Stomach hurts during pregnancy: how to help yourself and not harm the baby. The basics of treating stomach pain during pregnancy


Every second pregnant woman experiences stomach pain.

There can be so many unpleasant sensations at any stage of pregnancy.

Gynecologists explain this condition by the fact that the uterus grows and gradually compresses the internal organs.

But we must not forget that chronic diseases can provoke painful sensations.

Stomach hurts during pregnancy: causes and symptoms

Various causes can provoke painful sensations. The most common pain factor in the stomach in expectant mothers is the constantly growing uterus, which presses on the internal organs, including the gastrointestinal tract. In addition to this, other causes of pain can be distinguished:

1. Experiences, depression and stress.

2. Overeating, unfortunately, almost all pregnant women are prone to this.

3. Between meals a large period of time passes.

4. Heartburn.

5. There are problems with the stool, often constipation occurs.

6. Toxicosis, even minor tension in the abdominal muscles.

In addition to all of the above, many chronic diseases can become aggravated in the body, for example, gastritis, stomach ulcer, problems with the liver or pancreas.

We must not forget that during pregnancy you may be allergic to many products, even those that were previously normal.

If the cause of pain in the stomach is a bacterial or viral infection, then the woman will feel nausea, cramping, diarrhea. Similar symptoms can persist for three days.

Poisoning with poor-quality products can manifest as pain in the stomach, as well as diarrhea.

In rare cases, pain in the stomach during pregnancy may be accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen. Such symptoms can be associated with exacerbation of appendicitis, so it is important to seek the advice of a specialist.

A source of pain in the stomach in pregnant women can be a violation in the work of many internal organs, for example, in the gall bladder, liver. The pain subsides only after the stomach disease or infection has passed.


Most often, pain causes discomfort and discomfort, but fortunately it does not cause any particular torment: it arises suddenly and also suddenly passes. Pain of a similar nature is standard and not dangerous, neither for a woman nor for a child.

Many stomach pains are confused with bowel pain. Gastric pain, as a rule, is felt just above the navel, while the intestines are characterized by unpleasant sensations below the navel.

If the pain occurs sharply, is strong and cutting, it is unlikely that it is somehow related to the manifestation of pregnancy. You should be wary if, along with discomfort, you observe the following symptoms:

• blood in the stool;

• severe vomiting;

• general condition becomes much worse, constant fatigue, depression;

• a feeling of severe cramping.

Stomach pain during pregnancy: medication

The feeling of discomfort for a long time makes her mother think about what medicines she should drink to get rid of him. Some medications can alleviate such painful symptoms, but they can only be taken with the permission of the attending physician:

• the simplest, affordable, and most importantly effective remedy is mint or chamomile tea. You need to drink it in an amount of 150 grams per day, no more than two times. First you need a good meal. You can use the decoction as necessary, or in a course, for one week. With an increased tone of the uterus, it is not recommended to drink either mint or chamomile;

• The most popular drug today is No-shpa. It relieves the feeling of heaviness, fullness, and also has an antispasmodic effect. No-shpa has very few contraindications in comparison with other drugs, therefore it is her gynecologists who prescribe and recommend to their patients;

• drugs with bifidobacteria are considered safe for pregnant women. But only a doctor can choose them, based on the individual characteristics of the pregnant woman.

In the treatment of pain in the stomach, the expectant mother needs bed rest, rest, proper nutrition. If you follow all the recommendations of your doctor, you can quickly get rid of unpleasant symptoms.

Stomach hurts during pregnancy: folk remedies

Everyone probably knows that during pregnancy it is not recommended to drink medicines, even if they are not contraindicated. That is why the question arises, what should I do if, during the period of bearing the baby, my stomach suddenly becomes ill, if I can’t drink the usual medicines? In this case, you need to turn to traditional medicine, namely, herbal medicine:

1. A decoction of herbs such as flax, chamomile, mint, and yarrow can soothe pain. Just take a few leaves of the plant and pour boiling water, after the remedy is infused, strain it and drink it.

2. With increased acidity, it is recommended to drink licorice tincture. Take one hundred grams of the root of the plant and fill it with one glass of boiling water. After the tincture has cooled, add as much cold, boiled water to it. Drink the medicine three times a day, three spoons each.

3. Pregnant women with low acidity are advised to drink tincture of chaga mushroom. Take a dry mushroom and dip it in water, let it brew for five hours. After this, the softened mushroom should be lowered into warm water, in a ratio of 1: 5. Once again, leave the medicine to infuse for two days, then strain and drink 100 grams, three times a day.

4. Melissa and Valerian. Thanks to the decoction of these medicinal herbs, you can not only relieve pain, but also improve overall well-being.

5. To restore the body, it is recommended to use dairy products, but they are useful only to those who have low acidity.

6. If, together with pain in the stomach, you have diarrhea, jelly or rice porridge will help.

Stomach pain during pregnancy: how to determine acidity

Before using folk remedies for the treatment of pain in the stomach, you need to find out exactly what acidity of the stomach you have. During pregnancy, it is extremely important to know this in order to choose the right medicine and at the same time not to harm the baby.

You can define it like this:

1. If there is a feeling of heaviness with pain, then acidity is low.

2. The feeling of constant burning - increased secrecy.

3. In the area of ​​the stomach there are aching, deaf sensations - your secret function is normal.

4. Pain of a sharp nature, intense - perhaps you have an ulcer.

If you can’t determine the acidity yourself, you must definitely go through the diagnosis. As a rule, specialists prescribe an endoscopic procedure, due to which gastric juice is studied. During pregnancy, this procedure is acceptable and completely safe.

Stomach pain during pregnancy: recommendations

In order for the pain in the stomach not to bother the expectant mother often, you need to monitor the diet. Since the tolerance of products for each person is individual, it will be right to have a special diary in which you need to mark which foods were eaten and how the body reacted to them. If you completely eliminate all inappropriate foods from your menu, indigestion will not bother so often. You can also slightly adjust your previous lifestyle:

1. The main rule for all pregnant women is to eat often, but not much. Fruits must be peeled, as even it can irritate the gastric mucosa. In order not to cause hungry cramps, in no case should you skip a single meal.

2. After eating, you can not go to bed, as bending can cause heartburn. Within an hour you need to walk, or sit, so the stomach will be much easier to digest food.

3. Before going to bed, it is useful to walk in the fresh air.

4. The peristalsis is favorably affected by moderate physical activity.

5. Try to exclude those foods that tend to stagnate in the stomach and also cause fermentation. For example, it is not recommended to drink carbonated drinks. Provoke stomach irritation, can be too salty and spicy food.

Upset stomach during pregnancy, of course, can not lead to disastrous results, but still it is necessary to monitor your health in these wonderful months!


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