The best masks for dry hair at home. Effective homemade recipes for the beauty of curls: away dry hair!


Owners of dry hair spend a lot of time daily on styling.

Their lifeless ringlets are constantly tangled, broken, split and look very untidy.

The cause of dehydrated hair is not always heredity.

Often, hair is spoiled from stains, styling appliances and inappropriate cosmetics.

In order to restore vitality to dry hair, it is important to use not only competent basic care, but also proven folk remedies, including masks made from valuable natural ingredients.

Masks for dry hair at home: recipes with oils

One of the most effective methods of treating dry hair at home is moisturizing masks based on the outstanding properties of vegetable oils. Each of them has its own unique properties and affects the follicles and hair structure.

Nutritious Castor Mask

To prepare a megapositive mask, you will need the following components:

• castor oil - 5 ml;

• dry calendula flowers - 1 tablespoon;

• vodka - 100 ml.

First you need to prepare the tincture of calendula. To do this, fill in the chopped flowers of the healing plant with vodka and insist in a dark place for a week. We filter the resulting tincture and mix with castor oil in 1: 1 proportions.

Rub the mask into the scalp with the fingertips, distribute along the entire length of the hair. We put on a disposable cellophane hat and insulate with a towel. Leave the mask to act for 30-40 minutes. Wash my head in the usual way.

This mask copes with dry scalp, nourishes the bulbs with vitamins A and E, tightens the hair structure, making it more elastic. Dyed and bleached hair becomes less brittle.

Burdock mask for hair growth

The following mask for dry hair involves the use of such components:

• egg yolk - 3 pcs.;

• burdock oil - 35 ml;

• mountain arnica (tincture) - 30 ml.

We mix all the ingredients and gently rub into the hair roots. We distribute the mass along the entire length of the curls. We warm our heads with a heated towel and leave for 30 minutes. Wash off the mask with warm water and sulfate-free shampoo. We carry out the nursing procedure several times a week for a month.

Burdock root oil is widely used by people to accelerate hair growth and prevent hair loss. This valuable substance in the mask will relieve dandruff, eliminate itching of the head and speed up metabolic processes in the skin. Arnica tincture, which contains tannins in abundance, normalizes the production of sebum. Egg yolk protects hair from damage.

Nourishing mask for dull hair

This vitamin mix includes three components:

• castor oil - 15 ml;

• olive oil - 15 ml;

• yolk - 1 pc.

Combine the castor and olive oils with the yolk and mix until smooth. Massage the mask into the hair roots and apply the mask to its entire length, paying particular attention to the cut ends. Leave the mixture on your head for 30 minutes under a plastic wrap or disposable shower cap. Wash off the oil mask using shampoo and hair balm.

Such a mask with regular use will strengthen the hair, restore strength and shine to curls, improve hair structure.

Moisturizing mask

This mask will return a healthy look to dry hair in just a few treatments. To prepare it you will need:

• olive oil - 30 ml;

• natural honey - 1 tablespoon;

• beer - 15 ml;

• colorless henna - 20 gr;

• yolk of one egg.

Dissolve honey in warmed olive oil. Add beer to the mass (you can use red wine) and henna. Stir until a homogeneous consistency. Then combine the mixture with beaten egg yolk. Super-moisturizing mask is applied to the scalp and along the entire length of the curls. Leave under the warming cap for 1 hour. Wash off the mixture with shampoo.

Masks for dry hair at home: folk recipes

Masks prepared according to other folk recipes are very popular among owners of dry hair. Naughty sick hair after them becomes velvet to the touch, natural shine and strength return to them.

Repair mask

This recipe is used to restore hair structure. Dry hair after applying the mask becomes soft and supple. To prepare the composition, we need:

• chicken yolk - 1 pc.;

• liquid glycerin - 5 ml;

• natural apple cider vinegar - 1 teaspoon.

All of the listed ingredients are thoroughly mixed in a non-metallic dish. Apply to the scalp and the entire length of the hair. Leave the mask for 30 minutes. Wash off with warm water and shampoo.

Banana mask for hair nutrition

A nourishing mask will saturate damaged dry hair with useful substances, help to cope with the cut ends. Curls will become shiny and silky.

To prepare the mask you will need such components:

• banana - 1 pc.;

• natural honey - 2 tablespoons;

• fat sour cream - 3 tablespoons;

• egg yolk - 1 pc.

The components are best mixed in a blender. Distribute the resulting mixture along the entire length of the strands, put on a cap of cellophane and wrap it with a warm towel. We keep the mass on the hair for 30 minutes, then rinse off.

Lamination mask

Masks based on gelatin have a laminating effect. They "seal" the flakes, fill the porous hairs and protect them from mechanical damage. To prepare the mixture you will need:

• gelatin - 2 tablespoons;

• water - 150 ml;

• vinegar - 10 ml;

• honey - 1 teaspoon.

Dissolve gelatin in hot water. Stir thoroughly, add vinegar and honey. A mask is applied to the hair, combing them with a comb with rare cloves. We wrap the strands with cling film and wrap the head with a towel. Keep the mixture for 20 minutes. Wash off with warm water and enjoy incredibly smooth and obedient curls.

Brown bread mask for strengthening and hair growth

Folk recipes from rye bread were used to treat hair even by our grandmothers. Modern fashionistas also highly appreciate the effectiveness of such masks, which allow you to return curls to their former strength and beauty. To prepare the nutrient mixture you will need:

• crumb of brown bread;

• water - 1 glass;

• oregano grass;

• nettle;

• chamomile;

• plantain;

• sage.

Take 1 teaspoon of each medicinal plant and prepare a decoction in one glass of water. Bring to a boil and let it cool to room temperature. In a warm liquid, add the black bread, previously cut into small pieces. A homogeneous mixture in the form of slurry is applied along the entire length of the curls. We put on a shower cap and insulate our heads with a towel. Leave the mask for 40-60 minutes. Wash my head with warm water without using detergents.

Egg mask for damaged hair

This mask is very "like" brittle porous hair. After using it, they become insanely soft and silky to the touch. To prepare the mixture you will need the following ingredients:

• egg yolks - 5 pieces;

• ginger juice - 15 ml;

• thick brewed coffee - 1-2 tablespoons.

Separate 5 egg yolks and beat them thoroughly. Add ginger juice and thick black coffee. We mix the components and apply on the scalp and the entire length of the strands for 30 minutes. The mask is washed off perfectly with warm water without the addition of shampoo.

Masks for dry hair at home: tricks and tips

Restoring hair masks made from natural ingredients are able, with regular use, to quickly restore strength and beauty to the hair. But in order to avoid problems with curls again, you need to know what caused them.

Dry and brittle hair becomes because, as a result of damage to its structure, access to healing moisture and essential nutrients is impeded. Among the external causes of damage should be highlighted:

• frequent staining;

• daily use of thermal styling tools;

• inaccurate combing;

• wiping hair with a towel;

• use of metal combs;

• improperly selected cosmetics;

• washing your hair with water that is too hot.

There are also internal factors associated with a woman’s health, namely:

• stresses;

• malnutrition;

• insufficient rest;

• lack of vitamins and minerals.

In order for masks for dry hair at home to bring the desired results, it is important to minimize the influence of the above negative factors. Women who have already dealt with the problem of brittle and dull hair share secrets and small tricks in using home masks.

1. The mask should be applied to washed hair.

2. To achieve the maximum effect of the procedure, the mask must be warmed up to body temperature. This will allow beneficial components to penetrate deep into the hair structure.

3. After applying the healing composition, cover your hair with either a shower cap or cling film. Do not forget to wrap your head in a warm towel.

4. Use only warm water to rinse off the mask. Hot water can additionally injure the already damaged structure of dry hair.

5. After washing your hair, gently pat your hair and let it dry without a hair dryer.

6. For intensive recovery, apply masks in courses: once or twice a week for one to two months.

Do not rush to trim your dry damaged hair. The use of folk recipes based on natural ingredients allows you to inexpensively and quickly restore the health of dehydrated hair. As a result of regular use of masks for dry hair at home, you will become the owner of luxurious soft curls.
