How to wash hair dye off at home without harming their health. Overview of professional hair dye washes


Most women dye their hair at least once in their lives.

However, the result is not always consistent with expectations.

In this case, the female representatives are in a hurry to repaint, exposing their curls to repeated stress.

Today we will consider how to wash off hair dye at home.

It turns out that there are simpler and harmless ways to get rid of an unpleasant color.

Paint: types

Before you figure out how to wash off hair dye at home, you should find out what coloring agents are available on the modern market. Cosmetic products can be divided depending on the effect and the degree of impact on the hair. Some of them give a persistent color, others - they dye the strands only for a short time. The compositions of different colors affect the condition of the hair.

Resistant chemical paints allow you to achieve a rich hair color, which will last on the hair for a long period. These products are based on hydrogen peroxide and organic compounds of various metals. The deep penetration of pigments into the structure of each hair is achieved as a result of the oxidative reaction that occurs during the coloring of curls. Paints are available in convenient packaging, which allows women to carry out the procedure for changing the color of their hair on their own.

Ammonia-free paints choose those who care about the health of their hair. The absence of ammonia reduces the effectiveness of fixing the pigment on the hair, so such products usually require more frequent use.

Tinting and tinting products when stained, do not penetrate deep into the hair. They are quickly washed off and are not used to radically change the color of curls. Also, these products do not paint over gray hair. In tinting and tint conditioners, shampoos, foams and balms do not contain hydrogen peroxide and ammonia, so they do not have an aggressive effect on the structure of the hair. With their help, you can saturate the natural color and give it depth.

Natural paints - these are the only coloring agents that have a beneficial effect on the health of curls. Among the most popular remedies, henna, basma and Ayurvedic paint from a mixture of medicinal Indian herbs should be highlighted. Natural products are characterized by an unstable coloring effect, but give the hair smoothness and shine, make curls beautiful and well-groomed.

How to wash hair dye at home: purchased drugs

If the coloring was done unsuccessfully, the color is very different from the desired one or lay on the hair with spots, then purchased washes can come to the rescue. They are also very popular among fans who often change their image.

The modern market offers a large number of tools that you can safely use at home. Hair washes in their formula do not contain such harmful substances as ammonia, so they remove an undesired shade very delicately. So, acidic agents “pull” the pigment from the curls, but do not lighten them. You can get rid of the old color in just a few procedures, removing one or two tones of paint in one wash.

Popular washes

If you wondered how to wash off hair dye at home, then it would not be superfluous to mention the most effective, well-established cosmetic products.

Means Estel color off from the Russian manufacturer allows you to carefully get rid of even dark hair color. The product gently removes the artificial shade while preserving the natural pigment.

Spanish wash L'Oreal Professionnel Efassor Special Coloriste It is highly efficient. It gently removes curls from unnecessary pigment, without exerting an aggressive effect on the structure of the hair.

Flushing Decoxon 2Faze from the Italian company Kapous is specially designed to correct unwanted hair color. The cosmetic product does not harm the hair and does not lighten them when the pigment is “removed”. After using the product, the curls retain their natural color. It is recommended to use a wash immediately after a failed painting of hair.

Means Colorianne Remove Color System Brelil from the famous Italian cosmetic brand Brelil Professional is also declared as an excellent hair wash. Artificial pigment is removed from the curls, preserving their health and natural color.

Professional Tips

So, how to wash off hair dye at home to get the most positive effect? During the procedure, you need to be very careful and not violate the following rules:

• the composition is applied exclusively to dry hair;

• after applying the product, you should use a hat and a warm towel;

• wash off the emulsion with warm water and shampoo;

• after the procedure, do not injure the strands with hot irons, hair dryers, tongs, or curling irons.

How to wash hair dye at home: folk remedies

Less effective and safer for curls are natural paint absorbents. Folk remedies will not hit your pocket much and are easy to use.

Kefir-based wash mask

The procedure for washing off hair dye, based on the wonderful properties of a fermented milk product, allows not only to lighten curls, but also restore them. Also, using kefir, you will strengthen the hair roots and give your hair a sleek look.

To prepare the mixture you will need the following ingredients:

• fatty kefir - 0.5 liters;

• vegetable oil - 1 tablespoon;

• salt - 1 tablespoon.

All components are thoroughly mixed in any non-metallic container and gently applied to the entire length of dry hair. To achieve a pronounced result, keep washing should be at least 1 hour. Experts recommend resorting to this method no more than twice a day and no more than three times a week. With this recipe, you can easily lighten curls with 2 tones.

Soda Wash Mask

This tool can only be used by owners of healthy strong hair. With severely damaged curls, dandruff and brittleness, a soda mask is not recommended.

To prepare a wash, you need the following products:

• baking soda - 10 tablespoons;

• boiled water - 1 cup;

• salt - 1 teaspoon;

• shampoo - 1-2 tablespoons.

Mix the components thoroughly in a convenient container and apply to strands. It is enough to leave the mask on curls for 40 minutes. Then it must be washed off under warm water. You can use this wash without harm to healthy hair twice a month.

Oil mask

A mask of oil allows you to answer the question of how to wash off hair dye at home. If necessary, she can remove even black hair color. Without prejudice to the condition of the curls, you can lighten them by 2 tones.

For this wash you will need:

• any vegetable oil - 1 cup;

• margarine - 30 g.

We mix vegetable oil and margarine and heat in a water bath to a temperature that will be as comfortable as possible for you. Apply to hair and hold for 30 minutes. The mask is washed off with shampoo.

Honey Wash

Honey mask is applied to wet strands. Under this condition, it secretes a weak acid that gently brightens and evens out hair color. The mask gives curls a pleasant golden hue.

Before applying a miraculous mask, wash my head, adding one teaspoon of sea salt or a pinch of soda to my favorite shampoo. We take the amount of honey depending on the length of the hair. We apply the beekeeping product on the curls and leave it to act for 8-10 hours.

Other folk methods for washing hair color

• Regular washing of the hair with tar soap helps to eliminate unwanted pigment. After the procedure, you must definitely use a moisturizing mask or balm, since the soap very dry the hair.

• You can lighten the hair slightly and give it additional shine by regularly rinsing it with a decoction of chamomile or lemon juice diluted in water.

• You can remove the greenish tint by rinsing with aspirin. For one glass of boiled water should take 5 tablets of aspirin.

Wash off hair dye at home or repaint

After washing off the paint, some women experience the following hair problems:

• dryness and fragility of curls;

• loss of elasticity and shine of hair;

• split ends.

To get rid of these negative consequences, it is enough to properly care for the hair. Purchased and home-made nourishing hair masks, restoring balms and conditioners, vitamin decoctions of medicinal herbs will help your hair look healthy. The split ends that appear after washing are best cut off. So, regular care will return hair an attractive appearance.

Each woman must decide for herself, wash off the resulting shade of hair, or simply repaint. The fact is that using a wash suggests that you will not immediately dye your hair or tint it, but let the hair rest.

Now you know how to wash hair dye off at home. To preserve the health and beauty of your hair for a long time, any experiment should be approached very responsibly. Pay due attention to your curls. Nothing gives confidence in their own irresistibility like a chic hair.


Watch the video: DIY Permanent Hair Dye Removal. NO Bleach. No Damage (June 2024).