Does blue light lower blood pressure?


Patients suffering from high blood pressure often depend on medication for life. However, the progression of hypertension can be prevented not only with drugs.

According to a recent study, blue light reduces blood pressure. If true, LED bulbs will soon become a cost-effective alternative to medicines.

How dangerous is hypertension?

High blood pressure is one of the diseases of civilization in the Western world. In Russia alone, 40-60% of men and 30-40% of women suffer from hypertension. Doctors call a high blood pressure a tonometer value above 140/90 mmHg.

Typically, high blood pressure is due to an unhealthy lifestyle - stress, alcohol, lack of physical activity, nicotine.

Hypertension is the main cause of death in the United States, where about 1,000 people die from cardiovascular disasters daily.

Does sunlight lower blood pressure?

Studies have already shown that sunlight can affect hypertension. On average, blood pressure in the summer months is lower than in winter. Another study found that prolonged exposure to the sun reduces the long-term risk of heart disease.

Spanish scientists have shown that blue light in the office provides significantly better productivity and vigilance for employees. It also seems to have a strong influence on the emotional processes of the brain.

Blue light has a very positive effect on human performance during the day. However, it should be avoided in the evenings to maintain a healthy sleep rhythm.

Scientists from the University. Heinrich Heine in Dusseldorf investigated whether blue light can cure hypertension. The clinical trial involved 14 men aged 30 to 60 years, none of whom had cardiovascular problems. Each of the participants had to visit the test center twice.

During the first session, each subject was exposed to blue light for approximately 30 minutes.

During the second session, subjects were exposed to control light for 30 minutes.

The study showed that exposure to blue light for 30 minutes reduced systolic blood pressure.

According to the leaders of the study, with the help of blue light, the pressure can be reduced more than when using medicines.

The study is considered experimental because it involved only a small number of participants. However, it can be said that blue light in doses similar to a daylight ray reduces systolic blood pressure by 15-20 mmHg. Art.

Is blue light harmful?

Blue light stimulates brain activity, therefore, increases the risk of insomnia. An increase in melatonin levels was delayed by one hour, according to laboratory studies.

The results of various experiments show that constant exposure to visible blue light damages the retina. Older human RPE 9 cells contain a lot of A2E and, according to some studies, are sensitive to light. Age-related macular degeneration is also associated with prolonged exposure to blue light.

A sharp increase in the toxic effects of blue light (400 nm - 500 nm) on the retina is called the "blue hazard". At a wavelength of 440 nm, the sensitivity of the retina to photochemical stress is maximum.

Blue light plays a timer function in the human body. If it is available at the right time of the day in reasonable quantities, it has a very positive effect on concentration.

However, time-independent blue illumination disrupts the circadian rhythm and damages the retina.

To avoid too much blue light, warm white light sources are recommended in the evenings.

In 2019, additional studies will be conducted on the effect of light wavelengths on the human body. The results of clinical trials are encouraging, but the positive effect has not been conclusively proven.


Watch the video: Blue light can significantly reduce blood pressure (June 2024).