Thin business - the east gave the world an unprecedented method of rejuvenation


Complex operations, painful procedures, reckless risk - these are the thoughts that often come to us when it comes to the artificial preservation of youth and beauty. The good news is that modern technologies have also reached aesthetic cosmetology, making it even safer and more efficient. We talked to one dermatologist and cosmetologist, one of the most advanced techniques - reinforcement with 3d threads. Clinic "Ottimo" Elena Nikolaevna Samokhvalova.

Elena Nikolaevna, what is the "magic" 3d-threads, and what disadvantages do they help to fix?

3d-threads, in other words trending, is one of the latest techniques in cosmetology, which came from oriental medicine, acupuncture. The thread consists of POLIDIOXINON, an absolutely safe material that came from cardiac surgery, where it has been used since 1980. About five years ago, work began on the use of these threads in cosmetology, and now they have actively entered the market.

The thread is absolutely safe, it is completely absorbed, and in its place is formed a tight connection of collagen, which allows you to change the contour of the face, the contour of the body. You can achieve a lifting effect, correct facial contours, make it clearer, make cheekbones taller, remove deep or fine wrinkles.

On the body, they contribute to the correction of the shape of the buttocks, the formation of a flat stomach. The threads work effectively both on the inner surface of the shoulder and on the inner side of the thighs. The result lasts for two years.

That is, after a half to two years will have to re-conduct the procedure?

Not necessary. Sometimes it is possible to achieve such a result that the patient comes only after three years. And the more this technique is good - like a designer, it can go through several stages. There is no such algorithm in which we enter a certain number of threads and wait for the effect to weaken. You can gradually adjust something, supplement, lift, etc.

How to evaluate the effectiveness of the procedure?

I always do one side first, then I show the mirror, - it’s hard not to see the differences. There are cases with the so-called "accumulation effect" - some people with heavy skin do not immediately pull up, and then we explain that in a month or one and a half the effect is increasing.

With all the effectiveness, the changes are quite mild, natural and difficult for some patients to perceive them - it seems that everything has always been the case. Here we are helped by the photo "before" and "after."

And yet it happens that the use of 3d-threads does not lead to the proper effect?

A positive result will always be in 100% of cases. It all depends on the number of threads that we enter. It happens that the thread is absorbed early, but not earlier than in 180-200 days. And thanks to the formation of collagen, the effect will last up to one and a half years exactly.

At what age is it better to start?

All according to indications. It is possible and in 18 years.

What could be the testimony?

Someone wants to make higher cheekbones, models, for example, need to work. Or a person has such a facial structure that the “nosogubki” is clearly expressed at an early age. In this case, threading is a good way out.

And from the second chin threads will help get rid of?

Yes, in this case the threads are effective. However, if there is a lot of subcutaneous fatty tissue, it is better to first make liposuction, and then, when the skin hangs a little, stitch it with threads. All these nuances are solved during the consultation with the patient.

Is it possible to achieve results achieved using 3d-yarns by other therapeutic methods? Massage, for example?

Massage can slightly improve skin tone, reduce puffiness, but a tightening can not be achieved. In addition, it can be caused by couperosis, which is difficult then to fight. Whereas 3d threads are an absolutely painless procedure with excellent portability, and the result is amazing.

Are different methods of aesthetic cosmetology combined, and in what proportions?

Any methods can be combined, except for thermal effects, such as thermal lifting, it is better to do it 5 days before the lifting or a month after. Fractional thermolysis only two weeks after the filaments. Bio-reinforcement, biorevitalization, contour plastics, ultrasonic cleaning, no-injection, in principle, almost everything is possible.

Is the procedure popular among men? What requests does the stronger sex address?

Yes, with the same women. More often they remove the “proud muscle” - this is between the eyebrows, they are also worried about the paraorbital area, nasolabial folds. Later, the oval of the face begins to change.

How much time is required for rehabilitation?

At 90% of the rehabilitation period is not, after the procedure, they immediately leave beautiful. Of course, with any injection you can get into the vessel, causing a bruise, but these are isolated cases. If the patient is prone to bruises, he has brittle blood vessels or couperose skin, then a hematoma can last for seven days after the procedure, but not longer. In general, it is one of the safest methods. And it does not depend on the sun, its application is possible at any time of the year.

Do you discuss taste preferences with patients?

First I model, show what will be and how. I listen to what I don’t like, I give my recommendations. In the end, we always find the best option.


Watch the video: Lee Berger: "Google Earth and Human Evolution". Talks at Google (June 2024).