Folk myths signs and beliefs about the first wedding night


Despite the fact that in our time, wedding night is rather a formal concept, each chosen one wants her to follow all the rules, and remembering caused only pleasure, but not shame and confusion.

When entering into marriage, couples hope that the wedding night will remain different for them from their usual sex, will gain something sacred. And for this they need to arm themselves with the experience of our wise ancestors, observing traditions and listening to signs.

Wedding menu for the newlyweds is prepared separately. It differs in less fatty snacks, a minimum of alcohol. It can be several glasses of champagne and light snacks. For the couple, this shows that their life will now be associated with restrictions and abstinence.

     Also, the bride and groom should not eat and drink alcohol so that the child conceived on the first wedding night is not born flawed on his head.

And yet, so that the newlyweds after the festive table do not have to make their way to the refrigerator instead of the bed, do not limit them so much in food. Light meat, especially chicken, is a great option for a wedding table. In addition, chicken is a traditional dish for newlyweds, which is eaten without knives and forks. It is also good to put aphrodisiac products on the table:

  • bananas
  • Pine nuts;
  • caviar;
  • avocado;
  • celery and seafood.

The main thing is that the newlyweds do not remain overfed, but feel a surge of love energy in themselves.

No matter how difficult preparations for the wedding, no matter how much the newlyweds are tired, the wedding night should take place, as it is a symbol of a man entering a woman, since this is a symbol of a man entering the life of his chosen one.

Therefore, it is better to shift all the worries about organizing the wedding onto the shoulders of relatives and friends, but the bride and groom at the wedding need to smile, kiss, and most importantly, save energy for the first wedding night, and you can dance the next day.

             In the old days, relatives or guests accompanied the newlyweds to the marriage bed, singing ditties of an intimate nature, throwing shameful jokes, pushing the newlyweds to the act of love.

In our time, such an accompaniment would have looked ridiculous. On the contrary, the more discreetly they leave the celebration, the more time will be left for the implementation of plans.

The bridal bed should be laid by the mother of the groom or his godmother, or by any married relative. However, if the bride does not want someone to touch their bed, she herself can do this on the eve of the wedding.

It is also necessary to keep the secret of the wedding night: no one should know where the newlyweds will spend it. Thus, they create a guardian of their union; at the most crucial moment, no one can stop them.

A kind of charm was also spraying the bed with sacred water. This procedure was often carried out by the mother of the bride.

Important! The first wedding night is best spent in a house where there is no one else. Even if the young family does not have a separate housing, for such a case it is better to rent an apartment.

The wait staff will do everything, only you need to agree on the availability of candles and flowers, aroma lamps with a smell that excites both, champagne, fruits and chocolate.

There is a tradition after the wedding night to beat dishes. It was a sign that the bride lost her innocence that night.

Her husband informed about chastity, choosing one of the glasses: with red wine or vodka. The choice of the first signified the innocence of the wife.

Before the wedding night, the bride needs to change clothes. About peignoir and underwear need to think in advance. Changing clothes for a girl from a wedding attire and underwear was considered mandatory, since negative energy could remain on him, for example, envious friends who were left without a couple.

For our case, our ancestors made a specially designed shirt decorated with special amulets. The same tradition was for bedding for the bride and groom.

The same applies to flowers that guests give the bride and groom. An exception may be a bouquet presented to the bride by the groom, but on condition that he bought it himself, and also did not visit the crowd eager to catch him. For this reason, some couples order 2 bouquets, since it is believed that the wedding bouquet of the newlyweds should stand as long as possible. It is on this that the length and happiness of family life depends.

There is a myth that young people cannot be photographed separately, as this can lead to separation. But actually, what kind of a wedding album, where there is no photo of the bride with her parents, girlfriends or one.

Because of the same sour mines, the album becomes boring and monotonous.

In fact, according to psychologists, when she sees her engagement ring on her friend’s hand, the bride subconsciously realizes that any other girl could be the owner of it, this makes her husband jealous of her friends.

In fact, there is nothing to worry about if someone measures. The main thing is trust between the newlyweds.

Everyone will agree that the wedding is one of the most memorable and happy days in everyone's life. But this is also a deep stress in connection with the preparation for it, a tight schedule, and possibly not always pleasant communication with guests. Attention all this time will be directed to the newlyweds. In this regard, the sobbing of the bride on such a day is not uncommon. But nevertheless, the bride’s cry before the wedding cannot be called a necessity, because everyone comes out with a stressful situation in their own way.

The newlyweds themselves need to remember that no superstitions and bad signs will take true love. But the myth that the girl who caught the bouquet at the wedding will be the first to get married, let it become reality.


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