Signs of the zodiac, prone to depression


Difficult life situations, constant conflicts with others - can lead anyone into a depressed state. What signs of the zodiac are most prone to depression?

Top 5 signs of the zodiac, prone to depression

Taurus - the most prone to depression

They are literally in it. For them, insignificant melancholy is an almost normal, everyday state in which they fall periodically. The saddest thing is that they can become depressed even when everything in their life is stable and normal. They just feel sad, lonely, incredibly scared, or simply not at ease. Predicting body depression is simply not possible. It arises at one moment and just as suddenly disappears somewhere.

Things are bad with those Taurus who are trying to prove to everyone around that life is terrible, that everything is lost, nothing can be changed. This happens when Taurus is not busy with anything for a long time. They start to mope and get upset. More and more often it seems to them that everything in life is terrible.

Gemini - they are prone to quiet depression

This can even lead to suicidal tendencies and deplorable consequences. They just go inside themselves and it is very difficult to understand why the Twin is puzzled, what is wrong. Misunderstanding by close people just kills them. The problem is that the Twins are not ready for a frank conversation and you only have to guess what they have in mind and what upset them. If the depression drags on, then there is no need to do without the intervention of doctors, but it will be very difficult to make the twin himself admit that he has problems.

Crayfish - they often soar in the clouds

Crayfish live in their own world, a world created in the image and likeness of the real. In this world, everything is complicated, everything is in conspiracy, against Cancer. Depression rolls over him like a snowball and makes him hysterical and screaming. If Cancer is offended, it’s better not to touch it, wait until it moves away from problems and what is happening. Cancer will never succeed in quietly getting depressed, because he is prone to sorting out relationships and scandals.

Scorpions - any trifle can crush them emotionally

It can even be a minor altercation with an old friend and Scorpio instantly falls under the influence of depression. Even if he himself started a breakup, a showdown - he will be moping and you can’t do anything about it, you just have to wait until the mournful retreat. Exhortations and encouragements will not work here. We'll have to devote all our free time to calming the depressing Scorpio. But this is a thankless job, as the next wave of depression can cause any trifle.

Capricorns - they take too much on themselves, therefore, they often become depressed. It would seem that it is possible and necessary to live much easier so as not to be offended then by those around you that they betrayed you, deceived you, and disappointed you. But this is not an option for Capricorn. He will valiantly create difficulties and problems around himself and then he will suffer for a long time.

The rest of the zodiac signs

Fish - they rarely get depressed, but if this trouble happened to them, it’s quite difficult to get out of depression. And all why, because they forgive much and turn a blind eye to many things. And when patience ends, they become depressed, do not explain anything, do not ask for help, sometimes even leave the family because of this.

Aries - they are very sad and depressed very rarely, but if it so happened that their work began unfavorable changes - depression can not be avoided. They can scare themselves, try to find terrible coincidences in the current situation and really find them. The thing is that work is an implementation method for Aries, and if not everything is okay with it, then everything is not okay in his emotional life.

Lions - They are very angry, and when they can do nothing with the situation, they are disappointed and lose their temper. At this moment, it’s better not to argue with them, but simply to retire and let the Lions calm down. After a period of intense indignation, Lions go into deep depression if their problems are not resolved.

Virgin - They can try to enter into a state of depression for a long time and persistently, but they stay in it for a rather short time. That's because they get bored in her. They’d better talk about the problem, discuss the painful, but they simply won’t go to extremes. And this is correct, otherwise, why in life are so many pleasant and good moments.

Libra - for them, depression is a terrible event. They consider it a disease that leads to a halt in life, therefore, it is very harmful. If Libra's state of health worsens, they may well become depressed, but not for long, until the next walk in the fresh air, until the next arrival of guests.

Aquarius may become depressed, but they are not interested in it. They’d better do something. Of course, a difficult life situation can lead them to depression, but not minor troubles, problems and someone else's opinion about them. This is all Aquarius will miss the ears and will not betray it. And they’ll do it right.

Sagittarius - here who is really lucky to have a stable psyche, practically not prone to depressive states. At any moment of their life, they can switch to something positive, escape from pressing problems and feel just fine, not thinking about difficult everyday life and a difficult period of life. How do they do it? Great faith in themselves and a lot of positive, which they share with others. They are ready to give a hand to anyone in difficult times, therefore, their problems are not as puzzled as strangers.

Today, depression has become almost normal for many of us. Knowing your penchant for it, it is better to make the most of your efforts so that the irreparable does not happen, that depression does not become a way of life, does not limit it.

If you have already fallen into it, try to find a reasonable grain in everything that happens and immediately stop being sad. Better - work on yourself and on the situation that has happened to you, because much in our life is for our benefit.


Watch the video: 7 Signs You May Have High Functioning Depression (July 2024).