Cream cream cake - easy! The best pastry recipes cream cream cake and pastries


Cream confectionery cream is a lush, light and tender mass with high nutritional value and good taste.

Fatty cream is easily and quickly whipped into a thick foam, perfectly combined with various additives and flavors.

Sweet cream of cream is used for filling flour products, most often - for a layer of cakes.

Flowers, figures and drawings of creamy mass do not crawl on the surface of the cake, keep their shape and are an excellent decoration of the holiday cake.

Cream of cream for the cake - the general principles of cooking

It is convenient and easy to work with cream; compliance with a number of simple conditions will make it possible to prepare a tasty and thick cream.

Preparation of cream for the cake is carried out in several ways: by beating, brewing, as well as the introduction of gelling components into the cream mass to achieve the desired consistency.

In the finished form, each type of cream has its own distinctive external and taste features, therefore it is intended for different purposes: layers, alignments and decorations.

All cream creams are equally popular and are common in the confectionery environment.

Cream Apple Cream Cake


• High fat cream - 2.5 glasses;

• Caster sugar - 50 g;

• Vanilla (powder) - 1/3 tsp;

• Sweet apples - 3 pcs .;

• Sugar - ½ cup;

• Water ½ cup.

Cooking method:

Fruits are cleared from the middle and the skin. Cut into slices, put in a saucepan, covered with sugar and poured with water. The mixture is cooked on low heat to a puree state. The resulting puree is cooled.

Cold cream is whipped with powdered sugar and vanilla. At the end of whipping applesauce is added to the creamy mass.

Additions to the recipe:

1. You can substitute homemade apple puree for a sweet store food intended for baby food or jam.

2. An alternative to apples in the cream can be any fruits and berries. Apricots and peaches make the cream more tender. Canned fruits do not require boiling before adding to the cream, and the liquid from conservation in the recipe replaces water. With the help of fruit and berry inclusion, you can vary the taste of the cream, as well as achieve the desired color without the use of artificial colors and flavors.

3. If the recipe requires a classic white cream, then the cream is simply whipped with powder. To add flavor to the flavor, vanilla, a little vermouth or liquor is added.

Cream cream cake (chocolate)


• Cream (20%) - 2 glasses;

• Powdered sugar - 1/3 cup;

• Gelatin - 1 tsp;

• Cocoa powder - 30 g or 50 g of chocolate.

Cooking method:

Gelatinous leaves are washed in water and reclined on a sieve. After draining the liquid gelatin is poured 1/3 cream, mixed. After 2 hours, a bowl of well swollen gelatin is placed in a saucepan with water and heated with stirring until dissolved. After the mixture is cooled.

Cocoa is dissolved in a few tablespoons of hot cream and also cooled. If chocolate is used, then the tile is melted in a microwave or in a bath before mixing.

The second part of the cream is whipped with powder. Without stopping the mixing process, liquid chocolate or cocoa is added to the cream. In conclusion, gently pouring gelatin solution.

If this cream is supposed to decorate the product, then immediately after cooking it is poured into curly molds and removed in the cold. Before greasing or baking interlayer mass should be slightly thicken. Cakes can be processed after the cream has acquired a gelatinous structure.

Cream cream cake (egg and coffee)


• Cream (any fat content) - 300 ml .;

• Table eggs - 3 pcs .;

• Gelatin - 1½ tsp;

• Sugar - 7 tbsp. spoons;

• Coffee (granulated) - 2 tsp;

• Water - 1/3 cup.

Cooking method:

Gelatin petals can be replaced with powdered sachet powder.

Gelatin solution is prepared as in the previous recipe.

Eggs with sugar are pounded in a saucepan, heated in a water bath to 40-50 degrees. After removal from the bath, they are whipped into a fluffy mass and cooled well.

After cooling, the egg mixture is combined with cream, a strong solution of coffee is introduced into it. A strong drink can be replaced by coffee liqueur.

In conclusion, the cooled gelatinous liquid is introduced. The readiness of cream from the cream for the cake is determined by its partial freezing. This requires no more than 1 hour, after the cake can be layered and coated.

Cream with nougat and cream for cake


• ½ l. cream (30-35%);

• 300 g of nougat (sold in confectionery departments);

• A bar of dark chocolate.

Additionally for making nougat:

• Honey (light) - a glass (150 g)

• Sugar - 200 g.

• Egg white - 2 pcs.

Cooking method:

If you can not get ready nougat, you can cook it yourself. To do this, you need to mix a glass of sugar with honey, half a glass of water and boil the mass after boiling for 15 minutes.

Separately whipped whites. The fluffy foam gradually flows into the hot syrup after removing the pan from the heat.

A bar of chocolate and nougat (purchased) are melted in a water bath, mixed and cooled. No homemade nougat is required to melt: it has a plastic structure.

Fatty cream is whipped until thick and combined with chocolate mass. In the finished cream, you can enter a few drops of vanilla essence and crushed nuts.

Lemon cream cream cake


• 4 yolks;

• lemon;

• ½ cup of sugar;

• 2 glasses of cream (30%)

• ¼ teaspoons turmeric powder.

Cooking method:

The whole citrus is boiled in water until the skin is softened (30 minutes).

Bones are removed from the boiled lemon, and the flesh with zest is ground in a blender along with the yolks. Next, sugar is added to the fruit-yolk part, it is heated in a water bath to dissolve the crystals and thicken.

The cream is whipped, a cold lemon paste is added to them and turmeric is added for the color.

Ready and chilled lemon cream cream is thick, you can draw embossed patterns on the surface of the cake.

Cream cream cake (Kaymak)


• Cream (20%) - 400 g;

• Sugar - 150 g .;

• Sweet cream butter - 100 g;

• Vanilla (to taste).

Cooking method:

Sugar with cream is placed on the fire and boiled down to a thick syrup. The density is checked by applying a drop of liquid on a saucer. If the drop is solid and quickly freezes, then the syrup is ready.

Oil is whipped long enough: 7-10 minutes. Chilled creamy syrup with vanilla is gradually added to it in several portions. At the end kaymak cream is mixed and ready for use.

Cream cream cake (cottage cheese and caramel soufflé)


• Fatty cream-1/2 l .;

• Cottage cheese - 2 packs;

• Sugar powder - 100 g .;

• Creamy (Soft) Toffee - 7-10 pcs.

Cooking method:

Cottage cheese is rubbed in a sieve or ground in a combine.

Butterscotch fold in a suitable container, pour a small amount of cream and put in a microwave for 2-3 minutes. After the maximum softening, the toffee cools.

Cream whipped with powder. When they begin to thicken, add in a bowl curd mass and toffee. Continue whipping the cream to the desired consistency at low speed.

White or black ganache - cream cream cake

This type of cream is preferred by housewives. It is suitable not only for coating cakes, but also for leveling them with mastic, which has become a popular coating for cakes in recent years. Also from it prepare various figures and truffle sweets for decoration.


• 2 bars of black or white chocolate;

• 400 ml. high fat cream;

• 60 g of cow oil.

Cooking method:

Chocolate breaks into pieces, folds into a saucepan and is filled with cream. Dishes placed on a small fire. The contents are heated, brought to a boil. After cooling to 40-50 degrees, the mass is whipped and oil is introduced into it.

In the ganache, you can add various aromatic additives: alcohol, cinnamon, coconut, vanilla.

Air cream cream cake


• 1 glass of cream (20%);

• 4 eggs;

• 100 g of sugar;

• 2 tbsp. almond spoons.

Cooking method:

Proteins are separated from the yolks and whipped on a cold cushion (ice layer).

Egg yolks are pounded with sugar and poured with warm milk. The mixture is heated on the stove until the first bubbles appear and is set aside.

Yolk mass, without cooling, you need to quickly mix with whipped whites and heat again with stirring for 2-3 minutes.

Almonds are ground in a blender and added to a cream of cream after cooling.

Ready cream turns out air and easy.

Cream and butter for cake


• Cream (10-20%) - 200 ml .;

• Sugar - 8 tbsp. spoons;

• Butter - 200 g .;

• Table eggs - 2 pcs.

Cooking method:

Cream and sugar you need to prepare a syrup (boil).

In a separate bowl, beat the eggs a little, inject them into a hot liquid and heat almost to the boil. After that, the liquid should be cooled to ambient temperature.

The pre-softened butter is whipped, during this procedure syrup is poured into it. The mixture is whipped into a creamy cream.

As a flavor variety in the above cream, you can add the contents of a can of condensed milk. In this case, the amount of sugar in the recipe is reduced by half.

The introduction of the sweet mass into the cream occurs at the stage of whipping butter, and after that the cream is poured.

Cream cream cake - tricks and tips

  • Beating cream cream for the cake should start at low speed, increasing momentum over time.

  • Sugar, powder and flavorings are introduced into the cream near the end of the beating.

  • Best of all, the cream retains its shape, as part of which there are gelling components. They are perfect for sandwiching the cakes.

  • Biscuit cakes and honey cake are coated with cream without gelatin or agar. Sand and puff layers are too heavy for a layer of this type of cream of cream. Under the weight of the top cake, the cream "sits down" and is squeezed out of the cake.

  • Cream of cream for the cake refers to perishable products. It is prepared immediately before use, and the confection with it is stored for no more than 1.5 days and always in the fridge.

  • Fatty cream for beating it is enough just to cook at home. And from them the cream easily gets off. To do this, you need the same amount of whole milk (at least 2.5%) and butter with 80% fat. Oil is rubbed into a container with milk on a grate, then the contents are boiled over low heat until the butter is dissolved. The mixture is not brought to a boil and mixed in a jug blender that turns on for 3 minutes. So molecules of butter and milk are better connected. If there is no pitcher unit, a submersible or whisk is used. Then the mixing time increases. The finished cream is poured into clean dishes, covered with a towel and cleaned in the refrigerator for 10 hours. The next day, you can whip the cream with powdered sugar. The cream is no worse than that made from a natural dairy product.


Watch the video: Italian Vanilla Cake Recipe Vanilla Pastry Cream Cake & Pastry Cream Recipe (June 2024).