What paintings are better to never hang on the walls in your home?


The walls in the house are an important part of the interior. The perception of living space as a whole depends on their design. Often paintings are used for such purposes. But not all works of art can be placed on the walls.

What should be the picture

First of all, any picture on the wall should please its owner. If it does not cause positive emotions, then placing it on the wall does not make any sense. Over time, it will bother or cause irritation, which will also adversely affect the microclimate in the house.

Pictures must meet the following conditions:
- have a harmonious color scheme that meets the design of the room;
- be proportionate to the room;
- provide a positive attitude.

But there are paintings or panels that are better not to hang on their walls. For some reason, they can negatively affect both the owners themselves and the environment.

Still Water Images

Water is an auspicious symbol. She can bring wealth and tranquility, if correctly portrayed. But in the case of stagnant water, it can be an image of a swamp or overgrown lake, it does not carry positive energy. There should be no stagnation. If you like water, then it is better to hang a picture with a calmly flowing river or a small waterfall. But on one condition. The river should be with incoming water, not flowing out. Otherwise, you can get the opposite effect.

Labels with an unknown value

If there is no exact translation of the inscription, then it is better not to have such a picture in your home. Even if the inscription in Chinese looks very cute and matches the chosen style of the interior. It is not known what meaning the inscription has. It is possible that it has a destructive force, which is completely out of place in the house.

Ruins, Poverty, or Broken Dishes

Everything related to decay and poverty is best removed from your home. Such images cannot bring peace and prosperity to it. The image of an ancient ruined castle or an old broken amphora looks good in museums. But in a living room, they can attract negative energy and misery. Why keep such images at home. Better to leave room for more positive stories.

Photos or portraits of deceased people

With all the love for deceased relatives, it is better to keep their photos in albums. By posting images on the walls, a negative connection is created that badly affects not only the atmosphere in the house, but also the health of the residents. This is best avoided. But it is also important to keep the memory of those who are dear to the heart. You can beautifully and lovingly arrange a special album and post photos of dear people there.

Selection of paintings depending on the room

When choosing paintings in the rooms, it is necessary to consider what emotions they cause.

It is not advisable to have dynamic images in the bedroom. This room serves for a quiet sleep and rest. Therefore, it is better to choose images that evoke positive emotions, but do not induce action.

In the children's room it is very important to choose the right color. The child should like him and evoke positive emotions in him. Children very subtly feel the influence of the picture on themselves and the room as a whole. It is important to listen to their opinions.

For the living room, images with flowers, landscapes or dynamic abstract images will be appropriate. It is good to conduct a color test in advance. Applying a fabric of a certain color to the wall, you can understand what emotions it causes. It is important that it is comfortable next to such a shade. Image is also of great importance.

In the dining room it is best to have pictures that evoke appetite. It can be still lifes or pleasing to the eye plots. The color is better to choose warm shades. These include yellow, orange, brown and other natural colors.


Watch the video: Here's How You Can Hang BIG Wall Art Without a Single Nail or Hammer (July 2024).