The temptation in French. How to build relationships French women.


It is proved that the French are able to keep the passion in the relationship, even being in a pair for a very long time. They know how to be interesting, charming and mysterious. What is their secret? Let's find this out.

1. Continue to go on dates

French girls just love freedom. They are big lovers of polygamous relations, but only before the official marriage with her chosen one. No, no, this does not mean that the French women are walking and depraved, they just never connect themselves forever with a man whom they know little, who are not completely trusted. By and large, this is why marriages in France break up much less often, because women are firmly convinced that it is better to take a walk longer, go to a lot of dates and meet hundreds of guys than marry the first person they met, and after a few years to file a divorce .

The guys start to feel fear and discomfort when they notice that the girl is determined to be decisive and wants to legitimize the relationship with her lover as soon as possible. French women are clever and cunning. They show that they do not want to hurry, and, in general, they are not sure whether they want to get married. This creates intrigue and excites the interest of the guys. It has long been known that the representatives of the strong half of humanity are by their very nature the most real predators. They do not need something that comes easily and without any struggle. For girls who have no zest and mystery, there will never be interest. You always have to remember this.

Advice from French women №1 - allow yourself more freedom at the beginning of a relationship. Show the man that you trust him, but, nevertheless, are not an open book. And continue to meet and communicate with other men. You should not dwell on one person and give him all of yourself until you realize that he deserves it.

2. Show a little indifference

Also, the fifth meeting with a boyfriend who likes it did not come to an end, and the girl had already mentally played a wedding with him, acquired a bunch of kids and thought up the names of their dog and cat. Of course, to dream and make plans is not bad, but everything should be in moderation. French women think differently. If someone liked, they will remain calm and try to make the guy think that he is not so necessary.

Yes, maybe this position is not quite correct, but, nevertheless, it works. This makes the man (hunter, male) be in the right "tension". Do not relax, considering that the woman (booty) is already in his hands.

Advice from the French women number 2 - do not show a man that you are too much on him "sunk down". You are interested in them, you are not against his company, but do not rush to “hang himself” on the man’s neck.

3. Encourage the man correctly

As mentioned above - any Frenchwoman will find the right place and time to flirt a little with a random passerby, while being in a relationship. They do not believe that there is something shameful and shameful about it. But the subtext of this flirting (the signal that a woman sends to her man) is this - there are plenty of other men in the world, but I chose YOU!

Maybe it sounds a bit strange, but the French guys even like a little bit to see that their girlfriend are staring at others. After all, the logic of French men is: everyone looks at her, which means she is beautiful and interesting, but she chose ME!

Advice from French women number 3 - Even in the process of long-standing, long-term relationships, sometimes remind your loved one that there are many other men in the world who pay attention to you and find you attractive. But at the same time, show that you prefer his company and appreciate that you have it. Men, they are just like children - if you praise once, they will go out of their way to achieve even greater praise next time. Learn to take advantage of this.

4. Man and woman are not owned by each other.

At the very beginning of the relationship the girl wants to fully belong to her beloved. She shows in every way that she cannot live without him, and is fully focused only on pleasing him. French women do not start their relationship. They know that if, from the very beginning, let the guy know that he is the owner, and the girl is just his property, then this will not change. In the future, you will want a little personal space, freedom, and the moment will be lost, and the relationship will slowly, but surely, fly into the abyss.

On the other hand, the man is also not the property of the woman. No need to deprive him of personal freedom so that it could cause the man unnecessary regrets and dreams of the "old freedom" that "he lost."

Advice from Frenchwoman number 4 - do not take away from the man the right to be a male, learn to manage him a little, but so that he himself did not notice it. Do not forget that even if you are already married, this does not mean that you were able to bind a man to yourself forever. If he wants, he will leave. Your main task is not to “put” a man “on a chain”, but to make sure that he himself does not want to leave you anywhere.

5. Enjoy life every day.

French women are very purposeful and cheerful. They find a favorite thing and do it with great pleasure in their free time. They radiate energy and positivity that attract guys so much. Think, if a woman is dissatisfied with her life and does not expect anything good from her, will she be able to interest a man? French men are ready to do everything for their beloved, not at all because they ask them about it, but because women have enough energy to share it.

Advice from French women number 5 - add more positive to the relationship and share your mood with your beloved. He will be pleased to know that you are happy with him and you like such a life. Find a hobby. Learn how to do something new and often surprise your man.


Watch the video: Before The Person :: Relationship Goals Part 1 (June 2024).