A variety of recipes and features of the preparation of pickled champignons. How to pickle champignons


Pickled champignons, especially cooked at home, are an unusually tasty and spicy dish indispensable for any feast on ordinary, festive and solemn days.

It is at home that you can create an impeccably tasty snack in the form of pickled champignons, to your taste and according to your own recipe.

Indeed, before proceeding with the pickling of these mushrooms, it is necessary to determine the type of mushrooms, the quality and quantity of spices in the marinade, on which all the relish of the future snack will depend.

It’s easy to pickle mushrooms at home, especially with the variety of recipes available.

The main thing is to properly prepare the marinade, according to the requirements of the recipe, and your own preferences.

Champignon marinades are of the following types:

• Sweet and sour marinade, which can be prepared using the following products - soy sauce, lemon juice, honey.

• The classic look of the marinade, which is represented by products in the form of vinegar, sugar, salt, spices, with the possible addition of hot peppers.

• Salty marinade, prepared with a predominance of salt in the fill and other additional components.

How to marinate champignons - general principles

Mushrooms such as champignons, especially pickled due to their unique and specific taste, are an appetizing product that can be used for almost every salad to create any tasty and spicy appetizer suitable for meat and side dishes.

• Champignons are found in two species - uncultivated mushrooms and grown artificially.

• In this way, champignons can be preserved of any kind using samples of small mushrooms, which are recommended to be pickled in sweet and sour marinade.

• If large mushrooms are picked up, then it is more expedient to cut them into several parts during pickling and alternate with small mushrooms.

• In principle, the preparation of pickled champignons depends on the variety of recipes, marinades and spices available.

• The main thing is to choose a recipe for pickling champignons so that it meets all the tastes and requirements of the cook.

Recipe 1. The classic version of the right pickled champignons


• Champignons - 1 kg.

• Onion (large) - 2 pcs.

• Carrot - 1 pc.

• Vodichka - 200 ml.

• Vinegar (9%) - 0.5 tbsp.

• Salt - 15 mg.

• Sugar - 40 gr.

• Clove - 5 pcs.

• Pepper (allspice) - 8 pcs.

• Lavrushka - 4pcs.

• Mustard (seeds) - 60 gr.

Cooking method:

Rinse the mushrooms thoroughly. If the caps of the mushrooms are large, they must be cut into 2-3 parts along.

Then you need to boil the water and add salt, sugar, vinegar, spices and carrots to it. The marinade must be boiled for several minutes, and then to it to report part of the mustard seeds and hold it on the fire for some more time.

Next, in the prepared marinade, you need to pour the champignons and simmer the mushrooms for 3-4 minutes literally. After to the mushrooms, it is necessary to report the crumbled onions, the remaining mustard and remove the mushrooms for further pickling in a cool place.

Appetizing mushrooms will be ready for use in 12 hours.

Recipe 2. "Fast" pickled champignons


• Champignons - 500 gr.

• Onion - 1 pc.

• Garlic.

• Tomato - half.

• Oil (olive) - 75 ml.

• Salt - 15 gr.

• Sugar - 20 gr.

• Black pepper - 4 pcs.

• Allspice - 4 pcs.

• Greens - for an amateur.

• Vinegar - 50 ml.

• Lemon - a quarter.

Cooking method:

Tomato need to be washed and cut into squares. Bulb must be chopped, chopped greens lightly. Part of the champignons is recommended to cut into slices, and finely chop another. At the end of the process, all mushrooms must be watered with lemon juice.

Then, in a hot skillet in oil, you need to fry the mushrooms (crumbled), herbs, tomato, onions. After lightly, it is necessary to add the remainder of the chopped mushrooms.

Next, you need to cook the marinade, mixing together the available ingredients - lemon juice, oil (olive), vinegar, spices and garlic cloves, cut into large pieces.

After that, add the fried vegetables to the prepared marinade and mix all the components with each other. In prepared clean cans, add chopped champignons, pour them with marinade and close tightly with a lid.

Such mushrooms will be ready for use in half an hour.

Recipe 3. How to marinate mushrooms with onions and sweet pepper


• Mushrooms - 1 kg.

• Pepper (sweet) - 3 pcs.

• Onion - 3 pcs.

• Garlic.

• Vodichka - 200 ml.

• Salt - 3 gr.

• Sugar - 150 gr.

• Lemon.

• Oil - 0.5 tbsp.

Cooking method:

Mushrooms need to be thoroughly cleaned and washed, if there are large specimens they need to be cut into several parts.

Next, in a preheated skillet, fry the pepper in oil. Separately, in slightly salted water for 5 minutes, it is necessary to boil the mushrooms. Pour boiled water into a special bowl and add sugar, salt, garlic, cut in half, to it. Do not boil the marinade again!

Boiled champignons, chopped onions with rings, pepper should be poured with prepared marinade and leave the marinated mushrooms.

These mushrooms will be ready for use after 24 hours.

Recipe 4. How to marinate mushrooms using a Korean recipe


• Champignons - 300 gr.

• Garlic - 4 prongs.

• Coriander - on the tip of a teaspoon.

• Soy sauce - 30 gr.

• Sesame - 15 gr.

• Oil - a quarter cup.

• Cumin - 0.5 tbsp. spoons.

• Vinegar - 3 tbsp. spoons.

• Lavrushka - 3 leaves.

• Greenery.

• Bitter pepper - pod.

• Salt, black pepper - not for everybody.

Cooking method:

Mushrooms need to be boiled in a little salty water and discard them in a colander. Further, in order to make marinade, it is necessary to add crushed greens, soy sauce, pepper, vinegar, lavrushka, caraway seeds, coriander, finely chopped garlic, salt and all components to each other in vegetable oil.

Bitter pepper is added to the amateur.

First you need to fry sesame in a pan, and then put it in the marinade. Then you need to add mushrooms to all components, mix all the products and put the marinated champignons for half a day in the refrigerator.

Spicy and savory champignons are ready the next day after cooking!

Recipe 5. Pickled mushrooms in soy sauce with honey


• Mushrooms - 1 kg.

• Vodichka - 0.5 tbsp.

• Soy sauce - a glass.

• Honey - 60 gr.

• Marjoram - 15 gr.

• Pepper (black peas) - 8 pcs.

Cooking method:

First you need to prepare the mushrooms for pickling - you need to peel the mushrooms, rinse thoroughly, cut large specimens in half.

Then the mushrooms need to be poured with water and adding soy sauce to it, spices, put the ingredients to cook for 5 minutes. After components so cooked in this way, it is necessary to cool to 45 degrees, add honey to them and mix well among themselves.

Mushrooms are thus marinated for 10 to 15 hours. Serving this appetizing dish is recommended cold.

Recipe 6. Pickled champignons in a slow cooker


• Champignons - 0.5 kg.

• Boiled water - 150 ml.

• Garlic - 4 cloves.

• Oil (vegetable) - 150 ml.

• Vinegar (9%) - 60 ml.

• Pepper (allspice) - 4 pcs.

• Lavrushka - 3 pcs.

• Sugar - 20 gr.

• Salt - 15 gr.

Cooking method:

Before marinating mushrooms, mushrooms must be thoroughly cleaned, washed, small in size left as they are, and large specimens should be cut into slices and set aside for now.

Next, you need to pour water into the multvarka bowl, add vegetable oil, vinegar, pepper, garlic (previously crumbled), lavrushka, salt and sugar into it.

Then put mushrooms on top of all components and set the cooking mode for 30 minutes.

After the signal, it is necessary to remove the mushrooms from the bowl, arrange in clean jars and pour the prepared marinade.

As soon as the mushrooms subside they need to be put in the refrigerator for 12 hours for final marinating.

The next day, pickled mushrooms can already be tasted.

Recipe 7. How to pickle champignons for the winter


• Champignons 1 kg.

• Carrot - 3 pcs.

• Onion (tiny) - 18 pcs.

• Pepper (allspice and just peas).

• Mustard (seeds).

• Lavrushka - 10 pcs.

• Salt - 15 gr.

For marinade:

• Water - 3 tbsp.

• Vinegar (9%) - 200 ml.

• Salt - 60 gr.

• Sugar - 60 gr.

Cooking method:

Mushrooms should be thoroughly washed and cleaned, and then put on cook for 10-12 minutes, adding salt.

Carrots need to be peeled and chopped round. Then you need to boil some water in a small container with the addition of vinegar, sugar and salt.

Next, each jar must be filled with mushrooms, adding to them a parsley, onion, carrot, pepper, mustard.

Thus prepared marinade, it is necessary to fill each jar at the very neck so that all components are under the fill. Next, you need to cover the jars with mushrooms lids and put them sterilized for 20-25 minutes in a large container.

Then you need to get the cans, turn them upside down and wrap them in a blanket.

Such pickled mushrooms can be eaten immediately, but it is better to leave for the winter, as one of the most delicious preserves.

How to marinate champignons - tricks, recommendations and useful tips

• You can marinate champignons even without boiling, mushrooms just need to be filled with marinade, cork the jars and put in a cool place for insisting.

• Before pickling, for better peeling, it is advisable to pour mushrooms with boiling water or slightly boil.

• You can marinate champignons in your own juice, but, unfortunately, the filling then turns dark, and therefore the appearance of the mushrooms becomes not as attractive as we would like.

• Champignons go well with potatoes - these two components complementing each other can saturate any gourmet, leaving an indelible mark of taste in his soul.

• In general, according to taste, it is better to pickle fresh champignons than frozen ones.

• Champignons have many fans, but how differently filled with proteins, carbohydrates, mineral salts, vitamins and even phosphorus, these mushrooms give not only wonderful taste sensations to their consumers, but also bring great benefit to the whole human body.


Watch the video: Ciao Italia 1616-rNull Pickled Mushrooms (July 2024).