How does the boomerang law work?


Each person sooner or later notices a very mysterious and interesting phenomenon: the action performed by him in relation to another person repeats over time, but in relation to himself. In this case, the action means not only some physical movement, an act, but also spoken words, desires emanating from the heart - in a word, energy moving from one person to another. This phenomenon is commonly called the boomerang law.

Many of us have heard and come across this law more than once, but few can explain the principles of its work. So what is the boomerang law and how does it work in everyday life?

The essence of the boomerang law and its features

Humanity has been aware of the boomerang law since ancient times. People always knew about the existence of a certain guiding-returning force, but could not give it an exact definition. If you look deep into the Bible, you can find the boomerang law: you need to treat other people the way you want to be treated yourself.

The essence of the boomerang law is that words, actions, thoughts, actions that belong to one person and addressed to the world, sooner or later return to their master. Scientists, physicists, astrophysicists, psychologists have long been studying the principles of the law of the boomerang and came to the conclusion that it is directly connected with the Universe and the laws that reign in it. The Universe is an infinite, constantly in development and improvement space with such energy that the human brain is not able to imagine and realize.

The Universe consists of an infinite flow of energies, their interactions with each other and with the Universe. The concept of "energy" can include everything that is addressed to the outside world, including thoughts, words, actions. The energy emanating from a person goes to the point designated by him and always comes back.

This theory can be verified using an ordinary crystal glass and a teaspoon. If you lightly hit the glass with a teaspoon, you will hear a sound that spreads from the teaspoon to the end point located on the opposite side of the glass, then returns.

How to profitably use the boomerang law

Speaking about the boomerang law, people most often mean the negative energy emanating from a person (evil thoughts, curses, betrayal, lies, murder, etc.). In fact, the guiding-returning force can be both negative energy and positive. The universe does not choose the type of energy that comes from man. She picks up signals, whether they are positive or negative. Both positive and negative energy work on the same principle. They return to their master. This fact is well stated in the proverbs telling that good always gives birth to good.

Properly using the law of boomerang, you can qualitatively improve your life, attract into it everything that a person lacks.

How to do it?

  1. You must try to rid yourself of everything negative and negative. Stop discouraging, forget about such emotions as anger, resentment, chagrin, hatred, anger, envy, etc.

All negative emotions begin to count down their actions from within the person, thereby harming his mental and physical health. For example, if a person spends a huge amount of his energy on envy, concentrating on the fact that, for example, he does not have an apartment, but a relative has it, the Universe catches this negative energy and materializes it. She hears not that a person would like to have an apartment, like a relative, but that she does not. One fact - there is no apartment. It will not be, because the forces, thoughts and energy of a person are concentrated on the absence of an apartment while someone else has it.

It would be much more useful to periodically imagine a dream apartment, draw it, look at the images and try to be happy for a relative. Surely, she made a lot of efforts to have this apartment. A relative released positive energy into the world in the form of efforts, aspirations, desires, actions and received an apartment in response. The best thing that can be done in this situation is to gather strength and sincerely choose some useful or pleasant thing for a relative's apartment, for example, dishes, a toy or flowers.

  1. The best positive energy is good. It is important to try to do good from a pure heart, addressing the world with a smile, joy and positive. The effect will be much brighter if a person does good in relation to those who lack such a positive energy in life (elderly people, orphans, sick, lonely).

For example, a man sincerely helped an elderly woman who was left alone. He bought groceries for her, escorted home, cleaned her apartment. Where replenishment of chronically lacking positive energy takes place, a huge creative force is formed, which will return to the point of reference, that is, to the person who has done good.

Misconceptions related to boomerang law

  1. I do good because the Universe will certainly reward me for this.

Once again, we should recall the energy in which all our actions are enclosed. The good of a person that he did for the specific purpose of receiving returns cannot be pure, positive energy. After all, the Universe clearly catches our true desires, needs and thoughts.

  1. I did a good deed, now everything will be fine with me soon.

There is no time frame in the operation of the boomerang law. The energy given by a person of the Universe always returns correctly, that is, when a person needs this energy most of all. For this reason, people often do not notice the effect of the boomerang law. For example, a man repaired a friend's car without compensation, now he sits and waits for the reaction of the Universe, assuming that she will respond with lightning speed and the man will also find help in what he cannot do. Help, support, attention, kindness - any kind of positive energy in response to clean energy will return when a person needs it most. Maybe in a month, and maybe in a year.

Man can never live and exist separately from the laws of the universe. The sooner he realizes this fact and learns to harmoniously interact with it, the better he will live.


Watch the video: Activating the Law of Boomerang: Deu 23:5; Esther 9:1 (July 2024).