Seasoning from tomatoes for the winter: the tomato flavor of summer in the fridge. How to cook tomato seasoning for the winter


Tomatoes are an ideal product for the preparation of winter seasonings and various sauces.

Many housewives love to harvest them for the future - after all, tomato dishes remain fresh and able to maintain taste for many months.

A few spoons of this sauce become an excellent addition to meat, potatoes, spaghetti, rice.

With the help of additional ingredients, you can achieve any taste: make the seasoning spicy, sweet, spicy, similar to lecho, etc. Everything is limited only by the imagination of the culinary craftswomen.

Seasoning from tomatoes for the winter: general principles of preparation

There are dozens of nuances in the preparation of this sauce, as well as additional components that can complement or significantly change the taste of the seasoning. Nevertheless, the basis of all recipes is a single cooking principle.


• Ripe red tomatoes. They must be completely ripe, but without signs of over-ripening, otherwise it may spoil the taste.

• Pepper large sweet. An alternative is apples. A sauce made from tomatoes alone is rarely prepared, as a rule, one more ingredient is added.

• Garlic. If the seasoning should be sharp, add the horseradish root to the garlic.

• Sugar, coarsely ground salt, a fragrant mixture of peppers, clove inflorescences and other dry additives to taste.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse the fruits of tomatoes. Remove all defects from the peel, "barrels", cut the stem.

2. To dry. If the seasoning does not involve heat treatment, wipe the tomatoes with a paper towel and make sure that there are no traces, threads, fibers, etc. on the peel. All this can prevent the product from being stored for a long time.

3. Crank tomatoes and other vegetables in a meat grinder. As an option: finely chop or rub.

4. Mix all components, except garlic, into a common quenching container, mix and keep on low heat for about 20 minutes, you can 30. At the end of cooking, put garlic in a saucepan.

5. Put the seasoning in the pre-sterilized jars, wrap the lids and cool.

6. Store better in a cool place - basement or refrigerator.

The classic seasoning of tomatoes for the winter

The easiest recipe for seasoning. Equally well suited to meat, poultry, fish.


• ripe tomatoes for making juice - at least four kilograms;

• ground horseradish - half a glass;

• sweet pepper - a pound or a kilogram;

• two spoons of coarse salt;

• four spoons of granulated sugar;

• garlic

Cooking method:

1. Tomatoes crank in a meat grinder. In order for the output to have two liters of juice, you will have to grind at least 4 kilograms of tomatoes.

2. Horseradish, pepper and garlic heads grind separately.

3. Put the pot with tomato juice on the fire. Pour salt and sugar there.

4. Immediately, as soon as boil, turn off and put the garlic, pepper, horseradish. Stir.

5. Arrange on banks. You can use not only standard half-liter cans, but also screw ones, made from coffee, other sauces, etc. Ready seasoning has excellent properties for long storage.

Spicy tomato seasoning for the winter

This seasoning has a rich spicy taste and fits most dishes. It is hot sauce among the hostesses that is most popular. Hot seasoning has a lot of names. Somewhere it is called "Twinkle". Other options - "Cobra", "Gorloder", "Khrenovina."


• a kilogram of very ripe red tomatoes;

• garlic cloves per 100 g;

• pod bitter, better than red pepper;

• coarse salt, sugar, a mixture of dry peppers, depending on desire.

Cooking method:

1. Tomatoes cut into pieces. Put down on a grater (large) and rub very gently. Discard the peel remaining at the end; it will not be required. If the peel is thin, you can scroll the tomatoes in the meat grinder with it.

2. Pour the resulting mass into a quench container. Put on the fire (weak). Boil.

3. Keep on fire to the desired thickness. If prolonged winter storage is not expected, five minutes of boiling will be enough. It must be remembered that in the process of cooking the volume of the mass will greatly decrease.

4. Cut the garlic, hot pepper, mix them with dry spices and salt. Add it all to the tomatoes.

5. Transfer the seasoning to the jars. Keep where it is dark and cool.

Spicy apple seasoning from tomatoes for the winter

A large number of components give this seasoning a peculiar taste. Best eaten with beef meat.


• kilogram of red tomatoes;

• onions - a little less than a kilogram;

• squash or small pumpkin;

• one and a half kilograms of apples;

• two garlic cloves;

• a tablespoon of mustard seeds;

• table salt and sugar - two tablespoons each;

• 3-4 tablespoons of ground red pepper;

• a small slice of cinnamon

• a glass of vinegar 8%.

Cooking method:

1. Wash tomatoes and pour boiling water on them, and then dip them in cold water. This will help remove the skin from them. Cut peeled tomatoes into pieces.

2. Chop onion and pumpkin. Pumpkin (or squash) pre-peeled. Garlic divided into plates.

3. Sprinkle all the slices with salt and sugar and refrigerate. Let stand at least a few hours.

4. Remove the core from the apples and cut the fruit into small pieces.

5. Put spices in a bag of gauze. Dip it in a common pot.

6. Cook vegetables with apples for several hours until the mixture thickens.

7. Pour the jars to the brim, wrap the lids, put upside down until completely cooled.

Tomatoes seasoning for winter: homemade ketchup

Ketchup, the taste is not inferior to the one that we used to buy in the store, you can cook at home. And the content of nutrients in it will be hundreds of times higher. According to this recipe, it turns out slightly sweet. If you add hot peppers, then the output will be ketchup for kebabs.


• two kilograms of tomatoes;

• a quarter kilo of apples of any kind, preferably with sourness;

• Onions - a quarter kilogram or 200 grams;

• cloves, table salt, cinnamon, salt, a mixture of dried peppers - to taste

• Table vinegar - a tablespoon;

Cooking method:

1. Wash all vegetables and fruits. Cut off peel from apples.

2. Squeeze the juice from the tomatoes.

3. Grind apples and onions in a meat grinder. Mix this mashed potato with tomato juice and put on fire together.

4. Once it boils, add the rest of the recipe. Fans of little can still put chili pepper finely milled.

5. Cook until the mass acquires the desired density. As boiling, the volume will decrease. It takes about 2 hours to get about a liter of ketchup.

6. Prepare the banks and divide them into ready seasoning.

7. Wrap the caps, turn them over, cool them.

Tomato seasoning for the winter with cucumbers

This recipe allows you to "kill two birds with one stone": cook at the same time and tomato seasoning, and prepare sharp cucumbers for cold weather.


• two or three kilograms of red tomatoes;

• Bulgarian fresh pepper - a kilogram;

• sunflower oil (preferably unrefined);

• Cucumbers are small crispy, you can slightly unripe - 3-5 kilograms, depending on the desired volume;

• bitter pepper or horseradish (if you want a hot seasoning);

• Acetic essence, salt, sugar, garlic - to taste.

Cooking method:

1. Grate the tomatoes. There also add all other ingredients of the seasoning, except cucumbers and bitter pepper. Should get a more or less homogeneous mass.

2. Cook for about a quarter of an hour.

3. Cucumbers cut into circles. Put it in the pan with the pepper and do not remove from the fire for another five minutes.

4. Ready seasoning divided into portions, put them in jars and tightly wrap.

Raw seasoning from tomatoes for the winter with eggplants

This type of tomato seasoning for the winter does not require cooking on fire, therefore, it has a number of obvious advantages. Firstly, the dish is quickly cooked, and secondly, raw vegetables are much healthier than those that have been heat-treated. The main rule: in order for it to be stored for a long time, the vegetables must be fresh and of high quality.


• tomatoes (red) - about a pound;

• eggplant - depends on the desired volume, 3-5 kg;

• kilogram of sweet pepper;

• a pound of onions;

• parsley, celery or dill + garlic or horseradish - to the taste of each;

• vinegar.

Cooking method extremely simple: thoroughly wash all the components, finely chop and mix. Eggplant to simmer, cool and add to the mixture. The result is a tomato-eggplant seasoning that looks like adjika. At the end of cooking pour vinegar and leave alone for several days. When the dish is infused, lay it out in cans and close with plastic covers or under seaming.

In the same recipe, you can use green tomatoes, but then add eggplants.

Tomato seasoning for winter with plums

This kind of adjika from plums and tomatoes. It has an unusual taste with a slight sourness and a very attractive aroma. Ideal for meat. The addition of bitter pepper makes the seasoning slightly hot.


• tomatoes for making pasta - about a kilogram;

• ripe plums - two kilograms;

• a few cloves of garlic;

• 2 or 3 small chili peppers;

• sugar and coarse salt to taste.

Cooking Methods:

1. Rinse the plums and remove the seeds from them.

2. At pepper to cut off tails. The more peppers, the sharper the seasoning.

3. Grate the tomatoes or scroll and cook over low heat until the juice becomes a paste.

4. Plum, pepper and garlic through a meat grinder.

5. Stir everything and cook for half an hour, stirring with a wooden spoon.

6. Distribute to banks, roll up.

Apple chutney: spicy tomato seasoning for the winter

The original recipe for sweet-sour seasoning from tomatoes for the winter. Thanks to the combination of tomatoes and apples with raisins, even children like the sauce. If you do not add very sharp spices during harvesting, the seasoning will be especially tender. It goes well with cold meats.


• apples (it is better to take unripe) - a quarter of a kilogram;

• a few small tomatoes;

• half a cup of raisins;

• half of the bulb;

• pinch of ground ginger;

• wine vinegar, cloves, mustard and sugar to taste.

Cooking method:

1. Peel the apples, cut them into pieces and stew on a small fire. You can add water.

2. To remove skin from tomatoes.

3. Cut raisins, chop finely.

4. Put everything in a common container and put it on fire. Simmer for about an hour.

5. Pour into glass jars. You can eat immediately or close for the winter.

Tomato seasoning for the winter: tips and tricks

1. In order to boil the tomato mass for a lesser amount of time, the juice can be squeezed out and drained first, leaving only the mass.

2. Fresh tomatoes show their valuable properties much better if you add vegetable oil to them. This does not apply to fruits that are stewed and boiled.

3. During heat treatment, the amount of lycopene, a unique substance that prevents cancer, is increased several times in tomatoes. Those who eat tomatoes solely because of him should eat them boiled or stewed.

4. If the tomato is dipped in boiling water and then immediately poured with cold water, the skin will burst and peel off.


Watch the video: HOW TO MAKE AND PRESERVE TOMATO SAUCE (July 2024).