Potato croquettes - an interesting dish of ordinary potatoes


When we hear the name of the dish "potato croquettes", it seems as if it is foreign and overseas.

But in fact, this recipe was invented by our mothers and grandmothers, and this was due to the fact that some of the children did not want to eat up the mashed potatoes and, in order not to throw it away, the mashed potatoes presented a second life in the form of small cutlets, fried in deep fat.

It just seems that such croquettes are hard to cook, but there is a more simplistic way to make such delicious potato dumplings - let's see this together with you!

You will need:

- 1 kg of potatoes;

- 100 ml of milk;

- 1-2 chicken eggs;

- 20-30 g of butter;

- 150 ml of vegetable oil;

- 0.5 tsp. salts;

- 4-5 tbsp. wheat flour;

- 1-2 tbsp. breadcrumbs;

- 100-150 g of hard cheese.

There are two options for creating potato croquet: the first in the form of dumplings, and the second - in the form of balls, breaded in breadcrumbs. We will prepare the first option with you, and you, if you wish, will create a second, just rounding portions of mashed potatoes using the same recipe.

First, clean the potato tubers and rinse them in water. For mashed potatoes, “old” potatoes are perfect - mashed potatoes are made viscous and not crumbly from early young potatoes. Cut potato tubers in small pieces and pour into a saucepan. Fill with hot water or boiling water and boil for 15-20 minutes - that is how much time is needed to soften the potatoes. No need to salt water - salt will be added later.

As soon as the potatoes are ready - heat the milk in the microwave, as if you add cold milk in mashed potatoes, the dish will become grayish. Salt the potato broth, pour hot milk into a bowl of boiled potatoes and add butter along with salt. Press the potato press to remember the entire contents so that there is not a single large piece or lump left - the mass should become lush and homogeneous.

Immediately break into her chicken egg. If you took more ingredients, then add a few eggs to the mass and vice versa.

Stir the egg into the potato mass and add the wheat flour, and then the breadcrumbs. Thanks to the dry components, the mass will be so thick that it can easily be rolled up in the form of balls.

In a skillet or in a cauldron, preheat the vegetable oil to heat - over 200C. Then we put a tablespoon of a bit of potato mass and the second tablespoon will remove it in deep fat. Thus, our hands will remain clean, and potato croquettes will already be fried in deep fat!

On each side, the croquettes are roasted for 1-2 minutes until golden brown, and then with a skimmer they turn over to the other side.

Immediately cover the plate with a paper towel and spread the roasted croquettes on it - it will remove excess fat from the cooked dish. Potato croquettes are incredibly appetizing and ruddy - I just want to eat them. However, it should be remembered that such a side dish is very calorie, so it is better not to use it at night.

Serve potato croquettes with chopped cheese, fresh vegetables and any sauces. Enjoy your meal!

As you can see, the potato dish turned out lush, tasty and inexpensive. Let's calculate its cost for 4 servings:

- 1 kg of potatoes - 12.5 rubles;

- 100 ml of milk - 2.5 rubles;

- 1 chicken egg - 4 rub .;

- 20-30 g of butter - 4 rubles;

- 150 ml of vegetable oil - 15 rubles;

- 4-5 tbsp. wheat flour - 5 rubles;

- 1-2 tbsp. bread crumbs - 3 rub.

Total: the cost of a festive dish was 46 rubles, and 1 portion - 11.5 rubles. All the same, potato dishes are an excellent budget option for a festive table garnish! Cook with us and we will open for you more than once the secret recipes of economical dishes.


Watch the video: Marvelous Mashed Potato Cakes (June 2024).