The horoscope for April 2016 for all signs of the zodiac - favorable and unfavorable days. Love and horoscope haircuts for April 2016.


Horoscope for April 2016 Aries

If you don’t like something, you don’t have to tolerate it. You are the master of your life, you are also responsible for all the events that take place in it. It may be that something has been bothering you for a long time, but you still put off solving the problem for later, in the hope that it will be solved by itself. April is the time to take control of the situation.

In terms of personal relationships, the stars recommend that Aries believe not in beautiful words, but in actions. Perhaps you have just appeared a partner who is trying to gain your confidence. You still do not know what kind of person he is. Well, watch how he behaves, what he does and shape his judgment.

If you have been in a relationship for a long time, then also demand more action and fewer words from your half.

Especially favorable days of the Aries horoscope for any business and undertaking: April 1, April 6, April 27, April 30, 2016.

Days in which Aries should be careful: April 3, April 12, April 19, 2016.

Horoscope for April 2016 Taurus

The horoscope for April 2016 advises Taurus to show character in everything. This month is not the time for "calf's tenderness." Firmly state your intentions and do everything to implement them. If you feel that your chosen one or business partner is not on the same foot with you, then sort things out until you are too far from each other.

In April, Taurus will be appropriate to show their individuality. It is boring and not interesting to be like someone. Do not try to copy the stars or friends, even those who you really like. Let everything be yours - a style in dress, hairstyle and behavior. Know that no matter how beautiful the magazine and cinema patterns are, the naturalness and naturalness is the best that a person can provide to the surrounding world.

Especially favorable days of Taurus horoscope for any business and undertaking: April 5, April 10, April 22, April 29, 2016.

Days in which Taurus should be careful: April 6, April 13, April 14, 2016.

Horoscope for April 2016 Gemini

It cannot be said that the month will be quite simple and cloudless for Gemini. There may be confusions at work, quarrels with loved ones. In order not to fall into depression and not be sad about what is happening, it will be appropriate to throw out negative energy on something else. For example, it will not be superfluous to sign up for a section of boxing, where, having dealt with imaginary enemies, you will feel calmer and more confident. You can also watch horror movies. According to psychologists, being frightened while watching a movie, a person will then become more hardened to what is happening in real life.

At the end of April, the Twins will receive "an offer that cannot be refused in the service. Perhaps you will be offered a business trip to a warm country or a transfer to the career ladder on more favorable terms for you. Take this opportunity for growth with pleasure!

Especially favorable days of the Gemini horoscope for any business and undertaking: April 5, April 10, April 22, April 29, 2016.

Days in which the Twins should be careful: April 10, April 14, April 15, 2016.

Horoscope for April 2016 Cancer

In April, you will be invited to participate in something from your point of view is not quite right, but for a good reward. This, for example, will be an invitation to participate in a fraudulent profit scheme or the introduction of some new rules in the service that will curtail the rights of your colleagues. Remember that you are a free person with an independent opinion. Do not do what your inner voice protests against. For all the bad things we do to others, we all have to pay sooner or later. Let a lot of money not attract you, if their receipt is associated with something unethical or immoral.

Pay attention to your soul mate. In everyday troubles, you completely forgot about your relationship and do not pay them proper attention.

Especially favorable days of the Cancer horoscope for any business and undertaking: April 8, April 12, April 17, April 20, 2016.

Days in which Cancers should be careful: April 10, April 21, April 23, 2016.

Horoscope for April 2016 Leo

In April, the Lions may wear the medal "For the difference." After all, it is under such a sign that a month will pass for this zodiac sign! You will cope perfectly with all your responsibilities.

Participate in collective events at work, do not refuse to attend corporate parties or nature trips with colleagues. Such a pastime will hold the working relationship together and make them more friendly. Especially this advice is appropriate for Lions who hold a management position or are business owners.

In family affairs in mid-April, you will play the role of a psychologist. Your close people will be extremely frank, possible "family" consultations with you on account of certain issues. Do not rush to give advice to get rid of as soon as possible! Listen to the person from the beginning to the end, and only then give a thoughtful answer.

Especially favorable days of the horoscope Lviv for any business and undertaking: April 7, April 10, April 25, April 30, 2016.

Days in which Lions should be careful: April 5, April 14, April 16, 2016.

Horoscope for April 2016 Virgo

Be a good, and most importantly, an honest friend in April! Virgos may become the third party in the proceedings of friends, relatives or friends. Do not allow emotions to influence your judgments; stay cold in your thoughts. Do not take rash advice and do not make hasty verdicts. Your good attitude towards a person should be expressed not in constant support, but in objectivity and honesty.

In mid-April, you will need to honestly assess yourself and how good you are in certain areas of activity. In your work or study you are required to "jump over your head", do not be afraid of it. If you know that you do not reach the desired level, learn and develop. You will have time to prepare, to improve your knowledge. If you are too lazy, you can miss a good chance of promotion.

Especially favorable days of the Virgos horoscope for any business and undertaking: April 5, April 9, April 17, April 22, 2016.

Days in which Virgos should be careful: April 8, April 16, April 26, 2016.

Horoscope for April 2016 Libra

Do not confuse self-love with selfishness. In April, Libra will need to clearly separate these concepts, if you do not want difficulties in communicating with relatives. Something you have to give in when at another time you would have insisted on your own. Believe that gentleness in dealing with people works wonders, you won’t lose anything from it. Share what you have, do not skimp on good words and forget for a while about your own interests.

This month is also good to start a piggy bank. Weights in the near future may need a large amount of money to realize their long-held dream. If you start saving money right now, then you won't have to borrow.

Pay attention to your parents or close relatives who are older than you. Visit them or invite them to your place. Such a meeting will please both them and you.

Especially favorable days of the Libra horoscope for any business and undertaking: April 3, April 5, April 16, April 26, 2016.

Days in which Libra should be careful: April 13, April 22, April 29, 2016.

Horoscope for April 2016 Scorpio

Lonely Scorpions, attention! Maybe the person you have been looking for for so long is somewhere near you! He may be hiding among his friends or colleagues. Look at this: is anyone watching you or not giving clear signs of attention? In April, the stars recommend Scorpios not to turn away from the fans, but give them a chance.

At work, Scorpions may have misunderstandings with colleagues or subordinates. Service differences should not cause aggression in you, be patient, gently react to criticism. You can always quarrel, but to come to a consensus to the general satisfaction of the parties is an art.

At the end of April pay attention to wildlife. Good walks, rest in the countryside or playing with pets are good.

Especially favorable days of the scorpion horoscope for any business and undertaking: April 1, April 4, April 5, April 22, 2016.

Days in which the Scorpios should be careful: April 15, April 23, April 26, 2016.

Horoscope for April 2016 Sagittarius

Do not confuse love with friendship, otherwise you will lose both. It may happen that Sagittarius will feel an extraordinary attraction to someone whom they have long considered a friend. If your feelings have turned into love, believe that you can no longer be friends, because jealousy and a desire to take possession of a person will wake up in you. Stars advise you to sincerely share your experiences. Who knows, what if your comrade looks at you with other eyes? However, do not hide the true state of things, because the truth will emerge sooner or later, and you will lose a person dear to you.

Do not in any way borrow, especially after the twenties. Even if you need money urgently, postpone the loan relationship to the next month. Having borrowed money in April, there is a chance that you will be able to give it away very soon.

Especially favorable days of the Streltsov horoscope for any business or undertaking: April 11, April 14, April 17, April 24, 2016.

The days in which Sagittarius should be careful: April 22, April 27, April 30, 2016.

Horoscope for April 2016 Capricorn

If you have something stubbornly unwilling to stick and get along, perhaps life itself indicates to you that it is time to leave useless occupation. It is very likely that you are aggressively trying to open a door that is securely locked. Consider the situation, analyze whether there are other solutions to the problem. If not, step back and save your strength.

In the middle of April Capricorns are waiting for victory on the love front. You can get a cohabitation offer from someone you meet. This time is good for building personal relationships, so fully surrender to this activity.

At the end of the month, do not play the lottery and do not bet in bookmaker offices - you will lose. But those Capricorns, who spend money economically, will benefit.

Especially favorable days of Capricorn horoscope for any business and undertaking: April 3, April 5, April 13, April 24, 2016.

Days in which Capricorn should be careful: April 8, April 16, April 26, 2016.

Horoscope for April 2016 Aquarius

"Lie to the rescue". Do not use this steady euphemism to justify yourself. Do not lie, because by deceiving others, you are deceiving yourself.

At the beginning of the month, your sociability and the gift of persuasion will play into your hands. If the situation concerns your work, then be eloquent, show initiative and activity in negotiations.

In love affairs Aquarius, there may be some confusion. You may be involved in a love triangle, or you may become the object of worship for several suitor.

The stars advise you not to play on people's feelings in order to entertain your self-esteem; this may cost you dearly in the future. Stay honest with yourself and others. If you don’t like a person, don’t hide it and don’t give false hopes.

At the end of the month, visits to beauty salons and hairdressers are appropriate. Look after yourself, rejoice at changes in appearance.

Especially favorable days of the Aquarius horoscope for any business and undertaking: April 4, April 7, April 28, April 30, 2016.

The days in which Aquarius should be careful: April 13, April 14, April 18, 2016.

Horoscope for April 2016 Pisces

At the beginning of the month you will become a “golden fish” for someone, since you will have the opportunity to fulfill desires. Why not, stay a bit like a wizard! If you are asked to do something that does not burden you at all, then do not refuse.

Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, fill the body with vitamins! But if you feel unwell, you should not drink pharmaceutical preparations, as the state can only worsen. Also this time is suitable for those Pisces who decide to start a fight with their weaknesses or bad habits. It is in April that it will be easy for you to restrain yourself so as not to “break off” and not smoke or eat a tasty cake.

At the end of the months, the Pisces will not hurt a bit of mental stress. Read the literature on the specialty, study graphs or diagrams, listen to audio courses. Such self-development will not only give you the opportunity to feel more confident, but it will also come in handy next month.

Especially favorable days of the Pisces horoscope for any business and undertaking: April 2, April 6, April 23, April 30, 2016.

Days in which Pisces should be careful: April 5, April 13, April 17, 2016.

Horoscope haircuts for April 2016 (common to all signs)

1, 4, 6, 7, 9, 12, 13, 16, 18, 19, 22, 24, 25, 27, 28, 30 April - is it worth changing the length of the hair if you want it? Yes, these days, of course, you need to do it! Feel free to go to a beauty salon and ask the hairdresser to transform your appearance. The new hairstyle will delight you, create a new image, and your hair will lie beautifully and without additional means of fixation.

2, 3, 5, 8, 10, 11, 14, 15, 17, 20, 21, 23, 26, April 29 - these days you should not get a haircut. A new hairstyle can be quite successful, which cannot be said about your energy potential. After all, according to the Lunar calendar, the use of scissors will significantly “cut off” the flow of positive energy. Probably deterioration of health.

April 2, 5, 9, 10, 14, 17, 21, 24, 29, 30 - if you have a desire to create an unusual image with the help of a hairstyle, then feel free to do it! Tricky braids, interlacing curls not only visually brighten you, but also give the attention of the opposite sex!

April 1, 3, 7, 11, 13, 15, 23, 25 - generously decorate your hair with metal hairpins and hairpins with shiny pebbles. The more shine will come from your hair, the more brilliant you will appear to others.

4, 6, 8, 12, 16, 18, 19, 20, 22, 26, 28 April - you shouldn’t make your hair pins heavy with her head - she can get sick from it. Prefer simple natural hairstyles - tail, braid or simply dissolve your hair.

1, 4, 5, 6, 10, 12, 15, 19, 20, 22, 25, 29, 30 April - in these warm spring days, the Lunar calendar strongly discourages you from using hair dye. If you want to change the shade of your mane, then use the advice of our grandmothers and use decoctions of chamomile, water with lemon juice or henna. You not only give your hair a new shade, but also heal them.

April 2, 7, 8, 11, 17, 21, 23, 24, 26 is the time to dye your hair! Choose any color you like, it will surely go down well and make you visually younger and more attractive.

April 3, 9, 13, 14, 16, 18, 27, 28 - The Lunar calendar does not recommend changing the “suit” and dyeing your hair these days. Do not use not only chemical paints, but also coloring creams or tonics. You can damage your hair or make it an unusual color with greens or blue. Transfer the procedure to another day.

Love horoscope for April 2016 (common to all signs)

The love horoscope for April 2016 strongly recommends that all signs of the zodiac not to be provoked by your pride. You will definitely have a situation where you can either go towards a partner, or pay tribute to pride. Remember that pride is ranked as mortal sins in all religions.

Single signs of the zodiac, your way out! It was in April that the location of the planets is such that almost all single people have a great chance to meet a partner for future relationships. However, if you think that fate will find you at home, you are very mistaken. Lead an active lifestyle, long walk, come to noisy companies and crowded institutions. Safe also develop acquaintance in social networks.


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