shine.

In which cases there will be a special benefit from a tan

The tan is acquired in comparison with the same milk incomparably easily and quickly, so it can be recommended for a snack near the planned time for fitness, during which a charge of energy and energy supplied by it for the whole body will be very handy. In addition, over time, the tan begins to contribute to better adaptation of muscles, ligaments and joints to the loads characteristic of such exercises.

Brackish tan is very useful when, according to taste preferences, slightly salted or even unsalted food dominates on the table - tan belongs to rare products that can quickly make up for the lack of salt in the body.

In addition, if tan is obtained using sourdough from yogurt, during fermentation, salts with special characteristics are formed in it, which have the property of preventing such urological diseases as cholecystitis and nephritis.

Like all fermented milk, tan belongs to the products recommended for the health of the spleen, which is responsible for the body's immune responses and accumulates iron during metabolism, which later turns into hemoglobin.

In relation to the respiratory system, tan improves lung function through increased blood flow to them, and also resists the development of complications after a cold.

Tan lowers blood cholesterol, and also normalizes the permeability of the walls of blood vessels and delicately cleans them of cholesterol plaques, which translates into the prevention of atherosclerosis. It is also known that tan enhances the effectiveness of medications prescribed to combat this disease.

As a prophylactic against serious consequences, tan is recommended for risks of degeneration of benign neoplasms into malignant, when working in hazardous industries, and when living in an unfavorable environmental situation.

The extensive effect of the drink on the inner side of the body is also manifested in changes in appearance - improving the complexion, along with the disappearance of signs of problem skin, including oily sheen, rashes and peeling of the epidermis.

Can there be harm from a drink?

The harm of the drink is guaranteed when it is used with an expired shelf life or if it is stored in inappropriate temperature conditions.

Despite the common homemade recipes for saving unsuitable food, such as, for example, sour milk, you can make dough for pies, with a tan, it’s unacceptable to do anything like that.

Due to the nature of the drink, its use is limited for all disorders and diseases for which the amount of salt entering the body matters:

• increased acidity of the stomach;

• hypertension;

• kidney disease.

Also, with a great love of sour milk, in order to avoid harm from the tang drink, you should monitor the consumption of salt in other foods, and do not forget during the days of treating them, drink plenty of clean water or green tea.

The harm caused by tan as a result of individual intolerance is very rare, and usually this product is suitable even for those who do not tolerate dairy products at all.


Watch the video: 7 Health Benefits of Green Tea & How to Drink it. Doctor Mike (June 2024).