Scientists have proven: early music lessons develop the brain of a child


Scientists from the Montreal Neurological Institute together with colleagues from Concordia University conducted an experiment, the results of which showed that musical lessons in childhood can enhance neural connections in the brain. It is recommended to study with children who have not yet turned seven years old. Only in this case, a brain scan will "highlight" all the advantages.

For example, differences will be noticeable in the area of ​​the brain that is responsible for movement. Of course, it’s not a fact that a brilliant musician will turn out of a child, but still the effect will be quite significant. The testing involved 36 people who were asked to perform tasks on motor skills. Eighteen people began to study music at the age of seven, the rest later.

Both groups spent the same amount of time in class. They were also compared to people who never did music. The test was to reproduce the rhythm in an audio-visual way. The group, in which people were engaged in music from an early age, made the least errors, judging by the accuracy and time. Even after two days of similar training, this group confidently went around the second.

It turns out that music lessons strengthen the connections between the sensory and motor segments of the brain. At the same time, the foundation is laid on which the learning process is subsequently based. It is for this reason that scientists were unable to detect differences in the brain in the process of scanning for people who began to study music after seven years and those who did not study music at all.


Watch the video: Boost Your Babys Brain. Audrey van der Meer. TEDxTrondheim (June 2024).