Kvass: calorie content, benefits and harms. Useful properties of kvass in cooking, medicine and cosmetology, possible harm from kvass


Kvass is a national drink in Russia, the useful properties of which were still known to our ancestors.

Kvass can not only quench thirst in the hot season, but also help in the treatment of many diseases.

This article will be devoted to the influence of kvass on the human body, its useful and harmful properties.

Kvass: composition, as used

Kvass made from natural ingredients is a real source of many useful substances for the human body. Kvass is the result of unfinished alcohol and milk fermentation of the wort, and its benefits are manifested due to microorganisms that arise as a result of this process.

This drink contains the following useful components:

  • 10 amino acids;

  • Vitamins of group B, PP, E, H,

  • Choline

  • 17 trace elements;

  • 7 macrocells.

Such a rich list of useful substances makes this drink not only tasty, but also incredibly useful and even necessary for the human body.

Calorie kvass

Despite the many useful substances that fill the drink, its calorie content is not too high. It depends on the concentration of yeast and sugar. 27 kcal per 100 g kvass, which contains a large amount of carbohydrates and a minimum of proteins.

The glycemic index of the product is only 30, which once again shows the superiority of this drink over all others. For comparison, the same beer has a GI of 110.

Kvass: what are the benefits for the body

As we have already said, there are a lot of useful properties in this drink, so for a start we will analyze the most basic ones, and then we will go through its use in various areas of life.

1. There is not a single soft drink that could bring as much benefit as kvass.

2. This drink has the ability to slightly reduce dependence on alcohol, however, kvass cannot completely cure it.

3. Kvass has a positive effect on men, namely their potency.

4. Russian scientists have proved that typhoid and paratyphoid bacteria die in kvass medium.

5. The drink has the ability to strengthen muscles and relieve fatigue, and in this component it is much more effective than glucose.

6. Kvass is very useful for young people, because it contains a huge amount of vitamins, which in combination with ascorbic acid perfectly stimulate the growth of the body.

7. This drink is one of the few products that absolutely do not contain GMOs. The fact is that the ingredients from which it is prepared are in no way genetically processed.

8. Kvass will be very useful for people who have kidney stones and urinary tract due to silicon, which is present in barley.

Kvass from the point of view of medicine

Almost all useful components come to kvass during fermentation. They are able to improve digestion and save a person from dysbiosis. In addition, these microorganisms produce vitamins that enhance human immunity. Kvass in its useful properties is very similar to koumiss, yogurt and kefir.

Even before the revolution in Russia, doctors prescribed kvass to patients to speed up their recovery from illness. In war times, kvass was a must-have on the soldiers menu.

Nowadays, modern medicine kvass is among the best diet drinks. Kvass, like other products obtained as a result of fermented milk fermentation, is able to improve metabolic processes in the body and the gastrointestinal tract. Gastroenterologists recommend taking kvass to people who have gastritis with low acidity. To get rid of such gastritis, you need to take a glass of this drink 15 minutes before eating. People with heart and nervous system problems, as well as those suffering from hypertension, kvass will be very useful.

Ground kvass is widely used to treat nail fungus, various skin diseases, long-lasting wounds and scabs. For women who had a difficult birth, the doctors gave malt or thick, and a small amount of kvass was instilled into the mouth of the child immediately after the first font.

The use of kvass in cosmetology

In addition to medicinal properties, kvass is also widely used in cosmetology. A few centuries ago, women used various recipes with kvass for skin health. Here are the basic recipes that have come down to the present.

1. To keep the skin always young and velvety, wipe the face with kvass every morning.

2. To smooth small wrinkles, it is necessary to moisten a terry cloth in this drink and apply it to the face. To enhance the effect, you can also add a little honey.

3. To strengthen the hair roots and make them more magnificent, you need to rub a certain amount of the drink into the scalp and hair and leave them under a cellophane hat for 20-30 minutes.

4. Malt grounds are excellently used as a mask for lifting. To get a good effect, it should be applied to the face for only 15 minutes.

5. In the time of Rus there was a custom in which the bride was bathed in kvass before the wedding. And this was not done for fun, because kvass gave the body a healthy shine and elasticity.

6. There are also many different masks, lotions and baths with this wonderful drink, which will help to preserve the skin's beauty, youth and vitality for a long time.

Kvass as a means to combat excess weight

If you use kvass to improve the digestive system, without using any diets, in addition to health, you can significantly improve the figure. To improve the effect, doctors recommend fighting excess weight with beet kvass.

To prepare such a drink you need to take a couple of beets, cut them into small pieces, pour kvass and leave for 72 hours. Then add a small amount of honey there and leave for another 24 hours. Everything - beet kvass is ready. Such a drink in many people who make periodic "fasting days" is considered one of the main ones.

Kvass is also able to perfectly quench your appetite and accelerate the process of splitting fats. Even if the effect is not immediately visible, this does not mean that it does not work. Most likely, he is engaged in cleaning the body of toxins, in the presence of which any diet will have absolutely no meaning. To get rid of extra pounds, you can also use the cake, which is left over from beetroot or cabbage drink. When using a cake, a person can lose up to 500-600 g in just a day.

There is a special kvass prepared on celandine. Its main property is the cleansing of the body of toxins and toxins, that is, it has a powerful fitness effect. Such a drink is being prepared for the recipes of Academician Bolotov. You need to take a glass with chopped celandine stems and pour 500 g of whey into them. Then add a glass of sugar there and fill with water to get only 3 liters of the finished drink. Then the drink is infused for 10 days.

Almost everyone can take this type of kvass, however, before starting treatment, it is necessary to consult a doctor, since celandine itself is a plant containing a certain amount of poison. So, for people with blood diseases, such a drink will be contraindicated.

Kvass for pregnant women

It is generally accepted that kvass is strictly forbidden to pregnant mothers. In principle, this is true, but there is one significant reservation. If we are talking about "store" kvass, then the answer is unequivocal - it is impossible. However, if this drink is prepared at home from exclusively natural ingredients, then it is not only possible to take, but also necessary. However, it is necessary to maintain a strict framework - a maximum of 1 glass of drink per day, abuse will not be useful, and even vice versa, because you should not forget that kvass contains alcohol, albeit in small quantities. But a small amount of kvass will only benefit both the mother and her fetus, because it contains many useful substances. For example, the presence of vitamin B contributes to the proper development of the fetus.

Kvass for children: useful or harmful

As for children, here, perhaps, it is better to refrain from drinking kvass due to the presence of alcohol in it, this will not be acceptable for the child's body, since their gastrointestinal tract is still very tender and may not accept this drink. Of course, you can make an exception, for example, add it to a dish, because this drink contains so many useful components that will be useful to the child.

It is better to refuse to use it in its pure form, especially for children up to 7-8 years old. Older children can be given kvass, but in small quantities.

Kvass: what is the harm to health

Despite the huge amount of useful substances contained in kvass, there are certain contraindications. In addition to alcohol, which is present in a drink with an ethyl alcohol content of 06-2.6%, it can also be harmful in certain diseases. So, the list of diseases in which it is better to refrain from using kvass:

1) Cirrhosis of the liver;

2) Kidney stones and gall bladder;

3) Hypertensive patients and people suffering from VSD;

4) Pregnant and lactating mothers, with rare exceptions;

5) Children under 7 years old;

6) It is better for drivers in front of the road to refrain from using kvass due to possible problems along the way with law representatives.

To summarize, it must be said that kvass is a very useful drink, as it contains many vitamins and minerals useful for the body. However, it is better to abstain from it for people suffering from certain diseases, as well as for pregnant women and small children.

Be healthy!


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