How to create the perfect figure? Male look ...


"A man loves the eyes" - this popular expression is well known to most women. But did you know that male and female views on beauty are sometimes very different. Therefore, before proceeding to body shaping, listen to the opinion of professionals: what, how and to what extent change in your body to become irresistible in the eyes of the opposite sex.

According to sexologists and psychologists, a fraction of a second is enough for a man to understand how physiologically attractive a female is for him.

And, among the evaluation criteria, in the first place is the ratio of coverage of the waist and hips. The greater this ratio, the more feminine look. Thin waist is a sign of youth, and wide hips - the ability to produce healthy offspring. Ideal from the point of view of fashion designers and stylists, the ratio is 90-60-90 (one to one and a half) - in the men's sense only a minimum, reflecting "femininity". The thinner the waist and the wider the hips, the better. If all this is accompanied by a high chest, then the reference version of the female hourglass is obtained. To achieve such a simple weight loss is impossible. In this case, focus on making the waist as thin as possible. In the gym fitness instructor should suggest the best simulators and exercises. If you are sorely lacking time, you can resort to the possibilities of special mesotherapy and hardware cosmetology. For several sessions, you will create an "wasp waist", keeping the parameters of the coverage of the hips and chest.

In the second place in terms of attractiveness in the eyes of men are the shape and size of the buttocks. The term "Brazilian ass" - has already become a household word for the standard of sexuality. The desired shape is the result of the special structure of the berry muscle, but with the help of training or myostimulation, you can easily pump up the desired relief. By the way, myostimulation - passive training of muscles with the help of microcurrents allows you to achieve results faster and save it for a longer period. Another fashionable technique is the installation of mesothreads in the buttocks. The thread itself is thinner than a hair, but when installed perpendicular to the muscle fiber, it causes the effect of long-term toning of the muscle. In addition, the improvement of adipose tissue and skin tightening in the area of ​​the buttocks.

The procedure itself takes no more than an hour, and the effect in the hands of an experienced specialist is amazing. The only discomfort is that you will have to sit with caution for three to five days after such manipulation.

The rebirth of adipose tissue, cellulite - a real scourge for the beauty of the figure. And, it spoils first of all zones of hips and buttocks. The best tool in the fight against him is shock wave therapy.

By the way, it is not only the most effective, but also the safest remedy.

Another unpleasant aesthetic phenomenon in the area so attractive to the male gaze is stretching. If they appear, it is too late to use cream and oil. Only laser cosmetology will come to the rescue.

Such attractive, according to women, chest - in the male sense is only in third place. Moreover, the shape is more important than size. Of course, it is impossible to drastically change the shape of the breast without surgical plastics. But to improve the tone, get rid of stretch marks, to make an ideal decollete area - quite within the power of laser cosmetology. By the way, for work in this zone, only an erbium laser is permissible, and the polishing effect is achieved using laser ablation. By the way, the skin tone is so pronounced that clients even stop thinking about plastic.

Make legs (fourth place in the men's ranking) longer can only the most complicated operation. A more slender and fit - hardware cosmetology. What method you choose - an expert will decide. But after a few visits, you can proudly wear the most fashionable and sexy shorts.

The beach season is just around the corner, and for some it has already begun. Do not delay silhouette modeling. Remember: "men love with their eyes," and this love begins with the body.


Watch the video: 29 WAYS FOR GIRLS TO LOOK MORE ATTRACTIVE (June 2024).