Cod liver salad with egg is a quick, tasty, healthy snack. Top 10 Best Cod Liver Salad Recipes with Egg


From cod liver prepare a lot of tasty and healthy cold snacks.

But perhaps the most famous, easy-to-prepare dish is a salad with eggs and cod liver.

Cod liver salad with egg - general principles of preparation

A lot has already been said about the benefits of eggs and cod liver, so we will not repeat. The only thing worth noting, these products must be present in the human diet. Therefore, at least occasionally, at least once a month, you should indulge in tasty and healthy cod liver salad and eggs - adopt the best and proven recipes, from the simplest to the exquisite.

So, the main composition of the salad is directly the cod liver itself and chicken eggs. Cod liver requires absolutely no preparation, you just open the can and the product is ready to be added to the salad. But the eggs will need to be boiled hard-boiled, but with this procedure, no one, even the youngest hostess, should have any difficulties: put the eggs in water, boil for 5-7 minutes after boiling, then cool them with cold water.

Also, various vegetables are often added to the salad: potatoes, onions, carrots, cucumbers, radishes. In addition, cod liver goes well with products such as cheese, green peas, olives and mustard, and garlic.

Fill the snack mainly with light mayonnaise, vegetable oil, balsamic vinegar or sour cream. Sometimes soy sauce and grated ginger are added to the salad.

Spices are mainly used standard - it's ground pepper and salt, but you can also add white pepper, all sorts of herbs, greens.

Before cooking, all products are boiled until ready, if necessary, then cut according to the recipe and mixed, or laid out in layers.

This salad is perfect for various events: lunch with your family, dinner with friends, a festive feast.

Recipe 1. Cod liver salad with egg "Quick snack"

Salad prepared by this method can also be used as a filler for thin pita breads, it is also possible to lubricate hot toasts or a piece of loaf with it.


• two eggs;

• onion;

• cod liver - 325 grams;

• salt;

• sunflower oil;

• mayonnaise.

Cooking method:

Boil the eggs, then cool immediately, putting in cold water, then peel and cut into small cubes or grate into large chips.

Peel the onion and fry until sweetheart in vegetable oil.

Put the cod liver out of the jar on the plate, carefully knead with a fork.

Mix in a deep bowl grated eggs, fried onion, mashed cod liver.

Add a little salt, a couple of spoons of mayonnaise, mix thoroughly.

Put in a salad bowl, decorate with greens if desired.

Recipe 2: Cod liver salad with egg and celery

It is not required to season the salad, cod liver oil will be enough to make the salad juicy and appetizing. If you still want to use mayonnaise as a dressing, then the liver should be removed from the jar and slightly dried with a paper towel.


• 300 grams of natural cod liver;

• two eggs;

• salt;

• two celery stalks;

• fresh cucumber;

• dill greens.

Cooking method:

Rinse the cucumbers and celery. Clean the celery top layer with a knife, remove the peel from a cucumber. Cut both ingredients into small cubes.

Eggs boil and grind.

Liver put out of the jar in a salad bowl, mash with a fork.

Put to the cod liver shredded eggs, prepared cucumber and celery.

Salt the dish and mix.

Before serving, decorate the salad with cod and egg chopped dill.

Recipe 3: Cod liver salad with egg and cheese


• 140 grams of cheese;

• salt;

• cod liver - 265 grams;

• three eggs;

• greenery;

• three cloves of garlic.

Cooking method:

Remove cod liver from a jar, chop into small cubes.

Boil eggs, separate boiled whites from yolks. Grind the yolks with the oil remaining from the liver in a jar, chop proteins.

Peeled garlic skip through special press and grind with yolks in oil.

Mix the grated cheese with egg whites and chopped cod liver.

In one salad bowl mix both masses: cod and yolks.

Salad salad, sprinkle with herbs.

Recipe 4. Cod liver salad with egg and nuts


• two eggs;

• 110 grams of cheese;

• cucumber;

• cod liver - 285 grams;

• 3 tbsp. l ground hazelnuts;

• dill, salt;

• 50 grams of sour cream.

Cooking method:

Peeled cucumber cut into thin strips.

Knead the cod liver thoroughly with a fork.

Boiled eggs and cheese grate on a large segment of the grater.

Rinse dill, dry and chop.

Mix all the ingredients prepared for the salad, add nuts, a little salt and sour cream.

Stir again.

You can decorate the salad with whole hazelnut nuts.

Recipe 5: Cod liver salad with egg in soy sauce


• two eggs;

• 280 grams of cod liver;

• two tomatoes;

• 40 grams of green onions;

• three radishes;

• two small fresh cucumbers;

• salt, ground pepper;

• to taste soy sauce.

Cooking method:

Blanched tomatoes cut into small blocks.

Cut canned liver into small cubes.

Grate boiled eggs.

Radish and cucumber peel and chop into small cubes.

Rinse green onions and chop into thin rings.

Mix all ingredients in one deep bowl, salt and pepper to taste, sprinkle with two or three spoons of soy sauce.

Recipe 6: Cod liver salad with egg and vegetables


• 270 grams of canned cod liver;

• two potatoes;

• three or four pickled cucumbers;

• one carrot;

• three eggs;

• onion;

• salt;

• 35 ml of olive oil.

Cooking method:

Liver or finely chop or mash with a fork.

Pickled cucumbers into slices.

Boil potatoes and carrots in a uniform until ready, remove the peel and grate on a coarse grater.

Peel and finely chop the onion.

Boiled hard-boiled eggs shred grated.

Mix all the ingredients of the salad in a salad bowl, adding salt to taste and olive oil.

Recipe 7: Cod liver salad with quail egg and beans in mustard sauce.


• five quail eggs;

• three potatoes;

• 20 black pitted black olives;

• can of cod liver;

• 100 grams of Peking cabbage;

• Bank of beans (red);

• bow;

• sweet pepper;

• parsley, salt;

• 50 grams of mustard;

• 40 ml of lemon juice;

• two cloves of garlic.

Cooking method:

Make a salad dressing: mix lemon juice with canned cod liver oil, mustard, salt, chopped parsley and garlic passed through a press.

Boil eggs and potatoes until ready, peel them into small cubes.

Grind the cod liver itself with a fork.

Peking cabbage, Bulgarian pepper chop into thin strips.

Cut olives into slices.

Open a jar of beans, pour out the liquid.

Peel and chop the onion finely and slightly wrinkle.

Mix cod with eggs, potatoes, olives, cabbage, peppers, onions and beans.

Pour all ingredients with mustard dressing, mix.

Recipe 8: Cod liver salad with egg and corn


• 120 grams of canned corn;

• 110 grams of cod liver;

• three eggs;

• ground pepper, salt;

• salad mix - 70-100 grams.

Cooking method:

Boiled eggs cut into small cubes. Do the same with cod liver.

Wash the lettuce leaves and shake them several times to get rid of the liquid. Tear the leaves with your hands into small pieces.

Corn dump in a salad bowl, add eggs and liver, put lettuce leaves, sprinkle with salt and pepper, mix.

Such a salad is laid out on a flat dish.

The plate can be covered with whole lettuce leaves. Also on top of the salad can be cut into thin slices of Parmesan.

Recipe 9: Hearty Cod Liver Salad with Egg and Rice


• two eggs;

• 235 grams of cod liver;

• 90 grams of rice;

• 80 g of mayonnaise;

• three sprigs of dill;

• salt to taste;

• one small bow.

Cooking method:

Wash the rice, put it in a saucepan, pour two glasses of water. Cook, stirring, over low heat until the rice is ready, the water will need to be slightly salted. Then drain the liquid, rinse the rice itself again and fold it on a strainer to drain excess liquid.

Boil hard-boiled eggs, peel and chop.

Cut onions into small cubes.

Liver mash with a fork.

Mix cod liver with boiled rice, chopped onion and egg, salt the salad to taste, season with mayonnaise.

Serve garnished with dill.

Recipe 10: Gourmet Cod Liver Salad with Quail Egg and Shrimps


• 250 grams of shrimp;

• 200 grams of cod liver;

• garlic clove;

• 130 ml of dry white wine;

• a pair of bay leaves;

• 12 quail eggs;

• salt, ground pepper;

• 20 ml of grape seed oil;

• 200 grams of green lettuce;

• parsley, basil (fresh);

• rind of one lemon.

Cooking method:

Pour wine and a glass of water into a medium-sized saucepan, add laurel leaves, peeled garlic cloves, half a teaspoon of salt, and a little ground pepper (or peppercorns). Bring the mixture to a boil, put the shrimp out, cook the seafood for two minutes, then drain the water and cool and clean the shrimps.

Quail eggs boil hard-boiled, cool, cut into two parts.

Rinse lettuce leaves and break into small pieces.

Grind basil and parsley.

Drain the liquid from the jar with the liver, mash the cod liver itself with a fork.

Put torn lettuce leaves on a wide flat dish, sprinkle with chopped greens and lemon zest on top.

Lay on top of shrimp, cod liver and quail eggs in any order.

Sprinkle all the ingredients with grape seed oil, mixing it with salt and pepper.

Cod Liver Salad with Egg - Tricks and Tips

• Cod liver should be of high quality, depends on the taste of the finished salad. A jar of canned liver must be marked that the product is natural. The composition of the product with additional ingredients can be only salt, pepper and laurel leaves. Preservation oil is not added, because the marinade manufacturer must use its own cod liver oil. When shaking the jar with the product, nothing in it should hang out.

• Eggs, especially if they are not homemade, but bought in a store, it is better not to digest so that they do not turn blue and do not spoil the appearance of the salad. In order to cook hard-boiled chicken eggs is enough 5-7 minutes after boiling water, quail eggs will be enough for three minutes.


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