Why do 64% of modern marriages end in divorce?


According to disappointing statistics, 64% of registered marriages today end in divorce. This means that having married we have more chances to stay with nothing but to live happily ever after. Why is this happening?

The concept of "Marriage" in modern times is far from its true meaning. This interesting word came to us from the Old Slavonic language, and implies the concept of "marriage" and the rite "to marry." The current meaning of this concept has narrowed so much that it implies only "matrimony" and nothing more.

The urgency of the problem is so obvious that there is simply no time to conduct discussions and share thoughts on this matter. We need concentrated and targeted actions to solve this problem. The reasons for the breakdown of marriages should be sought not only in the fact that this is facilitated by the free and permissiveness in the behavior of young people, the liberty of manners and worldview, the influence of others, but also deeply in childhood and the manner of education.

As a rule, few parents teach the child the right attitude to the family and understanding of responsibility not only for themselves, but also for the wife, and later on for the children. When children appear in the family, this places additional responsibilities and responsibilities on newly made parents. Faced with the first difficulties, young couples realize that they are not ready to bear such a burden.

After some time of married life, it turns out that a young man cannot provide for his family financially, and a girl cannot live, saving family funds. Often, the idea of ​​marriage for young people is limited to a fabulous life with all amenities and liberties. The fact of marriage does not guarantee a happy family life. The experience of couples who have lived together for more than a dozen years shows that family relations are a kind of work for the benefit of creating a family.

So, we can say that one of the reasons for the collapse of modern marriages is a misconception about marriage in general. After a couple of years, the couple, having already overcome some difficulties on the path of life, suddenly feels that the relationship has become rude, has lost the character of love. Distrust arises between husband and wife and there is no mutual understanding, more and more rude and offensive words can be heard, and it seems that such a family exists only for the purpose of hurting each other.

Perhaps, in this situation, the couple simply got used to each other and there was an instant and erroneous thought that in principle there is no need to be gentle, affectionate, tactful and modesty is considered unnecessary. Often women forget about their mission - the creation of a husband and children of family comfort. Career growth and a desire to realize oneself are often perceived as an achievable single goal. Why not combine them? Become a successful woman, both in their field of activity and in the family.

The beginning was beautiful: kisses and kind words, care and responsiveness. And then the first feelings cooled off. The couple forgot how to tell each other pleasant things, smile and gently look into their eyes. In the end, they ceased to reckon with the psychology of a person who is nearby. But no matter how "hard" the character of your spouse or spouse is, at times he needs to show affection.

And against the background of factors such as lack of housing, difficult financial situation, interference with close relatives in family relationships, alcoholism or drug use by one of the family members, it is difficult to create harmony and comfort in family relationships.

In the chaos of modern life, standing up and maintaining a family is no easy task. Government programs to support young families cannot cover the full scope of work and help everyone.

But first of all, you need to start preparing for the creation of a family and marriage only from yourself and make the decision to marry mutually with an understanding of full responsibility. No need to fear difficulties. Who said it would be easy? Trials of life ... they only make us stronger.

It is worth learning to contribute to each other in a focused development. Do not rush to divorce. He can just talk with his own person, understand what happened and how to help him.

If you love each other - show love! And the sad statistics will disappear by itself!


Watch the video: The Rewrite (July 2024).