How to remove black dots at home. Features and effectiveness of procedures to combat black dots


Many people with oily and combination skin face such an aesthetic problem as black dots.

Comedones are sebaceous plugs.

Their tops become dark due to impurities of dust, cosmetics and keratinized layers of cells.

The most vulnerable spot for black dots is nose wings.

You can eliminate this imperfection, not only by resorting to the help of a cosmetologist, but also on your own.

How to remove black dots at home: is it possible?

The trouble in the form of black dots does not pass either young people or adult men and women. Clogged pores greatly worsen the appearance of the skin and significantly spoil the mood. Today we have to figure out how to eliminate black spots at home.

Causes of clogged pores on the face

Before considering the most effective methods that you can apply yourself, you should highlight the main factors that cause the appearance of black dots:

• hormonal changes in the body;

• genetic predisposition;

• lack of daily routine;

• insufficient rest;

• constant stress;

• bad ecology;

• use of low-quality cosmetics;

• improper skin care.

How to remove black dots at home: methods

Experts recommend a comprehensive approach to the fight against black dots. Regularly applying proven methods, you can significantly improve the condition of the skin, narrow the enlarged pores, and restore a healthy and radiant appearance.

Among the main ways to get rid of comedones, the most effective ones should be highlighted:

• steam facial cleansing;

• cleaning strips (patches);

• skin lightening.

Steam facial cleansing

Facial cleansing is done with thoroughly cleansed skin. The procedure begins with a light peeling. We apply the scrub with gentle movements on the moist skin of the face and rub it with soft circular movements for three minutes. The scrub can be replaced with a mask.

After peeling we make a steam bath from medicinal herbs. You can also steam your face over ordinary boiling water, but herbal infusions will bring better results. They will remove excess fat, improve blood circulation in tissues, and relieve irritation.

We bend our heads over a pot of broth and cover with a towel. It should be large enough so that the herbal infusion does not cool down, and the vapor from the container does not evaporate. The steam bath should be done for about 15 minutes. Moisture, which will act on the skin, must be carefully blotted with a clean cloth.

After the bath, the pores open, and skin begins to breathe. Now you can proceed directly to cleaning. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and treat them with alcohol. This will prevent infection. Experts, answering questions about how to remove black dots at home, it is advised to wrap your fingers in a bandage that is previously moistened in a salicylic acid solution. The black dot is removed by slightly pressing it.

To narrow the pores, at the end of the procedure, the face should be wiped with tonic, lotion or lemon juice diluted in water.

Cleaning strips

Many well-known cosmetic brands have released plasters that promise to rid the skin of comedones. These plasters are based on natural resins. Auxiliary ingredients are a variety of acids, oils and sorbents.

Let's take a step-by-step look at using stripes from black dots:

1. Before the procedure, thoroughly cleanse the skin from cosmetics and impurities.

2. Wet areas with black dots and gently glue a strip on them.

3. When the patch has dried, it should be carefully removed from the skin along with the sebum plug.

A viscous substance in the strips softens the top of the comedone, which clogged the pore. Adhesive patches are recommended in the evening. In this case, the redness that may occur after the procedure will not bother you by morning. Use strips several times a week.

Skin lightening

Dark tops of sebaceous plugs can be made light. In a small container, pour the soap solution prepared from ordinary baby soap. Add 0.5 teaspoon of baking soda and finely ground salt to it. We collect the resulting mixture on a cotton pad and squeeze a little. With a soft circular motion, we wipe the skin of the face without stretching it. Leave to act for 3 minutes. Then rinse your face with cool water.

There are still ways to bleach black dots. Breed lemon juice with water in a ratio of 1: 1. It is necessary to wipe the face with liquid once a day. Also, for whitening comedones, you can use 3% hydrogen peroxide.

How to remove black dots at home: folk remedies

You can also get rid of annoying black dots using folk methods: hand-made masks.

Gelatin mask - alternative to patch

It turns out that you can not splurge on special strips from black dots. A wonderful mask from comedones can be prepared at home, without extra costs. To do this, we need gelatin and warm milk. The ingredients must be thoroughly mixed in a container and put the resulting mixture in a microwave for 7-10 minutes. A slightly cooled swollen mask should be applied to the problem area and left until completely solidified. The mass after complete drying will turn into a film, which should be carefully removed from the face with black plugs.

Best Natural Cleansing Products

Between steam facial cleansing, it is necessary to make simple but effective masks, consisting of two to three available components. They will help keep the skin clean, nourish it with beneficial substances and moisturize.

1. Oatmeal. Dilute chopped oatmeal with warm milk. Apply the resulting thick slurry to the skin and leave to act for several minutes. Rinse off the mask with warm water.

2. Cosmetic clay. Clay powder to dilute with a small amount of water or herbal decoction. Apply the mixture to the wings of the nose and leave to dry completely. Cleanse the skin with a damp sponge.

3. Liquid honey spread over the skin with light patting movements. When white lumps appear on your fingertips, you need to wash your face with warm water.

4. A spoon of blended white rice steam with boiling water. In the morning, water needs to be drained, and the remaining mass lubricated the problem area of ​​the skin. Leave on for 15 minutes and rinse with water.

Homemade masks for brightening the face

If you seriously wondered how to remove black dots at home, you should pay special attention to masks. They can be used as an independent procedure, and after steaming. Skin after a steam bath perfectly accepts nutritious ingredients.

• Distribute the pulp of one tomato over the skin. Leave on for 5 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

• Grate one raw potato on a fine grater. Apply mass on face for 10 minutes. Rinse off with water.

• Kefir is recommended to be used instead of morning cleanser. Also, this dairy product can be applied as a mask. Rinse it off with water when it dries.

• Prepare a mixture of one tablespoon of salt and two tablespoons of sour cream. Massage your nose wings twice a week.

• Mix the protein of one egg with two tablespoons of lemon juice and aloe vera leaf juice. With this composition, it is necessary to lubricate the zone with comedones twice. Rinse off with warm water.

After removing the mask, experts recommend wiping the skin with lotion and applying a nourishing cream. This will avoid dehydration of the skin, in which the pores clog faster.

How to remove black dots at home: causes of failure

If you care for the skin with at least some of the above methods, but could not achieve good results in the fight against black dots, then you should pay attention to the advice of dermatologists.

1. Cosmetics. The appearance of comedones is promoted by the use of products based on oils and animal fats. Cosmetic products should be used according to your age and skin type. Non-comedogenic agents that do not clog pores are usually marked “non-comedodenic”.

2. Diet and bad habits. Fried, very spicy and fatty foods, a large amount of coffee and alcohol, smoking and drug abuse adversely affect the general condition of the skin and lead to the appearance of black spots. You should switch to a balanced diet and abandon bad habits. Instead, you need to eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, add cereals to your diet, and spend a lot of time outdoors. You should also pay attention to drinking enough water. Liquid will help flush toxic substances out of the body.

3. Medicines. Medicines aimed at combating acne do not affect the amount of fat secreted by the skin, therefore, can not prevent the appearance of clogged pores.

4. Skin cleansing and hygiene. Never go to bed with makeup on your face. Change pillowcases on your pillow more often and touch your face less with your hands.

To achieve good results, it is necessary to conduct facial cleansing procedures constantly. Even the most effective remedy will not save you forever from comedones in just one application. Comprehensive and regular care will be rewarded with clean and velvety skin.


Watch the video: Do THIS to Remove Blackheads From Your Nose (June 2024).