Gladiolus All about growing: description, varieties, tips.


Gladiolus is the best summer flower that attracts gardeners to grow on their plots. There are a large number of varieties of gladioli.

They are divided into several groups:
- large-flowered;
- small-flowered;
- terry.

The most cultivated large-flowered gladioli. On a direct peduncle flowers of different coloring are located in one or two rows. The diameter of the flower can reach more than 15 cm, and the plant itself can be 80-150 cm. From July to October - this is the period of flowering of this flower.

Small-colored gladioli are used for bouquets and they decorate the tables. The diameter of these flowers is 6-8 cm and the color is very bright. In the inflorescence there are 14-16 flowers, diameter about 6 cm, and plant length about 75 cm.

Terry gladioli are considered to be very interesting, but their disadvantage is that they are mutants and under certain conditions they form ordinary flowers. In a vase, such a flower can stand up to two weeks. It is necessary to remove the lower flowers that have begun to fade, and new buds will open.

Water needs to be changed daily and trim the edge of the stem - these measures will extend the life of the flower. In order for the flower to actively absorb water, you need to completely fill the vase with water. The air temperature of 20-25 ° C will have a beneficial effect on the opening of the buds. If you follow these recommendations, the petals of the flowers will look resilient, they will last longer, and the inflorescences will bloom to the very top almost simultaneously. When the buds are fully opened it is best to keep them at a temperature of 10-12 ° C.

Very often the leaves of other plants and flowers are added to the bouquets from gladioli. Leaves of this flower are interesting, they can be given an unusual shape. To this end, the leaves for 1-2 hours left without water, then wound on a stick. It is necessary to begin the winding procedure from the tip of the sheet. To make the bouquet look elegant, the flowers must be of different heights, but they must be placed evenly.

Continue flowering at the site achieve planting bulbs in the period from early April to June, not forgetting the size of the bulbs. If the bulbs are planted in sunny areas, the gladioli grow quickly, but it is desirable that the place was protected by the wind. Gladioli grow poorly under trees and shaded areas and therefore produce few flowers. Gladioli prefer a neutral or slightly acidic soil, light, rich in nutrients.

Planting of bulbs begins when the soil temperature is at least 10 ° C. Gladioli love good care - you need to loosen between the rows, regularly water and get rid of weeds, spud the plant, tie up. In order to retain moisture, it is possible to produce mulching between rows of leaves or humus.

Gladioli are susceptible to diseases and pests. In order for the plant not to get sick, you must follow the rules:
- planting material must be healthy;
- every year it is necessary to change the landing area;
- keep babies in a room at a temperature of 20-25 ° С until January, and in January process them with warm water and lower the storage temperature to 5-7 ° С;
- before planting, the children of the gladiolus are soaked in water, and then treated with a 0.2% solution of foundationol (30 min);
- undeveloped and diseased plants do not leave, but destroy;
- After harvesting, the plant must be dried well, and etched before drying;
- keep the bulbs where the air circulates well.


Watch the video: Growing Gladiolus (July 2024).