Useless habits that make life difficult. How to deal with them?


Every person has habits. Among them are many useful things that make us better and more confident in ourselves. But there are attachments that can subjugate and spoil life. These are absolutely unnecessary, physically and psychologically dangerous habits that are difficult to get rid of.

About the most harmful addictions, smoking and alcohol, they write and talk a lot. Dependents are aware of the consequences and make their own choices. In this article, we will do without moralizing. Just once again, we will warn about the insecurity of abuse and pay attention to other well-established forms of everyday behavior.

We single out the 5 most common habits of modern man and try to convince them of their futility.

The habit of sticking out on the Internet and being online around the clock characterizes not only the younger generation. Networks of all ages are submissive. Today, many simply cannot live without informational noise, an abundance of news, likes and discussions around them. But few people think that this is just an illusion of demand and reverence.

Having settled in the network, people are protected from real life and deprive themselves of the opportunity to do more pleasant things. There is a shortage of live communication, which can cause a feeling of loneliness and anxiety.

They call and write you, but rarely call you and do not respond to invitations to meet. A person builds such a remote model of communication and if nothing is done, the virtual world and friends from the Internet will be the only joy.

Believe me, life without likes and colorful photos with ostentatious emotions is much more interesting.

Some proudly call themselves shopaholics and perceive their passion for shopping and making rash purchases as cute eccentricities. Spending money and pampering yourself is really nice. However, this is not the best option to get rid of the blues.

Novelties please temporarily. There is a possibility that after a few days or weeks there will be complete indifference to the purchased item and remorse about the worthless money spent. Everything will pass, but it will happen again.

This is the danger of shopaholism. People who attach too much importance to things and believe that daily purchases make them happy cease to control themselves. A habit takes possession of a person, and this may end in spiritual devastation. Welcome Depression!

This habit is more related to the female half and becomes widespread.

In pursuit of perfection, modern girls are ready for any experiments with hair, nails, eyelashes and their own body. Instant results delight and increase self-esteem, but by lengthening, increasing, increasing volumes and sizes, we spoil this by nature.

Today they buy beauty, they race for it, trying to outdo each other.

In the meantime, individuality is lost, and its own is worn out and needs to be restored.

Another useless habit, which not so long ago, but very firmly rooted in modern society.

Convenient card payment methods and attractive bank offers have become the reason for actively developing credit dependence. This illusion of well-being destroys self-control. Control over the situation is lost and few people think that for bought dreams and quickly fulfilled desires, you will have to pay several times more.

It is important to understand that what we occupy is most often a whim.

You can do without it and live normally, without debts and dependence on monthly payments.

This is one of the most dangerous and useless habits. We ourselves turn our lives into an endless expectation of events and meetings that will make us happier and allow us to enjoy the present. There is no perfect moment to start traveling, start a family, open your own business or just get enough sleep.

Such events are not put off for the sake of a bunch of other things, mandatory points and goals in your life program. Live in the present, not according to your schedule.

Habits are not inherited. Like any skill, they are formed and performed subconsciously. A person does not even think about why and why he does it. Gradually addictions become the norm.

It's like painkillers that help, but don't treat. Unfortunately, attempts to establish obsessive habits are often unsuccessful. It is difficult to deal with it, but there are ways and we will tell about them.

Yielding to temptations, people unconsciously perform the usual actions and only then realize their absurdity and absurdity.

It is very important to catch the moment when you can still give up habits.

If time is lost, try to analyze the harmfulness of your addictions. Your list of negative consequences is likely to include the following items:

  • They are troubling.
  • Annoy others.
  • Become unmanageable and out of control.
  • Spoil relations and career.
  • Contribute to unreasonable waste of money and damage the budget.

The more such characteristics, the higher the probability of ceasing to live for the sake of weaknesses.

Be prepared for internal resistance. Most likely, you won’t want to part with some of the habits, and in the absence of desire, the struggle is meaningless. Take an inventory and divide your affections by importance. That which does not cause concern, leave.

Useless hobbies that take away peace, effort and time are best eliminated or replaced with more pleasant ones.

The main thing is to fill the resulting void with new sources of pleasure. There are a lot of them: sports, collecting, needlework, photography, chess, foreign languages, etc. Even if you are keen on puzzles, it will be useful, since any hobby relaxes and reduces stress.

When changing old habits to new ones, do not expect quick results. Be careful not to injure the psyche and not radically change the established way.

Be prepared to invest a couple of months of your life to get rid of the unnecessary.

If possible, the victory is yours. You can be proud of your own willpower and the fact that you can break out of the trap of useless addictions.


Watch the video: 10 Traits of Toxic Parents Who Ruin Their Childrens Lives (July 2024).