Rice diet: lose kilograms, cleanse the body. What rice will help to lose weight, rules and diet options


To find elegant forms and at the same time carry out the healing of the body - is it tempting? This opportunity gives a rice diet. The basis of this nutrition system in all its variations is the beneficial properties of the main component - rice.

Almost all cuisine in Asian countries is based on this product. And in European countries, it has become the basis for popular diets. The excellent effect of rice in dietary nutrition is based on the fact that it not only has excellent nutritional properties, but is also a very good adsorbent. With it, you can remove toxins and wastes from the body, excess salts, stimulate metabolism.

Rice gives a good feeling of fullness, as it contains a lot of carbohydrates, which will help to avoid severe hunger during the diet.

It also has many essential vitamins, minerals, fiber. His taste is neutral, it can easily be supplemented with protein products or vegetables, fruits. So there will be no problems with cooking. In addition, this is a very affordable cereal.

But in order for weight loss on rice to give the proper effect, you need to learn a few rules:

  1. Not every rice is good for diet. The best option is brown. It is processed minimally, not polished, it retains husk, bran shell, which contains all the most useful. Steamed rice is also suitable. This technology also retains the benefits of cereal. Long grain rice should be preferred; it contains more fiber.
  2. Before cooking, rinse the cereal very welland then dunk. This will help to remove starch from it, which on the diet will only hurt.
  3. When cooking rice cereals do not need to boil. It’s better not to add a little. This will keep the maximum amount of nutrients.
  4. You need to drink a lot. 2.5 liters is the daily minimum. Allowed water (ordinary pure drinking), green tea, hibiscus. Sugar is not worth adding.
  5. Flavored seasoning appetite, as well as salt from diet, are excluded.
  6. It is necessary to take multivitamins. Potassium is under special attention, since the diet on rice is salt-free, and potassium goes with the salts. Without it, the proper functioning of blood vessels and the heart is impossible.

Refuse rice diet will have the following conditions:

  • gastrointestinal tract diseases;

  • unstable blood sugar;

  • pregnancy;

  • breast-feeding.

But even with good health, if you feel unwell, weak on such a diet, it is better to return to normal proper nutrition.

It lasts two weeks.

Since rice is soaked for this diet, all unnecessary impurities leave it, and it perfectly removes salts and slags from the body. This diet is also called the "Tibetan method." It helps not only to part with unwanted kilograms (up to 7 kg in two weeks), but also to cleanse of toxins, get rid of edema, alleviate the condition of osteochondrosis, and smooth out the digestive tract.

The system requires a little preparation:

  1. Take 5 small cans, sign numbers on them.
  2. Rinse 3 tbsp of rice, put in the first container, pour boiled cold water (200 ml). To close. Refrigerate at night.
  3. In the morning, drain the water, rinse the grits. Pour it again. Also put rice in a second jar, pour. Both send to the refrigerator.
  4. The next morning, again change the water in the first two containers, pour rice in the third. Thus, by the fifth day there will be five jars.
  5. On the fifth morning, cereals from the first container should be washed and consumed instead of breakfast without any additives. Soak rice in this jar again. On the sixth morning the turn of the second can comes, on the seventh - the third and so on.

You can eat any meal in other meals, but it is better to give preference to healthy and low-calorie dishes. Let it be vegetables, fruits, cereals. All flour, fat, salty must be excluded. After a breakfast of rice, take a break in food for four hours. Also, do not forget about the drinking regime: at least 2 liters of water, compotes, herbal teas.

Eating only rice is very difficult, and it’s much more useful to add other products, vegetables, fruits or protein foods to it. It’s easier to tolerate such a diet. However, for those who want to part with kilograms faster, there are also tough menu options. For example, a diet that involves eating only one glass of boiled rice daily for 3 days (one apple, a glass of juice is also acceptable). Such options are designed for a very short time, they should not be used for any health problems. It is better to give preference to a more balanced diet.

Three day menu

The basis of nutrition is rice groats soaked in water the night before or properly boiled. To soak 250 grams of washed rice thoroughly, take two glasses of water, it should be cold. To boil the same amount of cereal of water, you also need two glasses, it should be cooked for ten minutes. Then, for another quarter of an hour, rice should be held under the lid for insisting. Do not add salt.

The first day

Breakfast: soaked rice + apple + lemon zest.

Dinner: vegetable broth + vegetable salad + boiled rice (it is allowed to add greens and a spoonful of olive oil).

Dinner: vegetable broth + rice + boiled carrots.


Breakfast: boiled rice, add greens and low-fat sour cream to it (one tablespoon), you can eat an orange.

Dinner: vegetable broth + boiled rice + greens + Hibiscus tea (unsweetened).

Dinner: steam vegetables + boiled rice.


Breakfast: boiled rice + a pinch of cinnamon, grapefruit;

Dinner: vegetable broth + boiled rice + stewed mushrooms (150g) + salad (cucumbers with added olive oil), orange juice;

Dinner: again vegetable broth + rice + steam broccoli (150g) + green tea.  

On such a diet, excess weight literally disappears - up to 4 kg in just three days of a diet. However, this happens mainly because fluid is lost. So again, you can gain kilograms at the same speed with which they left, as soon as the diet returns to normal. In addition, the menu cannot be called particularly delicious, and a meager set of products can provoke a deterioration in well-being and mood, and the appearance of weakness. So the choice of this option for weight loss should be treated with caution, especially if there are chronic diseases.  

5 day menu

This menu is very simple, but strict. Only 2 servings of food are supposed to be eaten per day. The first is rice. For the second meal, you can choose:

  • lean meat;
  • low-fat fish;
  • fruits.
  • vegetables, greens;

There are a number of rules:

  1. Rice and other foods should be eaten in different meals.
  2. The portions are small.
  3. Oil and salt should be removed from the diet.
  4. Rice can be used in different types, change them to diversify nutrition. It is preferable to soak the cereal.
  5. Drinking regimen of the day - four cups. Allowed green tea and drinking water. Do not drink with food, right - half an hour before or after a meal.

The predicted result is a loss of up to five extra pounds.

An approximate menu of two meals (breakfast + lunch) daily can be composed as follows:

First day

  1. A serving of rice is one plate.
  2. 2 green apples.


  1. Boiled beef (300g).
  2. Fig.


  1. A plate of rice.
  2. Grilled cod + cucumber + tomato.


  1. Cucumbers with herbs.
  2. Fig.


  1. Boiled beef (200g) + apple.
  2. Fig.

Weekly rice diet

Making a menu for this power system is pretty straightforward. For daily intake allotted 400 grams of boiled rice. It is necessary to cook it without salt, spices, oil. This amount is divided into five receptions. And in addition to cereals, the following are allowed:

  • fresh vegetables;
  • boiled chicken breast;
  • nonfat yogurt;
  • fruits.

The main rule is that the rice and its complementary components on the plate are in equal amounts, then weight loss will be effective. Such a rice week can be carried out once a month.

Rice + Grapefruit + Bell Pepper

This option is recommended by European nutritionists. Supplementing a rice diet with grapefruit and pepper brings vitamins and other beneficial substances to it. Rules:

  • three meals a day, they are uniform in content;
  • 350 grams of rice are allotted per day, it should be boiled and divided into 3 servings;
  • 20 minutes before a meal, you need to drink half a glass of grapefruit juice, and add ½ bell pepper to rice;
  • the diet is designed for 3 days, with its extension, greens and vegetables should be introduced into the diet.

Rice + buckwheat + honey

An unusual version of the diet for weight loss, developed by the doctors of one of the German clinics that treat obesity. You will need:

  • rice - 5 tablespoons;
  • buckwheat - 5 tablespoons;
  • honey - tablespoon;
  • lemon juice - ½ teaspoon.

Rice and buckwheat are cooked in separate pots. It should be a cool mess. Then rice and buckwheat are mixed, seasoned with honey and lemon juice. This mass must be placed under the press and sent to the refrigerator for 2 hours. The dense compressed product obtained in the end will become the basis of nutrition for the whole day. Hungry, you should cut a small piece from it - with a coin of 5 cents - and keep in your mouth until completely resorbed. You need to drink plenty of water, two liters a day - a minimum. A similar diet lasts five days.

Rice + Honey

Lasts a week. This variant of the rice diet should not be used if an allergic reaction to honey is noted. The daily diet consists of two components:

  • 500 grams of boiled rice (divided into 5 servings);
  • a drink of honey and lemon, which should be drunk three times a day in a glass.

For a drink, 1 teaspoon of honey and a small amount of lemon juice are dissolved in a glass of boiled water.

Before venturing into a rice diet, consult your doctor! Nutrition experiments can do much harm to the body.


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