Yarrow: useful properties, application in home cosmetology and traditional medicine. Yarrow: contraindications


Yarrow is a grass that is familiar to absolutely everyone. Since ancient times, its healing properties have been used to cure many ailments.

By the way, the plant received the name "grass of soldiers' wounds." Surprisingly, the yarrow useful properties in the war really helped the soldiers.

They applied dried grass powder to the wounds so that it would heal faster.

Since yarrow has practically no contraindications, today it is used not only in alternative medicine, but also for cosmetic purposes.

The chemical composition of the plant

The beneficial properties of the herb stem from its rich composition, which includes many vitamins and nutrients.

The composition includes:

• alkaloids that normalize blood coagulation;

• carotene;

• organic acids and tannins;

• vitamin K;

• vitamin C;

• essential oils and resins;

• polysaccharides.

In order to fully obtain the yarrow useful properties, you can collect and dry the grass yourself, or you can buy it in a pharmacy.

Yarrow: beneficial properties, effect on the human body

Grass has truly unique properties. Many forgot about the effect on the body of decoctions and infusions based on it.

Yarrow: beneficial properties

1. Normalizes the work of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract.

2. Normalizes digestive processes, removes accumulated toxins and toxins, burns excess calories.

3. Infusions and decoctions based on the plant have soothing properties, relieve stress and tension, relieve insomnia.

4. Dry plant powder relieves inflammation, heals wounds.

5. Nourishes the body with beneficial trace elements, which helps strengthen the immune system.

6. Relieves from worms.

7. It is useful for women to use during lactation, it stimulates the production of breast milk.

8. Regular consumption of yarrow prevents the formation of stones in the liver and kidneys.

Yarrow useful properties are also appreciated in cosmetology. It has been proven that the plant improves skin condition, relieves acne and strengthens hair.

Alternative Medicine Prescriptions

Yarrow is very much appreciated as a medicine. The rich chemical composition allows it to effectively cope with many diseases. It is worth noting that medicinal herbs often do better than pharmacy drugs. In addition, the yarrow has practically no contraindications, as already mentioned, so almost everyone can feel its healing power on itself.

1. A decoction prepared on the basis of the plant helps to improve metabolism or “wake up” the appetite. Also, in such a tool you can add a little honey and drink before bedtime to avoid insomnia.

2. If you brew St. John's wort and yarrow in the same proportion as regular tea and drink it 2 times a day for a month, the liver is very well cleaned.

3. Lotions of yarrow infusion can relieve itching, redness and inflammation on the skin.

4. A decoction based on herbs can rinse the oral cavity - such a procedure will cure a sore throat, relieve pain from the gums.

Yarrow is recommended to brew as tea for adults and children, drink it at least 3-4 times a week. This approach will help strengthen the immune system, allow the body to better resist infections of viral and infectious origin.

Cosmetic use

Yarrow: beneficial properties of herbs in home cosmetology

1. Helps to get rid of acne and acne.

2. Normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

3. Relieves peeling and irritation on the surface of the skin.

4. Heals wounds.

5. Saturates skin cells with vitamins that prevent premature aging of the dermis.

6. Yarrow copes with dandruff, strengthens the hair structure from the root, solves the problem of split ends.

Beauty Recipes

1. Nourishing face mask. 2 tablespoons of a strong yarrow decoction are mixed with 1 protein of a chicken egg. Everything is thoroughly shaken. The resulting mixture is applied to the face for 15 minutes. After it dries a little, you need to rinse the skin with cool water.

2. Milk nutritional lotion. 1 tablespoon of the dried plant is poured 200 ml of hot milk. You need to wait until the infusion has cooled and strain it. The finished lotion is poured into a glass container, it is advisable to store it in the refrigerator. The resulting product needs to be wiped daily with a face 2-3 times to get rid of acne, acne, maintain skin elasticity.

3. Yarrow hair oil. 1 tablespoon of crushed dry plants is poured with 150 ml of olive oil. The product needs to be given 4-5 days to soak well. It is recommended to rub it once a week into the scalp, distribute it through the hair, then the head is wrapped in a plastic bag and a towel for an hour. After this time, you need to wash your hair with shampoo. After the first procedure, your hairstyle will acquire a healthy radiant shine, curls will get stronger.

Yarrow has one contraindication to external use - the presence of an allergy to plants, which is extremely rare.

Yarrow: Cooking Benefits

Yarrow is a very fragrant herb; it blends particularly well with meat products. In addition, adding a plant to your diet can improve digestive processes and remove accumulated toxins, toxins and salts of heavy metals from the body.

1. Fragrant vitamin salad. Fresh yarrow leaves (50 grams) are scalded with boiling water, mixed in equal proportions with green onions and sauerkraut. It is advisable not to add salt to the salad, it is seasoned with a small amount of vegetable oil.

2. Yarrow is recommended to be added to any meat marinade. The finished dish turns out to be incredibly fragrant, the plant gives it a special aftertaste that will win the heart of every person.

3. Some housewives add dried grass to soups to make their taste richer.

Yarrow: contraindications

Yarrow is an incredibly useful plant. However, before using its healing properties for health and cosmetology, you need to familiarize yourself with some of the nuances.

Yarrow: contraindications and some "buts"

1. During pregnancy and young children for medicinal purposes, the plant can be consumed only after consulting a doctor.

2. Concentrated decoctions based on the plant are used strictly by necessity, abuse of them can cause heartburn.

3. If there is an allergy to the plant, a rash appears on the skin that accompanies itching.

Yarrow has incredibly many useful properties, not every plant can “boast” of such a rich composition and healing effect on the body. The main thing is not to forget that you always need to know the measure. With the abuse of decoctions and infusions based on herbs, the consequences may not be the most pleasant.


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