Female problem: rubbed between the legs, worn skin on the hips inside. What to do and why sometimes rubs between legs when walking?


At least every third woman sooner or later becomes aware of an awkward sensation when in the summer in the heat it rubs between her legs.

What to do in this situation and how to get rid of an unpleasant sticky sensation on the skin in the heat in the future?

Irritation on the delicate skin of the hips when walking always appears when two conditions are met:

• legs touch each other when walking;

• the skin on the legs is wet.

Anatomical features when rubbing between the legs: what can be done?

Most often, people with close legs rubbing the skin does not depend on the weather. Of course, in the heat, irritation can intensify, but women rub jeans to holes, and at the same time skin that comes into contact with inguinal sutures in winter and in cool weather. The advice on replacing skirts with slim trousers will be inappropriate here.

In adulthood, it is impossible to correct or correct the formed structure of the body in any way, so you have to prevent rubbing the skin between the legs, taking special care of it.

It is possible to reduce the risk of irritation from being rubbed between the legs, making the skin in the problem area less sensitive, more elastic and elastic. This requires an integrated approach.

1. Healthy nutrition. The diet should contain a large number of seasonal vegetables and fruits, cereals, meat and red fish. It is from fish that the skin will draw the useful fat necessary for elastic skin, and the remaining products will gradually remove toxins from the body that inhibit its condition. It is necessary to abandon the sweet, salty, spicy and generally from all unnatural.

2. Drink plenty of water. No matter how trite it may sound, but most of the problems concerning our body can be corrected by introducing the regime of drinking pure water. The skin of the inner surface of the legs is no exception. Due to the large amount of water entering the body, the skin will regenerate faster, become more elastic and, if you want, thicker. And this, in turn, warns her from abrasion to sores while walking.

3. Hygiene and massage. The main place in the care of problem skin is proper hygiene, especially during the heat. The firmness of the skin improves massage with water jets and a contrast shower, and after completing the water procedures, it is necessary to lubricate the inside of the thigh with oil with vitamin E. Particular attention should be paid to the fact that you can oil the skin only if you no longer have to go out during the day the street. If you smear the skin before going out, grains of sand and street dust can stick to the oil-oily skin and vice versa increase the risk of rubbing the skin between your legs, doing something in this situation will be useless, you will need to heal the consequences.

Grated between the legs: what to do if there is excess weight or body fat on the inner thigh?

Women with chubby legs are much more likely to complain that they rub the inner surface of the thigh than thin ones. It depends on two main reasons.

1. Hips. The larger the volume of the upper leg, the greater the friction when walking.

2. Enhanced sweating. It can be associated with impaired metabolism, and with an increased load on the circulatory system, and with hormonal disorders that interfere with the normal functioning of the sweat and sebaceous glands, and with the weight, the number of calories consumed in movement increases, and , then there is a greater release of energy and heat.

The same problem can affect fairly slender women, but having problem areas on the inner surface of the thigh.

Globally, getting rid of rubbing between the legs is possible only by changing the volume of the hips, in both cases this means losing weight. However, you need to lose weight correctly, so that it leaves the fat from the problem part.

1. We remove all food waste and sweets from the diet. Buns, chips, cakes and sauces tend to be deposited precisely in problem areas. So, no matter how thin a woman is, each sweetie will form a sac on the inside of the thigh and on the sides. Anatomically, women are arranged in such a way that these places are intended to store energy reserves for the future.

2. Exercises to strengthen the inner thigh. Among the most effective exercises for tightening muscles at home is squeezing a large ball or an expander between the knees and running, skiing or swimming to burn fat.

3. Massage and body wraps. You can remove a couple of extra centimeters with the help of professional massage or home wraps. Wrapping options are many - with clay, with honey, with cocoa or chocolate. The main thing is to choose components that nourish rather than dry the skin so that it becomes more elastic and elastic.

You can admit to the existence of a problem zone and get rid of it even if you have a good figure in general. It takes only a couple of months of patience and you can forget forever that you need to do something so as not to rub between your legs.

Rubs between the legs: what to do with excessive sweating?

Increased sweating can be a symptom of a number of diseases. It is called:

• disorders of the endocrine or hormonal nature;

• the initial stage of colds;

• neurological diseases;

• diabetes;

• stroke;

• poisoning;

• tuberculosis;

• purulent processes in the body;

• most infectious diseases.

If there is a feeling that sweating is not related to the weather or the body is reacting too violently to an increase in ambient temperature, this is an occasion to consult a doctor. Indeed, in this case, irritation between the legs can be the least nuisance that will have to be endured.

Most often, the problem can be solved in the office of a gynecologist or endocrinologist. A woman is assigned a series of tests, based on which drugs are selected that restore the normal hormonal background.

Women also have periods of sweating, which you just need to wait. These include adolescence, pregnancy, and menopause. At this time, the body is undergoing a powerful hormonal restructuring, which is almost impossible to influence, and it is not necessary.

Sweating can increase during stress or while taking antibiotics and some other drugs.

Grated between the legs: what to do to quickly eliminate rubbing and relieve inflammation on the skin?

The elimination of the causes leading to rubbing between the legs takes more than one day, so there is a need to use auxiliary means that can temporarily solve the problem.

Antiseptic baby powder. Apply the powder only on well-washed and dried skin. Then if the skin starts to sweat, the powder absorbs moisture and rolls into lumps, leaving the skin dry and slippery. The duration of the powder lasts until all the powder is wet. For different people living in different climates, the duration of the powder will be very different, so how effective is this tool for everyone to determine individually.

Antiperspirant. The fundamental difference between antiperspirant and deodorant is that it fights with sweat, and not with smell. Antiperspirant aerosols are suitable for treating the skin between the legs. An aerosol is applied to the skin in a very thin layer, and it takes only a few seconds to dry. Antiperspirants with the effect of powder are best able to cope with moisture; when dried, they turn into a thin layer of dry matter, due to which friction between the legs decreases.

Pasta Teymurova. This is a medicine against excessive sweating. The paste has a pungent, unpleasant odor, but due to its composition it treats sweating on the treated area of ​​the skin. To get rid of sweating for a long time, sometimes just a few uses are enough, however, Teymurov paste, like any medication, has restrictions on the use, so you should always consult a doctor before treatment.

If nothing can be done in time against rubbing between the legs, the result is small abrasions and sores. Irritation of the skin causes a lot of trouble and pain. In order to get rid of the effects of rubbing as quickly as possible, you need to wash the place where the irritation appears with a good antibacterial soap, wipe it dry and treat it with a healing ointment or gel with an antiseptic. Among the most effective:

• "Rescuer";

• "D-panthenol";

• "Bepanten";

• "Desitin".

Before complete healing, it is necessary to constantly monitor the freshness of the skin in this place and, if possible, to avoid repeated rubbing.

If rubbing to pain is repeated from time to time, the skin on the inner thigh surface from constant inflammation loses its elasticity, becomes dark and flabby in appearance. The restoration of this neglected state requires long daily care, consisting of thorough hygiene, massage, skin nutrition with oils and bleaching agents.

In addition to cosmetics, there are folk methods for lightening the skin, which perfectly cope with their task, subject to regular use.


To lighten the area between the legs where it was rubbed, you need to carefully rub this place with lemon slices, after 10-15 minutes the juice can be washed off with plain water.

Cucumber mask

Grate cucumber and mix with lime juice. This mixture is applied to the skin for 10 minutes and washed off with warm water.

Any skin problems are easier to prevent than to deal with their consequences. Therefore, no matter how long the path to radically eliminating the causes of rubbing the skin between the legs (treatment, losing weight, strengthening the skin) is, it will be remembered simply as a necessity that led to a beautiful gait and healthy skin without fear of long walks in any weather and in any clothes .


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