Curd diet - up to 5 kg in the red for 5 days. How to lose weight while eating cottage cheese: rules and varieties of diet


It contains both calcium and phosphorus, and so the protein needed by the human body. It helps strengthen teeth and nails, make hair stronger and more beautiful. All this is about cottage cheese. It is no accident that various diets are being developed on the basis of this extremely useful product.

Curd diet - benefits, recommendations

If you use cottage cheese with a small percentage of fat content, not higher than 5, then this product can be considered truly dietary. In addition, cottage cheese has a number of useful properties:

• easy to digest, saturation comes quickly;

• positively affects the state of the nervous system;

• with regular inclusion in the diet is able to speed up the metabolism;

• in some cases, its diuretic property is useful, it is due to the fact that the cottage cheese has a lot of calcium salts;

• serves to prevent a number of diseases: osteoporosis, atherosclerosis, liver disease;

• useful for patients with obesity, diabetes.

On a cottage cheese diet, of course, cottage cheese becomes the main product in the diet. However, in different variations vegetables, fruits, cereals, kefir, eggs, yogurt are added to it. It is allowed to drink unsweetened tea and coffee.

General recommendations for those who want to lose weight on the curd are as follows:

1. The main product of the diet should be of high quality. Ideally - home. You can buy rustic, farm cottage cheese from trusted merchants or cook it yourself.

2. Fat cottage cheese - not more than 5%. If it is fatter, losing weight is unlikely to succeed. But fat-free will not bring benefits, because the necessary fats will not enter the body.

3. Drinking regime: at least two liters per day of ordinary water - drinking, without gas. This is not counting other permitted liquids (tea, coffee, juice). Otherwise, intoxication of the body is possible.

4. Sugar, like salt, is better to remove from the diet.

5. Alcohol is prohibited.

6. Nutrition should be supplemented with vitamins.

7. Physical activity is necessary, but not too intense. Suitable swimming, yoga.

8. Fasting the result of the diet in the future will help fasting day on the cottage cheese every week.

Despite the whole range of useful properties of this product, a curd diet is not for everyone. In the list of contraindications:

• adolescence;

• individual intolerance;

• pregnancy;

• lactation.

If there is any chronic disease, permission to use such a diet can only be given by the attending physician, after weighing all the pros and cons.

Menu for curd diet

There are menus based on cottage cheese, with the expectation of two or three days, a week or five days. The diet turns out to be meager, you will need a great desire, willpower and necessarily - no contraindications from health.

Two day unloading

It does not last long, which means that a diet based on just one product will not cause serious harm to the body. For a day, 800 grams of cottage cheese is allocated. It is better to eat it five or six times, the interval is two, three hours. You can’t sprinkle the main product with sugar, additives like berries or fruits are also prohibited. But you need to drink a lot. It can be water, green tea, herbal teas, coffee.

The expected result is minus one or two extra pounds.

3 days express weight loss

In this embodiment, kefir is added to the curd menu. For a day:

• cottage cheese - 500g;

• kefir - half a liter.

Kefir should choose the least fat. This meager diet is divided into five parts and is eaten during the day. Water, green or herbal tea - in any quantity. As a source of vitamin C - a glass of broth from rose hips.

You can lose from one and a half to three kilos of excess weight.

5 days on cottage cheese and kefir

In many ways, the menu of this version of the curd diet is similar to a three-day one. But it is longer, it makes sense to make it a little more satisfying. Curd is also allocated a pound for a day. But kefir is more than twice a liter per day. Drinking regimen is the same. One of five days is allowed to drink low-fat milk instead of kefir.

The result is up to 5 unwanted kilograms in the red.

Weekly diet

Nutritionists are urged to add something other than cottage cheese to the seven-day nutritional system, since eating it for such a long time is by no means useful for the state of the body. Such a daily scheme is proposed:

• in the morning, in the evening - a glass of kefir, it is possible fermented baked milk;

• 4 main meals - 1 tsp. bran (pour boiling water) + 100g of cottage cheese;

• it is allowed to add a few berries or fruits to the curd, but sweets should be avoided, especially for bananas and grapes.

Varieties of curd diet

Perhaps only cottage cheese for several days can, perhaps, only those who love this product very much. At the same time, any mono-diet deprives the body of a significant part of the necessary and important substances, which means it can harm health. That is why different variants of curd weight loss have been developed, in which cottage cheese is combined with other products.

Option "cottage cheese + vegetables"

You can stick for two weeks, since in addition to protein, carbohydrates and fiber are present in such a nutrition system. The rules are as follows:

• it is advisable to eat vegetables fresh, but you can also bake in the oven, make salads with a small amount of vegetable oil, stew;

• 300 grams of cottage cheese are allocated per day;

• rate of vegetables - up to half a kilogram;

• All vegetables except potatoes are allowed; cabbage, zucchini, tomato, carrots, cucumbers are especially suitable;

• you need to drink at least two or three liters of fluid per day: it can be water, decoctions of herbs, as well as tea and coffee (weak, unsweetened).

It is important to eat cottage cheese and vegetables in different meals. For example, for breakfast and lunch - cottage cheese, and for lunch and dinner - vegetables.

Option "cottage cheese + oatmeal + apples"

Combines the benefits of these three products. Cottage cheese gives protein. From apples, the body will receive fiber, as well as pectin. They will help lower cholesterol, eliminate toxins. Well, oatmeal will saturate with vitamins and help digestion. It is recommended to adhere to such food for a week, but not longer!

The menu of these three products looks like this:


• oatmeal (pour boiling water, let it swell) - 200 grams;

• two apples (preferably green).


• 100 grams of cottage cheese;

• 100 grams of oatmeal + a spoonful of honey;

• two or three apples.

Dinner: 150 grams of curd with the addition of chopped apples.

Option "cottage cheese + buckwheat"

It lasts a fortnight. Allows you to remove about 10 extra pounds. In the daily diet:

• 300 grams of cottage cheese;

• buckwheat steamed with water (at the rate of a glass of cereal + two glasses of hot water).

Groats are filled with water in the evening. In the morning, it is supposed to divide it and cottage cheese into five servings and eat all day at regular intervals. It is important at the end of the diet not to return immediately to the usual food. You should give preference to vegetables, meat or steamed fish, dairy products. Then it will be possible to consolidate the achieved result.

Option "cottage cheese + eggs"

This kind of curd diet is strict. It is mainly protein, there is no fiber, which means that it is definitely not for those who have problems with intestinal motility. The menu is designed for three days:

Breakfast: one soft-boiled egg + tea + a spoonful of honey;


• 150 grams of cottage cheese;

• green tea + 0.5 teaspoons of honey.

Snack: one hard boiled egg.

Dinner: repeats lunch.

Homemade product for the curd diet

When there is no way to buy really tasty and high-quality cottage cheese, the best way is to make it at home. Moreover, it is not difficult. To do this, you will need to purchase good homemade milk, always fresh. Next steps:

• place a jar of milk in the refrigerator, wait until the cream is collected from above;

• remove the cream to avoid excessive fat content of the finished product;

• let the milk stand in heat until it becomes curdled milk;

• Pour yogurt into a saucepan, put on fire, warm to a temperature of 60 degrees, do not forget to mix;

• remove from heat, let cool;

• fold the cheesecloth into several layers, spread a colander with it, then drain the mass from the pan, squeeze the whey. Ready cheeses will remain in gauze.

Dishes for the curd diet

Baked cheesecakes


• 300 grams of cottage cheese;

• egg;

• a bit of raisins.

Stir the cottage cheese with raisins and an egg. Blind syrniki. Place them in a pan or on a baking sheet and bake in the oven.

Beetroot rolls with cottage cheese


• two large beets;

• a pack of cottage cheese;

• dill;

• two cloves of garlic;

• kefir.

Beets should be cooked until cooked. To clear. Cut into thin circles.

Grind dill and garlic. Cottage cheese to knead. Add dill, garlic, a little kefir, add a little salt. To mix.

Place this filling on beetroot mugs, roll up.

Curd cheese


• half a glass of milk;

• a pound of fat-free cottage cheese;

• quail egg;

• a pinch of soda;

• 1 teaspoon of butter;

• 0.5 teaspoons of salt.

Put the cottage cheese and milk into the pan. Put on medium flame. Allow to boil, do not forget to stir at the same time. Hold it for ten minutes. Drain through a sieve.

Pour the mass into the pan again. Add salt, soda, quail egg. Boil in a low flame to make the mass viscous.

Lubricate the form with oil, transfer the mass to it. Allow to cool. Finally, the cheese will freeze in the refrigerator.

Diet casserole


• 200 grams of cottage cheese;

• carrots (small);

• three quail eggs;

• tablespoon sugar;

• vanilla.

Grate carrots, it is better to take a fine grater. Add quail eggs to it. Grind together. Put sugar, vanilla, cottage cheese. Mix.

It remains only to place the mass in a suitable shape and set to bake: half an hour, temperature - 180.


Watch the video: A Sample Ketogenic Diet Meal Plan (July 2024).