The benefits of shellac and its harm to nails. Pros and cons of modern nail plate coating


A modern fashionable nail coating called shellac has several advantages. But there are some disadvantages to this innovative product. How to protect nails from harmful effects, we will consider further.

What is shellac?

Shellac is a great alternative to varnish. And created specifically for those who dream of a perfect manicure for a long time. This coating includes two products: regular varnish and modeling gel. The first shellac adopted the application technique, a beautiful look and a diverse palette. And the second has excellent durability. A manicure will look perfect for up to three weeks. Only a nail growing at the base will remind of "age."

The coating procedure is more complicated, therefore it is better to carry it out in salons. You can make a manicure at home only with special devices. One of the main stages is the grinding of the nail plate. On a flat surface, the varnish lays well. Then degreasing is carried out, after which a base gel is applied that protects the nail plate from the effects of harmful color pigments. After that, the nails are covered with a basic shade in two layers.

Shellac differs from ordinary varnish in that after each layer, you need to dry your nails under an ultraviolet lamp. Such drying helps the coating to fix well. You can not be afraid that the gel polish will be smeared or the manicure will be spoiled by extraneous traces. In general, the procedure takes about fifteen minutes.

It is not recommended to remove shellac yourself. You can try to do this with acetone. But it will not be easy. The cotton pad should be soaked in the solution, they need to wrap the nail and secure with foil. Hold for about ten minutes and scrape off the coating. But in this way you can dry and spoil your nails. In the salons, they use special compounds, they act more gently.

The benefits of shellac for nails

Such a manicure has many advantages that will please lovers of well-groomed hands.

The main advantages:

the ability to quickly grow nails. Shellac promotes the appearance of a dense shell on the nail, prevents creases, helps to solve the problem of delamination of the nail plate. Therefore, exposure to chemicals and high temperatures becomes less fatal;

there are no formaldehydes in the composition, so the varnish is harmless. Such a manicure is not contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women;

the coating will stay on the nails for a long time, which is very convenient. To remove gel polish, special tools are needed, therefore, household chemicals are not afraid of him;

If your nails are flaky and thin, shellac is the perfect solution. A durable coating protects the fragile nail plate from the negative effects of external factors. While gel polish covers the plate, the nails can grow strong and healthy;

shellac gives nails a beauty and glossy shine that will not fade over time;

A diverse palette of colors makes it possible to make a manicure for every taste. The color gamut is constantly updated with fashionable shades in accordance with the trends of the season.

The benefits of shellac are undeniable. The main thing is to properly care for your nails and do a manicure with a good specialist. You can not save on quality. You can ask the master what products he uses, since the composition of cheap varnishes includes harmful substances that destroy the nail plate and lead to brittleness.

What is harmful shellac

It is believed that the harm of shellac is significant. It is believed that this type of coating acts very aggressively on nails. And grinding and polishing severely damage the nail plate. Naturally, all these manipulations contribute to the thinning of the nail, but not for long. If you rest for a month or two from gel polish, your nails will recover quickly.

There is also controversy over the coating drying process. A number of scientists suggest that an ultraviolet lamp is harmful to overall health. After research, they argue that the devices used in beauty salons have a carcinogenic effect. This risk is minimal. In reality, good quality lamps are completely safe. An important condition is the timely change of bulbs. If you use expired lamps, they begin to emit harmful components.

Another point on the dangers of shellac is how much damage the nail plate is in the process of removing the coating. Well-groomed and beautiful nails will be several weeks, after which it will be necessary to update the manicure. To do this, gel polish must be dissolved with a special tool, after which the soft substance is removed with a stick. You can not peel off the peeled coating, as you can damage the nail plate by removing the top layer of the nail. It is better to use the services of a manicurist. Another danger is the prolonged exposure to acetone, as the solvent comes into contact with the nails for about twenty minutes. But this point can be considered controversial. Because during this period, the liquid can not do much harm. And the procedure for removing shellac is less frequent than the frequent use of acetone in ordinary manicure. Consequently, nails are less damaged.

How to minimize the harm of shellac

In order for the benefits of shellac to be more than its harm, you need to try to protect yourself to the maximum.

Useful recommendations:

Shellac should be applied only to healthy nails. You can not try to hide with a manicure any problem with the nail plate. If there are all kinds of stripes, dots, bumps, any color changes, you should contact a dermatologist. After all, this is one of the signals that there are internal malfunctions and diseases in the body;

nails should rest. Once every few months it is useful to take a break, switching to a regular manicure, or use medicinal varnishes. And shellac will last better and longer on healthy nails;

In order to protect yourself from the negative effects of the lamp, it is recommended to apply a cream with an SPF factor of 15 and higher on the skin of the hands. Another option is to choose a salon where instead of ultraviolet LED lamps are used, they are not so dangerous;

shellac quality should be good. Cheap manufacturers are best avoided;

hand skin is recommended to be regularly taken care of. And you need to keep your nails clean, cut the burrs on time. If the cuticle is incorrectly cut or there are wounds, the likelihood of infection will increase. In the presence of any inflammation, pain or twitching, you should urgently consult a doctor;

baths from various oils, as well as salt ones, have a good effect. To strengthen the nail plate, it is useful to do them once every seven days.

The benefits of shellac for lovers of fashionable and beautiful manicure are obvious. This coating can be done constantly, but it is advisable to give the nails a rest. The main condition is careful removal of gel polish without damaging the nail plate. Before a trip to the sea, it is recommended to abandon shellac, as salty sea water helps strengthen nails. If you adhere to useful tips, timely update the coating and monitor the skin of your hands, the perfect manicure will delight every day.


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