Mustard: benefit and harm, calorie content. The familiar mustard brings only benefits or harm to our body, too?


Table mustard is obtained from the seeds of the Sinapis plant of the cabbage family. Ground or whole seeds are mixed with vinegar, sugar, water and vegetable oil and get a spicy seasoning for meat and fish dishes.

Know why she "burns is not childish"?

Mustard grows in the arid zone of the Volga region, in the steppes and semi-deserts.

And try in such conditions to preserve the sweetness and juiciness.

Mustard: composition, calorie content, application

Here is a table of the beneficial properties of mustard and their functions in the body:

Useful substanceFunction
organic acids form human organs and tissues
ironinvolved in blood formation
calciumprovides strong teeth and bones
potassiumregulates water-salt metabolism in the body and maintaining normal pressure and heart rate, positively affects digestion and intestinal motility
phosphorussupports mental and physical performance
copperresponsible for the functioning of the nervous and respiratory systems
iodine stimulates growth and development, is responsible for the functioning of hormones
vitamins A, B1− B6, C, PP, Einvolved in the breakdown of proteins, fats and carbohydrates
folic acid B9regulates cell division and amino acid synthesis
seleniumresponsible for the thyroid gland, prevents colds and fights infections
cobaltsupports the growth and development of red blood cells, supports the immune system
fluorineprotects teeth from caries, participates in wound healing and bone healing
molybdenumregulates metabolic processes and enzyme activity, ensures the assimilation of vitamins
manganese supports the pancreas, protects the liver from fat deposition
sulfur produces synthesis of insulin and collagen, maintains youthful skin
glycosidesstrengthens the walls of blood vessels

Calorie Mustard without additives - 306 kcal per 100 g.

Carbohydrates: 7.1 g

Fats: 14 g

Protein: 39 g

There are three types of mustard:

• white. Seeds of this species are actively used in medicine for hypertension, diseases of the liver and gall bladder, problems of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT);

• black. Mustard plasters are made from it;

• Sarept. Due to the high oil content (49%) it has a rich taste and is used in cooking.

The use of mustard not limited to cooking. In medicine mustard dressings, plasters and mustard plasters are used for tumors, pulmonary diseases (asthma, bronchitis), and for the prevention of colds and joint diseases. When undercooling, pour a tablespoon of dry powder in socks or feet soar with mustard in hot water. Mustard plasters improve blood circulation, which is useful for radiculitis, rheumatism and osteochondrosis.

In cosmetology mustard is known for its stimulating effect on hair growth and the fight against baldness (an irritating property arouses the appearance of new hair follicles), eliminates dandruff and oily hair. Useful properties of mustard are used to combat problem skin: acne, acne, black spots and freckles. Wraps of this powder help break down subcutaneous fat, improve skin condition and fight against varicose veins and cellulite.

In cooking it is seasoned with salads, served as seasoning for hot and cold dishes, eaten in sandwiches. In food production, mustard plays the role of an emulsifier - a substance responsible for the consistency, viscosity and plasticity of the product, prevents the flow of juice, aromatizes the product. Another useful property of mustard is that it is a natural preservative.

In gardening, mustard seeds are used to protect plants from diseases and weeds, as it retains nitrogen in the soil, fights insect pests, protects the earth from freezing in frost, improves the growth of trees and shrubs.

Mustard: what are the benefits for the body?

The benefits of mustard for the body are expressed by antifungal, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects. It promotes the production of enzymes and gastric juice, breaks down fats, improves digestion and speeds up metabolism and burning calories, which leads to stabilization and loss of excess weight.

When you use this spice, salivation is stimulated, which helps to digest heavy, fatty foods.

Moderate consumption of mustard reduces blood cholesterol, restores the flora of the stomach and intestines (enveloping effect), eliminates constipation, flatulence and bowel obstruction.

Health benefits of mustard in omega-3 fatty acids. This product protects the walls of blood vessels, ensures their elasticity and prevents the narrowing of the lumen. Stimulates the growth of retinal cells. Prevents the development of cancer of the liver, bile ducts and respiratory organs.

Mustard leaves protect brain cells from destruction, which is the prevention of various dementias (Parkinson's, Alzheimer's disease), stimulate blood supply to the brain, improve memory and quickness of mind.

Mustard seeds are indicated at high pressure and severe headaches, to strengthen bones, joints, maintains healthy skin.

In folk medicine, mustard is considered useful for increasing sexual desire.

To avoid negative consequences, it is recommended to eat no more than 3 teaspoons of mustard.

Mustard: what is the harm to health?

Excessive consumption of mustard is harmful to health.

Are possible shortness of breath, palpitations, burns, mouth, esophagus and digestive organs, inflammation of the stomach and small intestines, exacerbation of ulcers and gastritis, loss of consciousness.

It is not recommended to eat this seasoning at night - there is a risk insomnia and malaise.

Mustard essential oil causes irritation, trial, redness and burns to the skin.

Mustard is contraindicated in gastritis, enterocolitis, colitis, nephritis, tuberculosis due to its pungent taste and ability to produce hydrochloric acid in the stomach.

By the way, mustard not only stimulates digestion, but also increases appetite. And this, in turn, leads to overeating. Therefore, in the diet, this spice can play a trick on you.

The presence of dermatological problems prohibits the use of mustard because of its irritating effect.

And no one rules out individual intolerance of this product.

Mustard during pregnancy and lactation: is it possible?

During pregnancy, a woman is often “punched” by spicy, salty and piquant. Many are drawn to "mustard", but before flavoring a pork cutlet with this seasoning, you need to know about the benefits and harms of mustard during pregnancy.

When carrying a child, the use of mustard in small quantities is allowed - no more than a teaspoon per day. The most useful is the use of leaf mustard. It contains unique fatty oils (essential, omega, carbon disulfide), which contributes to the growth and development of fetal tissues. With individual intolerance, sensitivity or negative reactions, it is better to refuse this seasoning during pregnancy.

It happens that during pregnancy a woman catches a cold, drug treatment is dangerous for the baby. Mustard flying pairs come to the rescue - it is poured into socks and is not removed for several hours. Thanks to vitamins, mustard seasoning will play the role of a natural antibiotic, will have an antiviral effect, and will help cure and prevent colds.

The unreasonable use of mustard while carrying a child is harmful because of the risk of increasing the tone of the uterus.

Breastfeeding mustard in factory production is harmful! It contains acetic acid, which will cause a newborn to have severe allergies, constipation, colic, stomach and intestinal diseases (or all at once).

The recipe of mustard is always different, often includes cloves, pepper, cinnamon. Such a mixture will affect the taste of milk - it will become bitter, and the baby will not take the breast.

A nursing mother eats mustard - a heavy load is placed on the baby's liver to process and remove all the bitterness from the body. Pediatricians also blame this seasoning for the negative impact on milk production. A young mother should forget about this session for at least 6 months - when the baby’s gastrointestinal tract is formed and ready for the parent’s food experiments.

Mustard for children: useful or harmful

To begin with, spices should not be given to children under three years old. Mustard can cause food poisoning, upset the stomach, intestines and urinary tract. And it is unlikely that the child will voluntarily eat this burning seasoning.

Older children may even like mustard. By the way, for them it will be just as useful as for adults, namely: increase appetite, normalizes stool, improves blood circulation to the brain, protects against colds infections.

To treat children from flu and colds of any age, it is allowed to pour mustard in socks, the use of bathtubs at a temperature of 40 degrees with a small amount of mustard powder (only in the absence of heat in the child). A bag of mustard can be applied for 10-15 minutes with abscesses. However, mustard must not be put up to 6 years old due to the risk of skin burns.

In conclusion, we will tell you mild mustard recipe:


• 5 tbsp. tablespoons of mustard powder;

• 150 grams of sugar;

• 1 sec. A spoon of salt;

• 150 ml cream 20%;

• 2 tbsp. tablespoons of olive oil;

• According to 1 tbsp. spoon of apple cider vinegar and lemon juice.


In a saucepan, mix the powder, salt and sugar, grind so that there are no lumps.

Put the pot on medium heat.

Introduce cream slowly, stirring constantly, to prevent burning.

Add lemon juice, vinegar, olive oil, bring to a boil.

Simmer for 8 minutes, stirring slowly.

The mixture will thicken and darken.

Remove from heat, cool, arrange in suitable saucers. Insist in the refrigerator for a day.

To please relatives and friends with excellent seasoning for meat and fish, keep the recipe a secret.


Watch the video: Jed Fahey, . on Isothiocyanates, the Nrf2 Pathway, Moringa & Sulforaphane Supplementation (June 2024).