A strong conspiracy not to be fired


We spend half our lives at work, another half-life - in a dream, it is not surprising that we are experiencing for both. It is easy to get nervous when the boss looks at your desk suspiciously, wondering how to put him in the corridor. When colleagues behind their backs discuss salary increases at the expense of reductions. When the cleaning lady Aunt Nyura defiantly ignores your workplace. If before you loomed the threat of dismissal, it is worth thinking about the root causes. Methods for solving the problem will be useful all sorts, for example - conspiracies from dismissal.

What are the prayers and conspiracies that are not fired from work?

On a typical day, returning home from work, pour some tea and sit comfortably. Listen to yourself. Be aware of the problem and the emotions it causes. When the standard ways of preserving the workplace are exhausted, nonstandard ones come to the rescue.

Prayers and conspiracies will help to avoid dismissal. These magical actions are of three types:

  • Christian prayers and rituals;
  • Slavic conspiracies;
  • Esoteric rituals and conspiracies.

Christian prayers not to be fired from work

Christian prayers are a great help for religious people. Their strength is in faith, and success does not depend on lunar days or the mood of the person praying.

Preparation for any Christian prayer is more than half the process. It is recommended to fast for several days: eat only products of natural origin, drink tea without sugar. It is also necessary to read “Our Father” or another prayer before sleep and after awakening. Having prepared, you should go to the temple and witness your obedience to the Lord. The candle put in the name of preserving the workplace will have tremendous force.

After the ritual of cleansing and giving praise to the Lord, it is time to pray for not being dismissed from work.

“The Lord is almighty, he who gives strength, hear His servant (name). Help in a simple request. Workplace, chosen by enemies, protect, save for your slave. Let the hand of a hand not touch me, but let the hand of a hand touch. For that, I offer you praise, our Lord is one, all-powerful and noble. Amen."

Prayers are many and important, not what you say, kneeling in the House of the Lord. It is important to invest in prayer, causing peace.

White magic is acceptable not only for its creator. Prayer can be read and in order to husband not fired from work. Only the form is different:

“The Lord Almighty, who gives strength, hear His Slave (your name). Help in a simple request. Workplace, chosen by enemies, protect, save for His Slave (the name of your husband). Let not the hand of mine touch my husband, but let the hand of touch touch. For that, I offer you praise, our Lord is one, all-powerful and noble. Amen".

Slavic conspiracy to save the workplace

These conspiracies relate to white magic and require not only faith, but also confidence. They also depend on a specific time of day, a set of components and a psychological state.

Slavic conspiracy to not fired from work on the willow, read in the open field.

Ritual requires precision in observance and maximum openness for higher powers. Held on a full moon. In a white shirt to toe stand in the center of the meadow or field. Since in the process of ritual you turn to the forces of nature, you need an open place. Access is desirable for the three forces of nature: the moon, the earth and the wind.

Take a willow branch in each hand. With rhythmic movements, fan yourself from all sides, singing a prayer in an even gentle voice:

"Verba, a pure crown
moon full of sparkling.
Light ground priporoshennoy
I appeal to the nature of uncut.

Hear my desire and fulfill,
Fill the desired force.
The moon is the patroness
the earth is a comforter.

Keep me sparkling with light
may I not leave the dock.
Let me save the job, -
help me, the forces of nature. "

Willow branches should be brought home and placed in a prominent place. This amulet will protect you from the evil eye at work.

Esoteric rituals and plots

The following Simoron technique is the strongest conspiracy of white magic. For her, place, time and religion are not important. Simoron rituals are not attached to circumstances and are easy to perform. In addition, they give extraordinary vitality and self-confidence.

One of the strongest simoronsky rituals recognized plot "Work in a bottle." It is effective both in case you face dismissal, and if there is no work at all. The ritual is universal for both situations, its outcome is unpredictable, but positive. It may be that you understand that the work with which you are threatened with dismissal is far from ideal. And then a new position will “float” into your hands. The universe always throws the best options.

Ritual is carried out quite simply. You need:

  1. Paper;
  2. Pencil;
  3. Basin with water or bath;
  4. Bottle;
  5. Thread;
  6. Plasticine;
  7. Pomade.

Take a piece of paper, preferably pink or red. Bright colors attract good luck. Pencil beautifully write the following:

“The work is good, the salary is high, the head is a darling. Against his will, he does not dismiss, he lets go on vacation, wishes good morning with a smile. One joke. Confirmed by the seal.

Lipstick red smear lips and put their imprint. Tie up the folded sheet thread. At its end stick a flat piece of clay on the similarity of wax

Put the message in the bottle, seal it and take it to the bathroom. You can hold this ritual in a large basin. Substitute your hands, shake up the water and "catch" a bottle with your dream.

Be sure to go to work in red underwear! Only in this way will Simoron magic work.

When can I read?

The time frame depends on the type of conspiracy you choose. Some of the conspiracies adhere to a clear time: the full moon, the rising moon. Some, often Christian, require a Sunday. There are many rituals that are completely independent of time.

Of course, a conspiracy to not be fired from work is necessary to read before the start of the work day. It is important to read the plot as quickly as possible. Once it became clear that you face dismissal - act! Go to church / field / bathroom and create magic!

The simplest conspiracies from dismissal

Conspiracies that protect against dismissal, if the boss is evil, are made mainly on objects related to him.

  • The plot on the pencil chief.

You will need to get a pencil that the boss writes. Do not worry - after the magical conspiracy, he will return to the owner.

Write a spell on a piece of paper:

“There was a bad boss - the good one became. I will not leave him and will not leave him, [the name of the chief] will not part with me. Do not dismiss me, do not dismiss, - cherish him and groom me. ”

Return the magic pencil to the boss. Now he is conspired to write only good things about you. Hide a piece of paper in a diary or bag. Carry it with you. If something bad happens, get a piece of paper and reread the text. It is advisable to do this in the mind, depicting the voice of the boss.

  • Plot on the badge.

With the help of the chief's pencil, you can perform a more effective ritual. For this conspiracy, you will need a work badge. If there is free space on its back, write with a pencil:

“The most valuable employee, it is forbidden to dismiss. It is highly recommended to groom and cherish. ”

It works only when an important condition is met. If your photo on the badge is joyful and you smile at it - the magic will do its job. If, on the photo, you are the embodiment of sadness, maybe it is worth thinking about changing jobs?

  • Plot on the cup.

Go to the store and buy the most beautiful cup. Absolutely any, the one that you like the most. Bright, colorful and positive, maybe with animal figures, a print of a beloved flower.

Before you carry her to work, talk to her. Say to her all your good emotions from work. Tell us why this job is so important to you. Be sure to mention that you do not want to quit and ask the cup to help you.

Ask that the liquid that enters it is endowed with magical protective properties. As an example:

“My dear new cup, blue, with a flower on its side with a comfortable flat handle. I am very glad that I chose you. After all, you are not just a cup, but a magic one. I carry you to work, my favorite work, which I really like. It is well paid, there are comfortable armchairs, a beautiful view from the window and it is very convenient to get to the house! I also have wonderful colleagues, and just an adorable boss. If he didn’t want to fire me, he would have been just a paw. Nice little cup, I have an important business for you. I know that you are magic, so tea in you also becomes magic. Help me keep this job. Put tea on magic, and for that, in gratitude, I will always wash you with violet-scented soap. Amen-amen-amen. "

All promises made to the cup must be fulfilled. Now the tea that you drink from it will give you confidence in yourself and your invulnerability.

  • Plot on the bolt.

A universal conspiracy that helps not only to keep the workplace, but also to solve other pressing problems. Plotted bolt. Its advantage is that you can carry it around and get it at every opportunity. Works flawlessly from any problems.

At midnight of the third working day, sit in the lotus position and meditate for five minutes. Imagine how all the problems go into oblivion, clearing your soul.

Take a sheet of paper, or a small notebook. Write a problem on it:

"Dismissal from your favorite job."

Visualize it: here you come to work. On the threshold you are met by the chief with the order of dismissal and a pen at the ready.

Put a polished, shining bolt on a piece of paper.

Imagine how suddenly the master's handle turns into a hefty bolt. For the inability to sign a statement, he breaks it into pieces and you go to work on.

When you come to work, remember the ritual and smile. You are invulnerable!

Strong rite of preserving the workplace

The most effective conspiracy if enemies survive from work is a conspiracy on nails and candles.


  1. Five nails, new and long;
  2. Five candles not less than 2 cm wide;
  3. Hammer.

Tune in resolutely: the outcome of the ritual depends on your confidence and the strength of your desire.

Putting the candles around you in the form of a circle, take a hammer and take turns hammering a nail into each candle, saying:

“I drive in nails into a candle - so I attach myself to the workplace. Do not move me with him fierce enemies, keep me nails bent. Amen".

Candles set on fire is not necessary. It is enough to put them together and bandage them with a tape similar to a dynamite stitch.

The next day, taking your workplace, imagine how the nails nail you to your chair. Now, any attempts by colleagues to "move" you are useless.

In any magical business you need to remember the main rule:

Faith and confidence are the keys to success.


Watch the video: YouTube And Facebook Have A Serious Problem With Promoting Conspiracy Theories (June 2024).