Chicken breasts with pepper - diet and everyday dishes. A variety of dishes from chicken breasts with pepper for every taste


White poultry is considered the main diet diet food.

The absence of excess calories allows you to use the product for cooking in the composition of sparing diets for weight loss.

The combination of chicken breasts with sweet pepper varieties allows you to saturate dry and lean meat with juicy, summer flavors.

Vitamins contained in sweet pepperits fiber allows you to create dishes that are very balanced in terms of the content of microelements.

Pepper Chicken Breasts - General Cooking Principles

• Chicken breasts with pepper can be cooked either whole or divided into fillets, cut into small pieces. You can stuff chicken breasts with pepper, and also wrap in pita bread.

• For cooking chicken breasts with peppers, it is advisable to take cooled chicken meat. Frozen meat is recommended to be defrosted in the refrigerator, then the dishes are more succulent.

• Do not overdo the meat in the oven for longer than the allotted time, otherwise the dish will not be juicy enough.

Appetizing chicken breasts with pepper and champignons in the oven


• two chicken breasts - about 500 grams;

• one pepper peppermint;

• 550 grams of champignon mushrooms, fresh;

• 150 milliliters of 10% cream;

• one chicken egg;

Cooking method:

1. Prepare the prepared chicken fillet, rub with a mixture of black pepper and coarse salt. You can add your favorite aromatic spices. Put in a small bowl and leave for some time, from ten minutes to half an hour, soak.

2. Bulgarian pepper longitudinally chop into strips; strips of pepper should not be too large.

3. Mushrooms cut into plates, it is better if the mushrooms are small, preferably with an unopened cap. You can take frozen mushrooms, in this case they need to be defrosted beforehand.

4. Put a frying pan on the fire, pour about two Art. spoons of oil and warm well.

5. Pour the pepper and simmer on medium heat until noticeable softening, about ten minutes.

6. Add sliced ​​plate mushrooms. Simmer pepper with mushrooms 5-7 minutes.

7. Pour in the cream, mix, cover tightly with a lid and simmer over low heat for ten minutes.

8. Take a baking pan or any other container in which to bake the breasts. Put champignons stewed with pepper on the bottom of the dish and evenly distribute them over the surface.

9. Cut the chicken fillet with a sharp knife into equal halves and put it in the form over vegetables.

10. In a small deep platter, carefully stir the yolk of one chicken egg with a tablespoon of cream or milk. You can use the whisk.

11. The resulting mixture to lubricate the top of the breast.

12. Bake for half an hour in the oven preheated to a temperature of 180 degrees.

Chicken breasts with peppers, baked in the oven with cheese


• one whole breast - 500-600 grams;

• 3-4 ripe middle-sized tomatoes;

• yellow meaty Bulgarian pepper - 1 piece;

• 150-200 grams of cheese, hard varieties;

• 200 milliliters of natural yogurt;

• a tablespoon of mustard;

• 30 ml of pure soy sauce;

• five cloves of garlic.

Cooking method:

1. Whole, uncut on the fillet, wash the chicken breast well with water, removing any feathers from the skin. It is not necessary to remove the skin from the meat. Keel bone should be removed. Dry the surface of the breast with a disposable towel. Make a few shallow transverse cuts, not finishing to the end, at a distance of one and a half centimeters from each other. Put the meat in a small bowl.

2. Pour soy sauce, yoghurt, hot, mustard-free mustard, crushed garlic into a separate container, mix all the ingredients, salt and pepper.

3. Take half of the resulting marinade and coat them with breast from all sides, carefully rubbing it into the meat. In each incision, pour a spoonful of marinade.

4. Put the breast prepared in this way into a bag, put it in a refrigerator or in a sufficiently cool place to marinate for several hours (1.5-2).

5. Tomatoes cut into small slices or half rings, Bulgarian pepper into strips. The thickness of the sliced ​​vegetables should be about 0.5 cm, so that they can easily fit into the cuts on the meat.

6. We get the marinated chicken, in each cut we lay vegetables. The dish will look more colorful and original, if you take yellow and green pepper for slicing.

7. Top with the chicken breast with the remaining marinade and bake in the oven, at 180-200 degrees. for fifty minutes. Remove the form from the oven with meat, sprinkle with cheese crumb, put back and let the cheese melt.

8. When you serve to the table, cut the breast is best along, then each piece will contain all the vegetables.

Chicken breasts with pepper in a pan


• 600 grams of chicken fillet;

• three pieces juicy Bulgarian pepper;

• two ripe tomatoes;

• one onion;

• fresh greens.

Cooking method:

1. Cut the fillet into small pieces, you can straw.

2. Clean the washed pepper from the seed box, wash off the remnants of the seeds under the tap and cut into strips, not large.

3. Free onions from the husk and cut into half rings.

4. Rinse the tomatoes with boiling water, put to cool in cold water. Peel and cut into small cubes.

5. Fry the vegetable oil pan well over medium heat, add the onion and lightly fry. Onions should not be covered with fried crust, it should be transparent.

6. Put the chicken meat to the fried onions, simmer until the meat turns white, about twenty minutes.

7. Put the peppers in a frying pan, stir and fry for 10 minutes.

8. Add tomatoes, cover the pan with a lid and simmer on medium heat until cooked, 20-30 minutes. Do not forget to stir, so that the vegetables are not burnt.

9. Open the lid, pepper it to taste, salt and cook for another five minutes over low heat.

Stuffed Chicken Breasts with Pepper, Basil and Cheese


• chicken breasts, fillets - 700-800 grams;

• Mozzarella cheese - 300 grams;

• hard fatty cheese - 150 grams;

• two sweet pepper stuff;

• a small bunch of fresh green basil;

• seasoning from a mixture of Italian herbs - 1 tbsp. spoon.

Cooking method:

1. Cut the whole chicken breasts with a knife, without cutting to the end and along the edges, you should get a “pocket”. The cut should be done with thicker fillet edges.

2. Grate Italian herbs and salt, put in any dish and set aside so that the meat absorbs all the flavors.

3. Rinse the pepper under running water, clean the seed box and wash the remaining seeds with water.

4. Cut the mozzarella into slices about one centimeter wide, rub hard cheese into fine chips.

5. In a small saucepan pour a liter of water and put on the heat. Put pepper into boiling water, boil over low heat for two minutes. So put the pepper blanched in a bag, tie it tight and leave it for a while.

6. After 10-15 minutes, remove the pepper, remove the transparent skin from it and cut it along, with oblong strips one and a half centimeters wide. Pepper slices lightly fried in vegetable oil, until softened.

7. In the "pockets" of chicken fillet we put layers of Bulgarian pepper, basil leaves, slices of Mozzarella cheese, at the rate of one slice in the "pocket".

8. Top it well with Italian seasonings coat the breasts and put them on a baking sheet or in a baking pan.

9. Bake in the oven for half an hour.

10. We take out the baking sheet from the oven, spread each piece of mozzarella, sprinkle it with grated hard cheese and return it to the oven. We take out when the cheese is melted, and a ruddy golden crust is formed.

Chicken breasts with pepper in pita bread


• chicken breast - 500-600 grams;

• 300 grams of hard cheese;

• 3-4 sweet peppers, better than a different color;

• two chicken eggs;

• 200 ml of mayonnaise 67%;

• 120-150 ml of dry wine;

• 1/4 cup oil;

• 4-5 cloves of garlic;

• a small pinch of curry;

• pita thin;

• fresh lettuce leaves.

Cooking method:

1. Chicken breast fillet slightly beat off with a special hammer and put in a saucepan or any other container, for marinating.

2. In a deep plate, carefully mix the oil with vinegar. Pour a pinch of curry, black pepper and salt. Stir and pour the cooked marinade in a saucepan with chicken. Set aside forty minutes.

3. Clean hard-boiled eggs, wash under the tap, wash away small remnants of the shell and cut lengthwise into eight parts.

4. Bulgarian pepper, peeled from the core, also cut lengthwise into slices.

5. Wash the lettuce leaves under running water and place on a towel to dry.

6. Remove the chicken from the marinade and lightly dry it with a towel.

7. Turn on the burner to high heat, put a thick-walled frying pan with vegetable oil on it. When the oil is warm enough, carefully put the breast into the pan and fry on both sides. Each side should be fried quickly, no more than two minutes.

8. Leave the fried breast in the pan, press down on top of the plate, top put a small saucepan with water, so that the meat is under the yoke. So fry the breast for twenty minutes, not forgetting to periodically turn over so as not to burn.

9. Fried meat is cut into small slices across.

10. Chop garlic and mix with mayonnaise.

11. Cut the cheese into thin slices.

12. Take thin pita bread, cut into squares, the size depends on what portion you want to receive.

13. Approximately 2/3 of the surface of the pita bread should be smeared with garlic-mayonnaise mixture, leaving 1/3 of the pita bread not smeared on one edge and a little free space along the edges.

14. From above spread out lettuce leaves.

15. On top of the lettuce leaves, in the center, lay out the "path" of hard cheese plates, put a few pieces of roasted meat on the cheese in a row.

16. To the side of the pieces of chicken, also in a row of slices of pepper, and between the pepper and chicken spread out the pieces of eggs. Across the width of the pita bread, on the strip of cheese should get a tricolor "path" of chicken breast, eggs and pepper.

17. Bend the edges and, starting with the side filled with filling, roll up the pita roll.

18. Chicken breasts with pepper in pita bread are ready. Such a dish can be eaten immediately or put in a refrigerator soak. If in pita bread between pepper and meat lay tomatoes cut into half rings, the dish will be juicier.

Chilli Chicken Breasts


• one chicken breast - 500-600 grams;

• one small onion;

• dessert spoon chopped garlic;

• Chilli pod;

• a tablespoon of cilantro, chopped;

• 3 tablespoons freshly squeezed lemon juice;

• three Art. spoons of purified vegetable oil;

• 250 milliliters of water.

Cooking method:

1. Divide the breast into two fillets, removing the keel bone and skin.

2. Cut each fillet lengthwise into two equal parts.

3. Finely chop the onion, crush the garlic, add the chopped cilantro.

4. Peel paprika from the stem and seeds, cut them into small strips and spread them over the cilantro with garlic. Pour in water and lemon juice, add salt, pepper and mix.

5. Put in the cooked sauce fillet and leave for an hour.

6. Get the chicken meat, clean the pieces of vegetables remaining after pickling. Lay on the grill and put in a preheated oven to bake for about forty minutes. The temperature in the oven should be 180-200 degrees.

7. Sauce, in which the breast was marinated, pour into the pan and put on the fire. Simmer for 10 minutes over medium heat with the lid closed.

8. Serve the finished dish on a platter, pour abundantly over the sauce. Serve recommended with a side dish of boiled rice.

Pepper Chicken Breasts - Tricks and Tips

• Before cooking, even if it is not required in the recipe, chicken meat is better to beat off slightly with a hammer, then it will be more tender.

• Do not be afraid to add your favorite seasonings, it will not spoil the dishes at all, but will only give it its own particular flavor.

• If you need to marinate the whole breast with a prescription before cooking, pierce it in several places with a knife, it will absorb the marinade better.

• If you use a vacuum marinator during marinating, pre-moisten the meat with vegetable oil.


Watch the video: Keto Recipe - Low Carb Sweet & Sour Chicken (June 2024).