Want to color your eyebrows with henna? Let's do it together: a beauty salon at home


What only women do not do with eyebrows: pluck, cut, even shave, and then draw to get the perfect shape. Natural beauty is gaining momentum - henna staining of eyebrows is becoming a very popular trend. We will tell you how to do it right in order to achieve the desired result. It is very important to correctly choose henna and color, prepare eyebrows and skin for staining, perform the procedure correctly. And in the end we will have a good result.

Types of henna

Immediately it is worth saying that henna can be purchased dry, in the form of a powder or pressed plates, in capsules or as a ready-made mixture for coloring. Each type of henna has its advantages and minutes. Therefore, before choosing henna for dyeing eyebrows at home, you need to thoroughly understand everything.

The most popular types of henna:

Turkish prepared by fine grinding, gives a calm unobtrusive color. However, Turkish henna needs to be kept longer on eyebrows to get the desired shade.

Indian allows you to achieve a rich shade. The palette consists of several colors. If desired, you can achieve from golden to dark brown or burgundy.

Iranian henna affordable. It is made by coarse grinding, therefore, when diluted before staining, its texture is not as uniform as, for example, in Turkish. In addition, it has a pungent smell. However, it can be combined with other dyes.

Sudanese. It features a rich copper tint, suitable for red-haired girls. It can not be used with other dyes.

How to choose the right color of henna for coloring eyebrows

Since we will color the eyebrows with henna at home, we will have to choose the color ourselves. It is very important to consider the natural color of eyebrows and hair, so we will achieve the most natural result. There is a general rule: for blondes, the shade is one tone darker, for brunettes - lighter. However, to make the eyebrows perfect, it’s worth delving into the question of choosing henna color. This is nothing complicated, here are the main nuances:

• If you are a brunette with pale skin, you should choose grayish or brown shades.

• If you have very dark hair, almost black, and at the same time have dark skin, you have the option of saturated black color.

• Owners of red hair should use henna in the range from golden to terracotta.

• Ash blondes are ideal henna with a grayish color.

Create the right eyebrow shape

It happens that the eyebrows are already so damaged by plucking that the owner herself cannot remember the original natural form. When staining eyebrows with henna at home, we can only rely on ourselves. Therefore, it is necessary to create a natural look. Try to be patient and grow your eyebrows a little. You need to understand what shape they have, in which direction the hairs grow. We do not pursue fashion, but emphasize our natural beauty. At the beginning of the 20th century, eyebrows like Marlene Dietrich’s were in fashion, can you imagine how much you had to pluck? It’s better to maintain your image, your naturalness - it will always suit you.

So, we have grown a little eyebrows. Now we understand what shape of eyebrows we have to work with. Now let's talk a little how the oval of the face and eyebrows are combined with each other, how to emphasize your strengths and hide flaws:

• If your face is square, try to give your eyebrows a slightly rounded line that runs parallel to the eyes.

• The oval face looks perfect if the eyebrow line has a slight kink. Wide eyebrows are slightly shortened so that they do not look rough. Straight or rounded eyebrows are also suitable for this type of face.

• If you have a round face, do not make rounded eyebrows, only visually make your face wider.

• The triangular shape of the face visually improve short and slightly curved eyebrows.

We decided on the shape of the eyebrows, it's time to proceed to the next step.

Stain preparation

For a start, gently rinse your entire face. Lightly pat off the water with a towel. Wipe the eyebrows and the skin around them with an antiseptic. Apply a little cream and comb with a special brush along the growth line.

We pluck in the direction of growth of the hairs, capturing them at the very roots. So we will avoid microtrauma of the skin around the eyebrows.

Now it's time to prepare the necessary tools for coloring eyebrows with henna:

• A bowl for henna;

• A spoon or spatula for mixing;

• A brush with a hard and wide pile;

• Gloves (can be disposable);

• Oilcloth or old towel on the shoulders;

• Cotton buds, discs, sponges;

• Fat nourishing cream.

It is important to remember a few rules:

• Do not use metal containers to breed henna. Henna can react, you may get burns or allergies.

• What is a fat cream for? We apply it on the skin around the eyebrows to avoid henna stains. We will remove excess or stains with cotton swabs, discs or sponge.

• What to do if henna gets on your skin: take lemon juice or hydrogen peroxide or any tonic / lotion containing alcohol, wipe the henna stain from your face.

• At home, always dye your eyebrows with henna in gloves! Stains of henna are difficult to remove, do not forget to cover your neck and shoulders.

• Before starting staining, apply a little diluted henna to the elbow. We are waiting for 5-10 minutes. If no unpleasant reaction has occurred, you can dye your eyebrows.

Preparation of a mixture for coloring eyebrows with henna

At home, everything has to be done carefully. Believe me, after you carry out the procedure several times - it will be much easier for you, everything will be brought to automaticity.

So we need to dilute the mixture. Remember that we don’t use henna in its pure form, otherwise our color will turn out to be fiery red. When stained with henna at home, additives are always used.

Put on gloves and put henna and the same amount of coffee in the prepared container. It turns out about a teaspoon of each ingredient. Coffee can be instant or brewed. Now, in a thin stream, stirring everything with a spoon, pour in warm water mixed with the juice of half a lemon. Mix, dissolving all the lumps. You should get a mass similar to sour cream.

Cover the bowl with cling film and leave for half an hour.

Let's look at some proportions for different shades:

• For chestnut color, henna powder and strong coffee 1: 1 are taken;

• Hue mahogany - henna and cocoa powder 1: 1;

• Black color - 1: 1 henna and basma powder.

Important: if you add a drop of oil to the mixture, the henna dilution process will be much easier, the mixture will strengthen your eyebrows.

If after the first staining at home the shade turned out exactly the way you wanted, the next time you can add literally 1-2 drops of lemon juice.

Drawing henna on eyebrows: we carry out coloring correctly

To make you happy with the result, you must act carefully, following a few rules:

• Draw a contour with a pencil;

• Apply the paint with an eyebrow brush with light dropping movements;

• We work in the direction of eyebrow growth, from the nose to the edges.

• We stand from 40 minutes to an hour, covering eyebrows with plastic strips or pieces of cling film

• Remove henna with a sponge moistened with oil.

Important: After staining eyebrows with henna at home, do not use soap for two days.

If you use the finished mixture, then you do not need to mix it with anything. Just choose a shade and apply on eyebrows.

The staining effect lasts from 3 to 5 weeks. At the same time, try to wipe the eyebrows less with soap, lotions, tonics - this can reduce the duration of staining.


With any cosmetic procedures, there are contraindications, eyebrow staining with henna is no exception. So, you can’t dye your eyebrows with henna if:

• The skin around the eyebrows is damaged;

• There is an inflammatory process in the eyes;

• There are deep wrinkles in the eyebrow area.

As you can see, in general, there is nothing complicated in the process of staining eyebrows with henna at home. Only the first time you have to consult the instructions. But you can independently maintain the perfect shape and color of the eyebrows without visiting a beauty salon, you will not spend precious morning time drawing eyebrows with a pencil.

We wish you to choose your perfect color, successfully dye your eyebrows and enjoy the result!
