Homely ubiquitous plantain: what is its use? Can plantain harm the body?


Plantain is a common perennial grass, familiar to everyone from early childhood: dozens of times plantain leaves were applied on knees and abrasions knocked down. The pain passed immediately and the blood stopped. Plantain grows literally everywhere, its green leaves appear earlier than other herbs in early spring and remain until the very last frost.

What is the secret of this unpretentious herb, is plantain really useful and what is the reason for its medicinal properties

What is the benefit of plantain

The fact that an ordinary plantain is a powerful antiseptic, no one ever doubted. Under the thin skin of leaves contains vitamins U, C, carotene and volatile. These are the main components due to which the plant infusions are an effective tool for treating diseases of the respiratory system - from respiratory diseases to asthma and tuberculosis, as well as for treating the digestive system and the gastrointestinal tract.

The unique chemical composition of plant leaves

In addition to the leaves of plantain, seeds are also of great benefit to the body. The rich chemical composition of the whole plant has a powerful healing effect on the human body.

The leaves contain:

· Volatile - inhibit the development of pathogenic bacteria and fungi;

· Carotene - helps to increase immunity;

· Vitamin U - has a healing effect on the stomach, heals stomach and duodenal ulcers (U- got the name from "ulcus" - ulcer);

Tannins - have an astringent, hemostatic, anti-inflammatory, cleansing effect on the intestines;

· Citric, ascorbic acid - participate in digestion, accelerate metabolism;

· Enzymes and polyphenols - contribute to the rapid breakdown of fats and complex food components.

All these substances contribute to the normalization of cholesterol levels, help in the treatment of diseases of the gall bladder, skin rashes of various etiologies.

Plantain Seed Benefits

Plant seeds have an equally rich medicinal composition and are widely used in medicine.

Plantain seed contains:

Bitter substances (aucubin);

Fatty oils;


Oleic acid;

· Mineral salts;

Mucus 44%.

Plantain seeds are part of various pharmacy fees, but it is most effective to use them fresh, add to salads or cereals. Fatty oils, oleic acid and nitrous compounds are very beneficial for the female body - they help to tolerate hormonal disruptions more easily and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

The seed shell contains dietary fiber, which stabilizes the digestive system, helps to eliminate toxins, toxins, bile acids from the body, and lowers blood sugar.

Benefits in Combating Overweight

As you know, the human body can contain up to 3 kg of harmful toxins and toxic substances. The use of plantain for weight loss is based on its ability to cleanse the body of them. The plant works like a powerful broom, removing all harmful substances from the gastrointestinal tract and emptying the intestines. In addition, plantain is effectively used for weight loss due to the fact that it:

· Able to block hunger;

· Enhances the motility of the small intestine;

· Breaks down fats, preventing their deposition;

· Has a laxative effect, which helps to cleanse the intestines;

· Does not contain sugar;

· Lowers cholesterol.

Plantain, thanks to the unique composition of useful components and trace elements, prevents cancer, helps fight them, and mitigates the dire effects of chemotherapy.

In dietetics, leaves and seeds of medicinal herbs are used to make juice, tea, decoctions and infusions.

Leaf juice

Plantain leaves activate the gastrointestinal tract, increase the production of gastric juice, contributing to the rapid breakdown of food. Juice from green leaves enhances intestinal motility, which contributes to the active burning of calories from food. Nutrients are broken down and absorbed faster without being stored as fats.

To prepare the juice, the upper leaves of an adult plant are collected, poured over them with boiling water, squeezed juice using a juicer. Fresh juice is mixed with vodka in a ratio of 1: 1, stored in the refrigerator. Before use 1 table. l juice is added to 1/4 cup of water and drunk 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. They use juice for a month against a background of dieting, active physical activity.

Leaf infusion

Infusion of fresh green leaves is also an effective tool for weight loss and beneficial effects on the whole body. Every evening it is necessary to prepare a fresh infusion and use it for the next day: pour 30 g of crushed leaves with a glass of boiling water, stir, insist for 8 hours.

Plantain Seeds: The Benefits of Losing Weight

To reduce weight, it is the seeds of the plant that are most effective, since they contain the bitter glycoside aucubin, due to which:

· There is an acceleration of the metabolism process;

· Hunger is blocked and due to this, appetite decreases;

· Reduced calorie intake.

Seed can be added to vegetable smoothies, soups, or consumed fresh as a snack between meals.

IMPORTANT! To avoid intoxication of the body, the eaten seeds must be washed down with a sufficient amount of water - 200 g of water per 7 g of seeds.

It is very useful to use infusion from the seeds of plantain, which has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the entire gastrointestinal tract: it speeds up metabolism, breaks down fats, cleanses the intestines, helps to more quickly satisfy hunger - the amount of food consumed is significantly reduced.

For the preparation of infusion, dry pharmaceutical seeds are also suitable: 1/2 tsp. seeds pour 200 g of boiling water and the solution is stirred for a long time. Then insist it for 4 hours, filter and take 3 times a day before meals.


Husk seeds (psilium) has a laxative effect. It almost entirely consists of plant fibers, perfectly cleanses the body, absorbing toxins and waste. It is best to use it as an infusion: 10 g of husk is poured with a glass of warm water, mix thoroughly and drink 2-3 times a day.

For whom is the use of plantain harmful?

Any drug has contraindications and plantain, of course, is no exception. It can be harmful:

During pregnancy and lactation;

· Patients with bronchial asthma;

· People with individual intolerance to the plant;

With a tendency to thrombosis;

· Seeds can not be consumed with gastritis, peptic ulcer and high acidity.

The use can cause side effects such as nausea, vomiting, cardiac arrhythmia, allergies, kidney problems.

Of course, tea from plantain cannot serve as a radical measure for weight loss, but it will serve as a stable weight loss, cleansing and normal functioning of the whole organism. You can use one favorite recipe for tea or tincture, or you can alternate them, achieving the desired results.


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