Stuffed liver is a healthy liver. Recipes for cooking stuffed liver with lard, mushrooms, cheese, vegetables, buckwheat


What kind of liver dishes do they cook! They stew it, bake it, make salads, pancakes, snack cakes and much more. And you can stuff the liver with a wide variety of products. This dish looks original on the table, for many it is outlandish and unusual. But in fact, stuffed liver is easy to prepare. Surprise family culinary abilities?

Stuffed Liver - General Cooking Principles

For stuffing you will need beef or pork liver in a large piece. Offal of poultry will not work. Before cooking, you need to wash the liver, remove the film and be sure to wipe it with a towel to remove any remaining moisture.

There are two ways to stuff the liver:

1. Make pockets. For this method, it is better to use a piece of liver with an edge. An internal incision is made, which is then filled with filling. Sometimes they take out part of the pulp so that the pocket is more spacious.

2. Make rolls. The product is cut into slices, like chops. Then each piece is beaten off, filled with filling and folded.

For the filling, you can use any products with which the liver is combined. But most often it is: vegetables, eggs, mushrooms, cereals. The stuffed liver is brought to readiness by roasting, stewing or baking in the oven. Sometimes several methods are used simultaneously. That is, the preform is first fried and then stewed or baked.

Recipe 1: Gomel Stuffed Liver

The national Belarusian dish has several variations. The filling is bacon, which gives the stuffed liver the missing juiciness. The dish looks spectacular, festive. It is best to use beef liver, with pork offal it turns out not so tasty.


• 200 grams of liver;

• 60 grams of bacon;

• 1 onion;

• vegetable oil;

• spices.


1. The liver is cleaned of films, cut into 1.5 cm thick plates and beat into flat cakes up to 0.5 cm.

2. Pour a little oil into the pan, put the chopped onion and pass until transparent.

3. Cut the bacon into a thin layer and place a slice on each piece of liver. Then we put onion roasting, sprinkle the structure with salt and pepper, turn it into rolls, dress it with thread.

4. Fry liver rolls on both sides, no need to bring to readiness.

5. Put the stuffed liver in a saucepan, add a little broth, salt and simmer for 10 minutes. If desired, add roots and aromatic spices to the pan.

6. Cool the stuffed liver without removing from the broth. This will allow her to stay juicy. Then we take out the rolls, remove the threads, cut into transverse pieces and can be served.

Recipe 2: Stuffed Liver with Carrots and Lard

The recipe for stuffed liver with a whole piece. Baked in the oven, in foil. It turns out to be unusually soft, juicy, aromatic. But special attention should be paid to removing films from the product, they should not remain. We take the amount of products for filling by eye, but a little.


• a piece of liver 0.6-0.7 kg;

• carrot;

• fat;

• garlic;

• salt pepper;

• dried herbs;

• 3 tablespoons of mayonnaise.


1. Peel the carrots, cut into cubes. We just peel the garlic. Lard should be cut into cubes, like carrots and sent to the freezer for a while, it should be solid.

2. In a bowl, mix dried herbs with black pepper, add mayonnaise and salt.

3. Rinse and cleanse the liver, then make a cut with a knife and put in slices of carrots, cloves of garlic and frozen lard. But each product needs to be dipped in mayonnaise sauce. The more foods to put in the liver, the more tender and juicier the result will be.

4. Coat the stuffed piece of stuffed liver with the remaining mayonnaise sauce, wrap in foil and send for 40 minutes to the oven, heated to 180 degrees.

5. Then we take out, unfold, cool, cut into plates and take the sample! Vegetables do not need to be removed from the liver.

Recipe 3: Stuffed Liver with Cream Mushrooms

A wonderful recipe for stuffed liver, which can be cooked in the oven or in a pan. For the filling we use ordinary champignons. We take cream fat, from 15 to 20%.


• 600 grams of liver;

• 250 grams of raw champignons;

• 2 onions;

• 250 ml cream;

• 150 grams of cheese;

• butter;

• salt, herbs, any spices.


1. Cut the washed and cleaned liver into pieces, 1 cm thick. Cover each slice with cling film (or just a bag) and beat off with a hammer. But not much, slightly. From the liver you get a cake.

2. We wash the champignons, remove the damage and damaged places (if any), cut into plates and throw in a pan with butter, fry for 2 minutes.

3. Cut the peeled onions and send to the mushrooms. Fry until tender, salt the filling at the end. Cooling down.

4. Three cheese, separate the third part and mix with mushroom filling. You can skip this step, but the cheese will connect the mass well, the rolls will be stronger.

5. We spread the liver plates on a cutting board, spread the whole filling and roll the rolls.

6. Now take the baking dish and stack our blanks with the seam down. It is imperative that the rolls do not spin.

7. Add salt, dried herbs, pepper to the cream. You can put chopped garlic clove. And pour the stuffed liver with the resulting sauce.

8. We fill in the form with grated cheese and send it to the oven for half an hour.

9. If the dish is cooked on the stove, do not sprinkle the raw liver yet, just cover and simmer for 20 minutes. Then put the cheese, let it melt and it's done!

Recipe 4: Stuffed Buckwheat Liver

For stuffed liver, buckwheat is used for this recipe, but similarly, you can take boiled rice. It also turns out very tasty. Stuffed liver can be baked in the oven or simply stewed under a lid with a little liquid.


• 300 grams of liver;

• 100 grams of buckwheat porridge;

• 0.5 onions;

• some oil;

• 0.5 carrots;

• egg;

• spices.


1. Shred the carrots, chop the onions and sauté together in a pan, put a little oil.

2. Stir the fried vegetables with buckwheat, salt, pepper and add a raw egg.

3. In the liver we make an incision in such a way as to make a pocket. Part of the pulp needs to be cut, but not much.

4. Fill the resulting hole with buckwheat filling, ram tightly. We fasten the edges with toothpicks.

5. Now the stuffed liver can be greased with oil (mayonnaise, sour cream), wrapped in foil and baked in the oven until cooked. Or we put the workpiece in a saucepan, add a glass of broth, spices, roots and cook until cooked on the stove.

6. When serving, the liver can be poured with broth, in which it is stewed or simply decorated with greens, fresh vegetables.

Recipe 5: Stuffed Balkan Liver

Another interesting recipe for stuffed liver, for which it is better to use the edge of the product, resembling a pocket. The filling is prepared on the basis of eggs and bacon, it turns out to be very satisfying, juicy.


• 1 kg of liver;

• 4 eggs;

• 80 grams of bacon, any fat can be;

• onion;

• green onions;

• salt pepper;

• 2 tablespoons sour cream;

• 2 pieces of loaf;

• 100 grams of cheese;

• 1 tsp. Paprika

• 30 grams of oil.


1. Pour a spoonful of oil into the pan, put the bacon, cut into cubes, and fry for half a minute.

2. Cut the onion, send it to the pan and cook together.

3. Cut the loaf into cubes and also send it to the pan, sauté it all together until it becomes rosy. Then cool the filling.

4. Boil the eggs. Cut into small cubes. Combine with green onions, which also need to be cut, add grated cheese.

5. Combine both masses, add sour cream, paprika, salt and any other spices, mix well.

6. We release the liver from the films, form a pocket, fill it with the filling. The free edge must be stabbed with a toothpick.

7. We heat the remaining vegetable oil in a pan. Quickly fry the stuffed liver on both sides until golden brown. You need to cook at high heat so that the liver does not have time to isolate the juice.

8. We transfer the fried pocket into the baking dish, pour the oil in which it was fried on top, and put it in the oven for 5 minutes.

9. Add a little boiling water so that it covers the product by 1 cm, cover the form with foil and cook for another 15 minutes.

10. Serve stuffed in the Balkan liver is better with yogurt sauce. To prepare it, you need to mix the fermented milk product with chopped parsley and chopped garlic, do not forget to salt and pepper.

Recipe 6: Smoked Liver Stuffed Liver

A very aromatic and hearty dish, for the preparation of which smoked lard is used. For stuffed liver, according to this recipe, you can use beef or pork offal, it does not really matter. You can cook in the pan or in the microwave.


• 300 grams of liver;

• 20 grams of breadcrumbs;

• 1 spoon of sour cream;

• 1 onion;

• 60 grams of smoked bacon;

• salt and pepper;

• butter;

• parsley leaves;

• half an egg, you can whole but small.


1. Finely chop the onion and lard, add breadcrumbs to them and fry this mass for 2-3 minutes in a pan. You can simply put it in a bowl and send in the microwave for 2 minutes.

2. Add the egg and sour cream to the filling, mix.

3. We prepare the liver for stuffing. We remove the films, cut the pocket and start the previously prepared mass. We fasten the edge with a skewer.

4. Fry the stuffed liver in a frying pan, first for a minute on each side at maximum heat, then turn it down, cover with a lid and bring to readiness.

5. You can simply put the stuffed liver in a fireproof dish and send it to the microwave for 12 minutes at a capacity of 70%.

Stuffed Liver - Useful Tips and Tricks

• Pork liver will not be bitter if you soak it in fresh milk for 2-3 hours. But it is advisable to first remove all films, blood vessels, fat.

• When frying the liver, put the product only in a well-heated pan, quickly fry for several minutes, then reduce the heat and bring to full readiness. This technique helps to keep all the juices inside, as well as filling from the marinade.

• Only fatty sauces should be used to make the liver: sour cream, cream, butter and mayonnaise. Lean foods do not give anything to the product and do not contribute to the reduction of dryness.

• Liver stuffing is a great alternative to pickling for hours. It is enough to cut pieces of fat, insert into the holes and the product will sparkle with a new taste. You can also use any vegetables, prunes, slices of frozen butter, dried apricots and even nuts, which give an amazing aroma, for shpigi.


Watch the video: Organ meat. Wikipedia audio article (June 2024).