Psychological violence: effective methods of protection against abuse. How to protect yourself from insults using the live shield method


Each person is inclined to capture the thoughts, words and actions of representatives of society - this way he receives a charge of energy, which in most cases turns out to be negative, because it is much easier for others to give it. All psychologists in the world strongly recommend avoiding people who are prone to abuse, because such representatives of society are sick and contagious at the mental level.

If a person falls into the power of an abuser, this instantly affects all areas of his life. In this case, completely innocent people suffer, usually close: family members, friends. If the boss at work disrespects the person, then he will begin to humiliate not only colleagues, but everyone around him. In 2015, scientists at the University of Florida proved in their studies that even a single encounter with ill-treatment can make a person a carrier of the negative with which he will infect others.

Effective Abuse Protection Techniques

Encountering a stream of negativity, the average person involuntarily uses the method of protection against psychological violence by screaming and instant reaction, but he is doomed to failure, because this is what the abuser expects from the opponent. He likes to watch how a person gives his positive energy and accepts the negative, so any emotional reaction is a taboo in dealing with rude people. It is best to completely ignore such people, but if contact cannot be avoided, you should try to minimize it.

The most effective methods of protection against insults and psychological violence include the following:

1. The method of delayed reaction.

2. Live shield.

3. Comfort zone.

If communication with the abuser takes place exclusively in the format of correspondence, you must wait several hours, days or weeks before replying to the next angry message. If communication takes place via telephone conversations, you should skip a few calls before answering the call. Live communication should take place only in a formal setting, and you should refrain from displaying emotions. Not receiving an instant reaction, the abuser will lose interest in the opponent and switch to another person.

There are people who can, want and are required to take negative attacks on themselves - they can be security guards, top managers. In most cases, a good leader is proud of the ability to protect his subordinates from inadequate actions above the standing leadership. Protecting his team from stress, such a leader receives not only high productivity, but also credibility. Everyone can defend themselves against humiliation with the help of a strong rear in the face of friends, family or superiors. The main thing is that these people can and want to protect.

All people are actors, so each person should have his own backstage, where he can take a breath and gather his thoughts. At work, such functions are performed by special rooms for staff: teachers have a teacher’s room and nurses have a nursing room. Access to these premises is closed to unauthorized persons. Only in the backstage, these workers of the most nervous and underrated professions can easily rest from talking with negligent students or rude doctors. Each person should have a place where he can remain alone with himself without humiliation and insult.


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