Signs related to the death of pets


Any event that happened in life means something and leads to some consequences.

This also applies to the death of pets.

Sometimes animals try to warn the owners of their imminent demise with strange behavior.

So, remember the signs associated with the death of pets

  1. You can’t throw a dying dog, let alone kill, otherwise misfortune threatens the culprit until the end of life.
  2. Dogs are able to warn their owners of bad events. If suddenly the dog begins to howl and whine plaintively, then should expect something negative.
  3. Before death the four-legged friend barks constantly and loudly, lying on the ground, and sometimes bowing his head to the ground.
  4. A bad omen if a dog does not die by his death, and not from old age or from illness. It means that trouble will come into the house. The dog should be buried as far as possible from his home.
  5. You can’t burn a dead dog, because then the head of the family and all members start to get sick with incurable diseases.
  6. If you offend the cat, then you torment will accompany all life, which can be eliminated only after death.
  7. You can’t kill cats, otherwise in response, life will do the same to a person.
  8. A cat who died in a house is a bad omen, which means that the house has evil spirits, because usually cats go to die away from their home.
  9. The corpse of a cat buried near the house portends residents a quick demise. It is believed that cats should be buried away from residential areas, having previously wrapped the body in dense dark cloth.
  10. To see a dead animal on the road - it's a good omenbut only if it is not black. Such a sign promises a great financial gain, inheritance or a win in the lottery. But the black animal portends an unexpected meeting with the enemy.
  11. If suddenly the bird living in the house begins to behave inappropriately, then probably she feels her death is approaching.
  12. Pigeons should not be allowed into the dwelling where the parrot lives. They can bring a parrot a quick demise.

Any pet lives less than a person, so sooner or later it is necessary to face the death of a beloved pet.

This is not without worries, but immediately making a new friend is undesirable.


Watch the video: 5 Signs That Indicate That a Dog Is Going To Die (July 2024).