The meaning of the name Victoria


The word "Victoria" has Latin roots. Literally "wik" - pressure, strength, power. Therefore the meaning of the name Victoria can be defined as "victory, winner."

Victoria is not a very common name. According to the frequency of use, it is in 19th place.

In ancient Rome, the name was the goddess of victory. Initially, her name was Vika Pota, and then renamed Victoria. On all the canvases of great artists Victoria is a woman - a winner, strong, strong-willed and heroic.

Victoria - character traits

The name itself implies incredible activity and determination. Victoria achieves victory under any circumstances. She is smart, proud and mysterious for many. She will not share her plans with strangers, especially when it comes to some kind of strategy.

Victoria is able to lead and lead. She is a leader, she is a symbol of success and victory. But all her achievements are not an accident. She goes to them purposefully and methodically, overcoming obstacles.

Victory is important for Victoria, not participation. Therefore, in rivals this woman is better not to have.

She cannot be called lucky, because she achieves all the benefits solely by the application of effort. Diligence and confidence in a positive result are the main qualities of Victoria's character.

Victoria - name compatibility

As for compatibility, Victoria will be fine with men who are ready to obey her strong-willed character. If Victoria will be the head of the department with Eugene, Eduard, Sergey, Vasily or Anton, then a complete idyll will reign in such an enterprise.

Business relationships with men whose names contain the letter "p" are not desirable. Such people can "growl" in response to the remark of the boss and immediately lose her respect. But Victoria is capable of cunning in order to achieve the goal. Therefore, she may not show her true attitude towards a person. After making an important transaction, she will be able to relax and give out everything that she thinks about the behavior of her subordinate.

In marriage, Victoria will be happy with Vladimir, Mikhail, Leo and Semyon. Each of them is also a leader and strategist. In tandem with Victoria, they will create a strong and reliable alliance.

Victoria - famous people who bear this name

Celebrities include Victoria Beckham (actress, designer, model), Victoria Lopyreva (model), Victoria Daineko (singer with a unique voice). By the way, the great English queen was also called Victoria.

Victoria - interesting facts about the name

Queen of England Victoria reigned 64 years! The main intrigue of her life is a connection with Lord Melbourne. Was or wasn’t? Loved or disliked? These are the questions to which the biographers have not yet found exact answers.


Oksana 04/08/2016
It is very aptly said that Victoria is not lucky in life. They have to achieve everything themselves, and they themselves prefer independence. My friend Vika, with a relatively rich husband, went to work almost immediately after giving birth.

Evelina 04/08/2016
I have nothing to add to the above. Everything is just like that. I have several acquaintances Victoria, and they are all really like that. Moreover, they all occupy leading positions as one. True, one Vika is on maternity leave, but already says that it’s time to go to work, otherwise she’s already tortured her husband with an ordered tone))

Lingonberry 04/08/2016
Yes, about Queen Victoria, that's interesting. I generally admire her - to hold power in my hands for so many years! Which, of course, confirms that Victoria’s character is very strong and strong-willed. Well, she not only loves to command, but also knows how.

Lisa 04/08/2016
And I have a daughter-in-law, or whatever is called there - my brother’s wife, also Victoria. I agree with the article. The only thing that was unlucky for Vika was that she needed a subordinate Eugene, and she had Zhenya's husband)) Here, she miscalculated a little, you can’t do much to them.

Lisa 04/08/2016
And I have a daughter-in-law, or whatever is called there - my brother’s wife, also Victoria. I agree with the article. The only thing that was unlucky for Vika was that she needed a subordinate Eugene, and she had Zhenya's husband)) Here, she miscalculated a little, you can’t do much to them.
