Pregnancy: the very first signs. What may indicate conception - 10 common symptoms


It is impossible to determine pregnancy on the day of conception. This is absolutely accurate. But on the second day? On the third day? How quickly and by what signs can I understand that pregnant? What changes occur in the body from the moment of fertilization and what are the very first signs of pregnancy.

What are the signs of early pregnancy in ancient times?

People were able to recognize the very first signs of pregnancy in ancient times. So in Egypt they cooked a drink that consisted of the milk of the mother who gave birth to the boy, and some herbs. After the woman drank this composition, she could start vomiting, which testified to her interesting position.

Jews used a different way: the woman had to go through the grass. According to the trace that remained from her legs, her position was judged. How this happened, we do not know, but in our time medicine has gone much further, so modern methods of determination are more accurate.

First trimester: the very first signs of pregnancy

Some women claim to have learned about pregnancy the very day after conception. In this they were helped by special sensitivity. In fact, it is impossible for a woman to feel the movement of several cells through the fallopian tubes. At the time of fixing a fertilized egg, a woman's hormonal background changes. If 3-4 days after unprotected intercourse, suddenly, for no obvious reason, you begin to loose stools, this may be the very first sign of pregnancy.

In addition to the physiological, there is also an intuitive feeling of pregnancy. But science does not intend to take this view into account.

In fact, being pregnant for a week, a woman may not even suspect this because of irregular periods.

Moreover, it often happens that fertilization occurs and the fertilized zygote descends into the uterus, begins to consolidate there, but the body is late with hormonal supplementation. In this case, the fertilized cell leaves in the process of arriving, maybe only more plentiful than usual menstruation.

Second week of pregnancy

During this period, the embryo is already tightly attached to the uterus, the formation of blood vessels, heart, amniotic fluid begins. From the female body he receives the necessary nutrients.

During this period of development of the embryo, the immunity of the expectant mother may decrease. The fact is that the embryo in her body is a foreign body and, if the immune system does not weaken, a miscarriage can occur. Therefore, a woman should beware of colds.

The first signs of pregnancy: symptoms

1. Breast swellingpainful sensations from touch. This happens in women with increased sensitivity of the mammary glands. But this symptom should not be taken into account by women who have painful sensations before menstruation.

2. Aching pain in the lower abdomen. Similar sensations are familiar to some women on the eve of menstruation. According to them, a woman understands that critical days will soon come. But if a couple of days pass, abdominal pains recur, and menstruation does not occur, we can talk about pregnancy. In fact, the reason for such sensations may be changes that occur in the body: the process of introducing a fertilized egg into the endometrium has occurred. In fact, a stomach ache can not only be due to pregnancy, so it is better to consult a doctor.

3. Drowsiness and fatigue. Fatigue in today's rhythm of life will not surprise anyone. But fatigue fatigue is different. If in a normal state fatigue disappears after a short rest, then in case of pregnancy it accumulates. Changes in the hormonal background in a woman’s body can cause it to become difficult to get up in the morning, and throughout the day I always want to lie down and rest. Also during this period there may be a certain increase in temperature (not higher than 37.5 degrees).

4. Skin condition. Acne on the face sometimes occur in women shortly before menstruation. If such a rash is not characteristic of you, but you notice a sudden appearance on your face, there are suspicions that you are pregnant. This manifestation occurs due to hormonal changes in the body of the expectant mother. By the time a woman learns about pregnancy, the rash will pass.

5. The change in libido. A change in libido in the early stages occurs due to hormonal changes, which can affect sexual desire, both in the direction of increase and decrease. But such a symptom is not a reliable sign, since other factors can change libido.

6. Allocations. After implantation of the embryo into the uterine mucosa in a woman, the nature of the discharge can greatly change. Sometimes this implantation is very noticeable for a woman: the discharge becomes more dense, viscous, acquire a yellowish tint, sometimes with bloody threads.

7. Nausea and increased salivation. Toxicosis often occurs 2-8 weeks after conception. Food addiction changes dramatically, food that did not like before pregnancy, now become adored and vice versa. For example, tea, coffee, fatty fade into the background.

8. Frequent urination. It occurs after 6-8 weeks after conception. This happens for the reason that the uterus increases, begins to put pressure on the bladder. The pressure will decrease by the end of the first trimester when the uterus rises.

9. Thrush. More precisely, this is not a sign, but a symptom of pregnancy, in which the immune system weakens, therefore, the risk of contracting colds, thrush increases. Leaving such a disease unacceptable is unacceptable, since it can affect the health of the future baby.

10. Swelling. If swelling of the extremities has not been observed before, it will not hurt to do a pregnancy test, since edema is one of the very first signs of pregnancy. They arise due to the fact that fluid accumulates in the body due to an increase in progesterone in the body.

11. Menstruation delay. With a regular menstrual cycle, the first symptom of pregnancy is the absence of critical days. But even during pregnancy, mild bleeding is possible when a fertilized cell enters the uterus.

Some women after many years of regular menstruation may experience her absence. First of all, you need to find out if a woman is pregnant by using a home pregnancy test. If for 6 months they do not appear, doctors say that "amenorrhea" has come. The cause may be abrupt weight gain or weight loss, stress, or excessive exercise. In the case when the sexual desire disappears, we can talk about the signs of menopause.

Dangerous symptoms

Above were listed signs that indicate conception. Having already made sure that it happened, a woman needs to be vigilant, especially in the first trimester, when the baby seems to be wondering if he should come to the world with these parents. Careless movements, illness and the like can lead to a miscarriage. What symptoms are dangerous for this condition, we will examine further.

1. Allocations. The future mother should carefully monitor the nature of the discharge. Since hormonal changes occur in the body, in the early stages of excretion can be plentiful.

Spotting or spotting may be present throughout pregnancy. In this case, one should not panic, but the doctor will not be amiss to say this.

But brown colored spotting can be cause for concern, as there is a consequence of a lack of hormones in the body, which can lead to miscarriage. In this case, the expectant mother needs to prepare for conservation.

In the second half of pregnancy, watery discharge can be dangerous, as it occurs as a result of leakage of amniotic fluid. You should contact your doctor immediately to avoid premature birth.

A threat to the life of mother and baby are scarlet spotting. Seek medical help immediately.

2. Painful discomfort. During pregnancy, mild pain occurs periodically after the growth of the uterus, fetus, training contractions and movements. But pulling pains in the abdomen and lower back, plus spotting at the same time are a signal of immediate medical attention. If such pain occurs at the end of the third semester, we can talk about the onset of labor.

3. Toxicosis. This symptom is experienced by 8 out of 10 pregnant women. Vomiting is not dangerous if it occurs several times a day, but when it is difficult to stop the vomiting reflex, while the amount of urine excreted decreases, you must consult a doctor.

Dangerous for both mother and baby is late toxicosis. In this case, it is better to be in a hospital under the supervision of a doctor.


Watch the video: Symptoms of pregnancy in the first week - Early Signs That You May Be Pregnant (July 2024).