Psoriasis treatment at home. Is it possible to get rid of psoriasis by folk methods?


Psoriasis is a disease characterized by rashes in the body. A person is not contagious and does not pose a danger to others, but he is constantly worried about severe itching. In search of effective remedies for treating the disease, patients use various methods, including alternative recipes.

Therapy Rules

Any method of treating psoriasis should be used only after consulting a doctor. Exercising caution will reduce the risk of side effects. Using folk remedies for psoriasis, the following rules must be observed:

1. Use of folk remedies is possible only with mild or moderate severity of the disease. If it has gone into an acute stage, hormone therapy cannot be dispensed with.

2. Many traditional medicine products dry the skin, so you need to use moisturizers after them.

3. After softening the crusts, they can be carefully removed. Dead particles interfere with the absorption of drugs.

4. It is not recommended to use several tools at the same time. If a person has an allergy, it will be difficult to determine which remedy.

5. Treatment with alternative methods should be carried out in courses. Between them, a break is arranged from one month to six months.

It is important to pay attention to psoriasis - a disease that depends on the individual characteristics of the human body. Therefore, alternative methods should be used with caution under the supervision of a physician.

Methods for the treatment of psoriasis folk remedies

Despite the fact that folk methods of fighting psoriasis are very popular, it is important to know that it will not be possible to completely recover in this way. Psoriasis is a pathology that can occur due to a number of reasons:

• decrease in immunity;

• nervous tension, suffered psychological stress;

• manifestation of an allergic reaction;

• infectious diseases;

• subcooling.

Traditional medicine has an analgesic, antifungal, disinfecting effect. But they only help get rid of unpleasant symptoms. You can get rid of the pathology only by acting on the cause of its manifestation.

For the treatment of psoriasis, alternative methods are used:

1. Ointments for external use.

2. Decoctions, teas.

3. Beekeeping products.

Any method should be used after consulting a doctor and in compliance with the dosages. Only in this case, the treatment will be effective and will not harm health.

The main methods of treating psoriasis with alternative methods

Popular methods of treating psoriasis are very popular due to accessibility and safety.


Decoctions of herbs can not only relieve the symptoms of psoriasis, but also improve the general condition of the body, weakened by the disease. The most popular methods are:

1. Wheatgrass is a plant that effectively eliminates skin rashes. Healing baths are prepared from it. Wheatgrass roots are harvested in autumn or spring. The crushed leaves and roots of the plant are poured into a liter jar, the resulting volume must be filled with 6 liters of boiling water. As soon as the broth is infused, it is poured into the bath, which is taken for at least 15 minutes.

2. Herb baths can be made from various plants. They will help get rid of not only psoriasis, but also other skin diseases. To prepare the broth, sage, celandine, succession, chamomile will be required in equal proportions. All components are poured with boiling water in a ratio of 1:10. The mixture is infused for 30 minutes, then poured into a bath of warm water.

3. Bay leaf helps to get rid of plaques on the body in a short time. A decoction of bay leaves is used for local treatment of affected areas. To prepare the product you need 10 sheets, they are simmered for 20 minutes. Then it needs to be cooled and used for compresses. It is important to do a sensitivity test before use to make sure that there is no allergy.

4. Medicinal tincture can be prepared from Sophora. 50 g of the plant need to fill the floor with liters of vodka. The product should be infused in a dark place for a month. You need to take tincture one teaspoon three times a day. It is important to note that the use of sophora has contraindications. Means based on it should not be drunk with problems with blood vessels and the heart, as well as with kidney pathology. You can not take sophora to pregnant women.

5. At the initial stage of the development of the disease, you can use celandine juice. They are rubbed with emerging plaques.

The course of treatment with herbs should not exceed 30 days. After this, you need to take a break to avoid over-saturation of the body.

Activated carbon

One of the effective methods of treating psoriasis with folk remedies is based on the use of activated carbon. The effect is due to the ability of coal to cleanse the body of toxins and toxins. Due to this, cleansing of the skin occurs.

Dosage is calculated based on the weight of the person. For 10 kg of weight, take 1 tablet. It is recommended to grind it before taking. The course of treatment is 40 days. To make the therapeutic prescription faster, it is better to combine activated charcoal with flax seeds. A decoction of seeds is drunk in the morning on an empty stomach. The night before, a tablespoon of raw materials is poured into a glass of boiling water and insisted all night.

Tar ointments

Tar-based agents play a large role in the treatment of psoriasis. The most effective are birch and pine. For topical use at home, ointments are prepared:

1. In equal proportions, mixed with a tablespoon of petroleum jelly, celandine juice and any kind of tar. The resulting product is applied to affected areas of the skin up to three times a day.

2. Plaques can be treated with ointment made from one tablespoon of ash from birch branches and the same amount of tar.

3. Tar can be used in pure form by applying to the skin.

When using this method, you need to remember that tar has a specific smell and greatly stains clothes.

Baking soda

The use of soda can reduce the amount of rashes and normalize the acid balance of the skin. Soda can be used to take baths, compresses and lotions. Hot soda liquid is used to wrap the affected areas. Bandages are kept on the body until the product cools completely.

You can prepare soda ointment yourself. It is made from a teaspoon of soda, three yolks, 250 ml of chicken fat, 100 g of chaga and 1 teaspoon of fir oil. In the resulting product, you can add 2 tablespoons of tar. Ointment is applied to affected areas before bedtime.

Beekeeping products

As an additional therapy to the main methods of treatment, honey and beekeeping products can be used. Honey removes toxins from the body, which plays a large role in the treatment of psoriasis.

At home, you can cook with olive oil and honey. They are mixed in equal proportions. The obtained product is heated before use in a water bath and taken one spoon in the morning. The course of treatment is a month.

Eliminate peeling of the skin and accelerate the healing of wounds using propolis. From it you can make an ointment. This will require a pound of unsalted butter and 50 g of propolis powder. Melt the oil in a water bath, mix it with propolis. Apply to the skin after the ointment has cooled completely.

To combat psoriasis on the head, royal jelly is used. To do this, he is bred two to one with water. The mask is rubbed daily into clean scalp for 20 minutes. The course of treatment is 7 days. Rinse your hair with warm water.

You can take royal jelly inside, after diluting it with honey. The drug is drunk half a teaspoon three times a day for two weeks. It is important to pay attention that royal jelly is contraindicated during pregnancy, acute infectious diseases, and sleep disorders.

The use of folk remedies in the treatment of psoriasis helps to effectively get rid of the symptoms of the disease. But it is important to use these methods in combination with traditional therapy. It is also important to follow a diet during the treatment period. Fatty and spicy foods should be excluded from the diet. Only the use of all methods in combination can alleviate the condition of the patient.


Watch the video: Psoriasis treatment at home. Skin disease aid. DR Sales. Odia (June 2024).