We meet menstruation with a smile: get rid of menstrual pain


Pain during menstruation disrupts the usual rhythm of life, driving us into a special framework. Sometimes it becomes unbearable. It remains only to endure and wait for her to retreat. But there is a solution! To blame for the pain during menstruation of prostaglandin. It is a hormone-like substance that provokes uterine contractions to remove all unnecessary from there.

It is these so-called "contractions" that we feel as pain in the lower back and abdomen, sometimes so severe that I want to howl. Sometimes as a "bonus" to pain, we get dizziness, weakness, nausea and indigestion. Of course, you can always take a pill, and get rid of the pain for a few hours. But there are other equally effective ways to deal with pain during menstruation with a long-term perspective. But first of all it is necessary to make sure that pain during menstruation is not associated with gynecological pathologies and is an individual feature of the organism.

Reception of special vitamins

During menstruation, the woman’s body is especially short of magnesium and vitamin B6. Low levels of magnesium cause the muscles to strain excessively, which only increases the existing cramps. Vitamin B6 helps to cope with apathy and irritability. Reception of magnesium supports ATP (adenosine triphosphate, promotes muscle relaxation) at a high level.

To relieve pain during menstruation, start taking magnesium and vitamin B6 10-14 days before menstruation. These vitamin supplements will make uterine contractions less painful.

Yoga to relax the muscles

Special asanas will help to cope with menstrual pain, as well as remove blocks and adjust hormonal background. The first 24 hours after the onset of menstruation is not recommended. It is better to start doing the exercises a few days before the menstrual period, then take a break until the second day of menstruation, and start the exercises again. Each asana must be given from two to five minutes. Exercises should not cause discomfort and discomfort. Breathe smoothly and calmly during the lessons.

We offer you a complex of asanas, which will help to cope with nervous tension and pain during menstruation.

Exercise number 1: Virasana (Hero Pose)

Kneel down, placing your feet slightly wider than the pelvis. Put a few blankets or a book under your buttocks. Sit between the legs on the support. Try to straighten your back smoothly. Discomfort in the knees or back should not be. Raise your hands up and pull, after a few seconds, put them on your knees. Take a deep breath and raise your arms again. Repeat three times.

Exercise number 2: Adho Mukha Virasana (Pose of the hero face down)

After the first exercise, stand on your knees. Place your knees at the width of the hips or slightly wider; the big toes should be joined together. Sit on your heels and pull your whole body forward, put your forehead on the floor. The sides should feel warm and light stretching. Stay in this position for 2-5 minutes. You should not feel any discomfort or discomfort. Watch your breath.

Exercise number 3: Suptavirasana (Pose of the hero in the prone position)

Return to the starting position from the first exercise. Slowly lean back, leaning on the floor with your hands. Drop down on your elbows. If you feel that you can go lower, lay on your back. If you feel discomfort in the lower back, put a towel or pillow under it. Stay in this position for 4-5 minutes. Then smoothly return to the starting position.

Exercise number 4: Supta baddha konasana (Pose of the bound angle lying)

This exercise will help to cope with lower abdominal pain.

Sit on the floor, bending your legs and joining your feet. Put a towel or blanket under your back. Sit on your back, under the head and neck, put a pad. Put your hands on the floor, breathe slowly and relax. With each breath, the lower abdominal muscles will be stretched. Stay in this position for three minutes.

Therapeutic diet

Pain during menstruation is often associated with a deficiency in certain beneficial substances.

Iron deficiency. During menstruation, we lose a lot of iron. To compensate for the loss, lean beef liver, red fish, buckwheat, pomegranates, prunes, raisins and apples.

It is important: that the iron is absorbed, do not use it together with fermented milk products.

Calcium deficiency. Milk, kefir, yoghurt, ryazhenka, cottage cheese, eggs, soybeans and legumes will help replenish calcium stores.

Important: fermented milk products are better absorbed in the evening.

Vitamin E deficiency. Vitamin E is responsible not only for the condition of the skin and hair, but also for the reproductive organs. They are rich in all kinds of vegetable oils, walnuts, seeds, fish and poppy.

Magnesium deficiency. When the body lacks magnesium, we are madly drawn to sweets. To resist the temptation, start the day with buckwheat, cornflakes, tomatoes or bananas.

These days, try to give up alcoholic beverages, strong coffee and tea. To avoid edema, temporarily eliminate salty, spicy and smoked food from your diet.

Massage with essential oils

To cope with an attack of menstrual pain will massage the abdomen and lower back with the use of special essential oils.

Essential oil of rose, mandarin, jasmine, neroli, lavender, orange and geranium is best for massage. Essential oil is diluted in ordinary vegetable oil or cream. Start better with low concentrations of essential oil. With good tolerance and no allergy, the concentration can be increased.

Begin the first session with a minimum dosage: 3 drops of essential oil per 10 ml of base. After several sessions, the concentration can be increased to ten drops. Massage the lower abdomen and lower back for 15-20 minutes.

Herbal teas

Some herbal teas have amazing properties that can ease menstrual pain. During menstruation, replace ordinary tea or coffee with herbal teas with mint, raspberry, oregano, and ginger.

In addition, pay attention to cinnamon. It has an excellent antispasmodic and analgesic effect. Add in a glass of warm milk half a teaspoon of cinnamon and drink before bedtime.

Sex as a medicine

Good sex can work wonders. Regular sex helps women cope with pain and cramps, and also has a positive effect on hormones and the nervous system. If you are afraid to dirty bed linens - stock up on napkins or try sex in the shower.

It is better to give preference to shallow penetration poses. Fact: sexologists have proven that during menstruation a woman gets more pleasure from having sex than usual. Libido during this period just rolls over. It is associated with an increased level of estrogen in the blood.


Watch the video: PMS and Menstrual Cramps Remedies -Kasheera (July 2024).